Friday, December 17, 2010

Imagine that we never have to leave this club

Tonight was a night like any night except that a really good friend came in and found out about my little double life. I'm not sure if I need to address this or not. I might write him a funny little text tomorrow, like a no harm no foul.
Tonight was the first night in a long time i felt like i had my head on straight like I could function. I think it's because well, I moved into my own place, I just paid tuition for school and I need to get towels, and a frying pan. So tonight I bucked the fuck up quit moping around and did my damn job, likeim supposed to.
I can't wait to start school I think I need some serious structure added to my life. Do not get me wrong the life of a retiree is amazing, but I can't do it forever. I also feel that it will help me buck the fuck up in regular everyday life. I can't walk around with my own little dark cloud much longer.