Friday, December 17, 2010

Imagine that we never have to leave this club

Tonight was a night like any night except that a really good friend came in and found out about my little double life. I'm not sure if I need to address this or not. I might write him a funny little text tomorrow, like a no harm no foul.
Tonight was the first night in a long time i felt like i had my head on straight like I could function. I think it's because well, I moved into my own place, I just paid tuition for school and I need to get towels, and a frying pan. So tonight I bucked the fuck up quit moping around and did my damn job, likeim supposed to.
I can't wait to start school I think I need some serious structure added to my life. Do not get me wrong the life of a retiree is amazing, but I can't do it forever. I also feel that it will help me buck the fuck up in regular everyday life. I can't walk around with my own little dark cloud much longer.

Friday, November 19, 2010

There was a plane crash once. This is the point where we...

visit that spot and I scream like hell.
First off, fuck you, fuck all of you, you stupid ex's. I hope something terrible happens to you.
You little lying piece of shit, with your stupid everything must be big complex. The thing that created a monster out of me. NEVER NEVER NEVER will my tits ever be big enough for you. I should have thought of that as your dick isn't even big enough for you. FUCK YOU! I hate you. I resent you so fucking me for everything. I resent you for HER, I hate you for her. I really fucking do. I was so ok with it at the time, why? WHY! because I thought I would get the same treatment, that was the fucking deal you stupid fuck! You ruined this. You really did, and I fucking hate you for it. I thought I wanted to marry you. I should have known fucking better that you never actually saw me for me, and you never would, I was just a fuck doll. That's all I have ever been to you a piece of fucking arm candy. YOU GET SO PISSED ABOUT ME STRIPPING THEN YOU GO TO STRIP CLUBS. FUCK you I hate you. All I ever tried to be was a good girlfriend to you and it was never fucking enough. You want me to be more creative I am. I"m so creative I could die. You want me to rip each pubic hair out fucking done, don't ask me twice, you say jump and I do it. I FUCKING LOVED YOU SO MUCH AND YOU CRUSHED ME YOU FUCK HEAD! I should punch you right in the fucking face while you sleep. You were never cabaple of feeling about me like I did you. I did fucking everything you asked and it didn't fucking help. I hope you ruin your car. I hope your next girl fucks you in the ass. I hope she rapes you for every god damn penny you and and ever will have. I will never know what the fuck I did wrong. OH WAIT I KNOW I FUCKED SOMEONE!!! SO DID YOU! I want to burn this crash site down. I want to forget you so bad. I want you to disappear from my head for forever. That's not true. I want all the bad parts of you gone. I want to keep the good times, I want to remember why I loved you.
That's all, thanks!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lick my ass crack again and I'll fucking kill you

Why on earth would you even want to lick my ass crack, that's so fucking gross. It's sweaty and disgusting and really do you know where i've been no you don't, little do you know I didn't even really shower yesterday. Also it's a good way to get knocked the fuck out. Consider this your warning gentlemen, the next time you fucking lick me I'm going to hit you so hard in selfdefense for sexual assault.
Speaking of, I bet you didn't know that we as strippers have rights like that, the right to sue the shit out of you for not following the law and assaulting us, bet you don't want that on your record. The law is in place not only for our protection but yours as well.
On a less serious note, yesterday was Friday, the twins came back, and we had a pornstar in the house. It was quite the friday.

the pissing match

I just had a birthday, I'm getting older, everyone else is getting younger, and it's becoming apparent when I meet them.
My Grandfather died the otherday and I called out the day of his death, I'm truely a scary little being sometimes.
I'm so fucking territorial I want to just pee on peoples legs.
I came home the other day from my wisconsin deathtrip, I walked down to my first floor in the morning and I didn't want to surpise the girl that was down there so I yelled down HI! I was just running down there to grab my bags from the night before. She starts to walk up the stairs and hugs me. My first question is who the fuck are you. She then looks at me and says who are you and are you leaving as I pick up my bags. I think to myself, um this is Red's house and not in the club sort of way. This is my actual fucking house you bitch and just because M invited you here does not mean you get to forget who the fuck I am. I then very politely say no and that I am just grabbing my bags from the night before and that I actually live here.
I start cleaning up the kitchen from everyones little dinner party the night before something I don't mind at all, I really don't mind cleaning, but the fact that she left a glass sitting out bugged me. I asked her what she was going to do that day and she replied that she was going to the grocery store to buy sushi with her food stamps. UM...question what are you doing traveling the country with like zero cash. Two I am down to open my home and my heart to any and everyone unless you piss me off by not knowing who I am. I was just imagining horrible things about her at that point.
Then I come home from work tonight and I walk up to my second floor which is a concrete floor, she is sleeping on the bed and has somehow convinced the other surfer to sleep on the floor...There is a god damn inflatable matteres on the floor above that just for one of them to sleep on.
Anyway it just reminded me to much of being at work in my own home which happens to be why I will be working tomorrow night and then taking the remainder of my week off. It's eating me the fuck alive.

Sometimes it hits you like a sack of fucking shit

You're unhappy, you aren't really sure why. You look around and thinknto yourself in the talking heads voice, this is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. How dis I get here?
Why the fuck do I feel like I was hit with a Mac fucking truck right in the chest. Oh!!! Because I haven't looked in the mirror in months, I haven't focused on myself in countless days. Everyday has been for my two dearest friends and strangers that don't actually know me. On this little trip I have totally lost who I am. I mean I still know who I am I know that deep down I'm still the same person, I just need to wake up and find her and tell her she's had a nice vacation but It's time to come back.
My to do list is long, I'm getting a cold, my grandfather died, and I had the worst vacation in the history of vacations. I'm going to get everything done as fast as I can this week with hopes of bouncing the fuck out of here next week. Who takes vacations from vacations, I do I suppose.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The things I need to do tomorrow when I get home

1. Accounting crap, I hate this stuff but I really need to do it.
2. Revamp the look...again. I think I'm just going to go all out on the whole high-end prostitute look. What better way to spend my day back then at victoria secret, oh wait I hate those girls. I did pull some looks from their site that I rather liked I think that should help, or at least save me the time of talking to them for forever about how their bras don't fit me and have them try to slam my boobs into a dd, everyone likes the spill right? So in theory it shouldn't really matter.
3. Go through my closet, there are things in there I am never going to wear or ever going to use in my other job. Or there are things that just straight up need to be replaced with nicer things, I really don't need a crappy acrylic sweater collection.
4. Plan RED'S super extravagant christmas spectacular.
5. Finish the fucking club email list, that is only getting me free rent days, and management up my ass about when it's going to be done. So I guess that should be number one followed by accounting crap.
6. I need to go through my dance bag and give most of that stuff away. I really don't see the use for nylon stripper crap. I mean sure some guys like it a whole bunch, but I like to think of my cliental as a little more sophisticated than that. Also, I'm 22 I suppose I could dress like a grown woman. Inside and outside of work.
7. Get the other part of my life going again. It's super fun taking my clothes off and all but really, this isn't going to last forever, and I have to put myself back through school, and start some funds for my little sisters.
Blah, blah, blah, life plan, life plan, life plan.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

fuck this

I can't even write down my fucking thoughts right now. UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel so unimportant.

Monday, October 11, 2010

You aren't white

Actually I am I'm Swedish. Apparently white girls do not have asses like mine. Typically I don't spend a lot of time with black men, I find that they try to hustle me for something like 4 dances for 20 dollars. I am really not stereo typing it's true. The last few days black men have been loving my ass.
Last night I filled in on stage for Savannah, the DJ had music playing that is not something I typically dance to it was more booty than I do. I dance to more industrial music I don't shake my ass ever...till last night. It was a slow night I thought I would just mess around and shake my ass, while wearing super industrial boots big fishnets and white contacts. To me it was a super funny image.
After I get off stage, I swing by a friend of mines chair and tell him I'm about to go talk to this young black man, and he is going to buy a dance (which would have been a feat considering last night was terrible). I sit down with him, Sasha is sitting on his friends lap, we all get to chatting. He asks about my lap dances, I say they are fantastic and Sasha backs me up. She starts talking about this thing I do with my boobs. This gentleman decides he wants to try it out. I start doing my thing we get to the boob part he asks if that's my signature move, I say no. I say that my signature move is in round two of a lap dance, it also happens to be something A taught me from a stripper he had a dance with in CT. He decides to get another just to try it out. The song ends he asks me to keep going, only if I shake my ass the entire time. I don't know if you have ever tried to do that for 3 minutes straight it's pretty hard. My abs start cramping up, the song ends, he decides he wants another of the same thing. I have never had so much fun shaking my ass.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

whitey gonna pay

Thanks a lot fuck face I really like coming home at four in the morning to my window tagged. I hope you fucking die. Yeah I fucking said it you piece of shit. Thanks for the fucking racism, are you fucking stupid, that shit is one vicious fucking circle, I don't come over to your house and write use proper english on your windows. One because I don't use proper english and two it's fucking rude.
How exactly would you like me to pay? I"m sorry do you accept cash, or do you just want to come over and make friends I'll make you some fucking tea or something.
I work hard, I come home, I want to not feel like I have a mark on my head for something I haven't done.
And now I have a crackhead right down the block, that I can hear yelling
Mind you I live in a really nice town home, I'm nice to everyone in the neighborhood.
But truthfully.Fuck this neighborhood. Fuck all the ignorance, I won't stand for it. This is fucking America aren't we all equal or am I living in a totally disillusioned state? It must be the latter.
I'M SO FUCKING PISSED. I want to seriously hurt whomever did this. Such fucking idiots!

Friday, October 1, 2010

how high.

Things I don't recommend as a dancer.
1. Being really high at work.
2. Being super raging drunk at work.
3. Not reading the news.

Will I be your future sex therapist?

Only if you ask me really nicely.
It always ends up that way, you land yourself in Reds confessional booth spilling your guts about love lost, or lust squandered, hoping that I have the answer for you. Well my friends stick around long enough and I probably will. I finally decided to go back to school for something completely non-creative. I've had enough of the backstabbing and jealously, the betrayal, the ass licking, the super submissiving (yes I made this word up, I hope you use it the next time you play Scrabble). I wish I were talking about stripping right now, I'm really talking about my fall from grace. We can touch on that at a later date.
Anyway here you are spilling your crazy life story to me, you my dear gentlemen have made me realize, I like helping people, I like making them feel better, and I really like listening. So my friends here you are, you are about to put me back though school, lets see if I can make it four years. Here is to hoping I can stay hot enough to make this work.
Here is to hoping a psychology degree isn't a huge waste of time. Oh and heads up, I'm going to start charging you about a hundred dollars an hour to listen to you talk right now giving dances I cost $6.66 no joke, welcome to dancing. As your temporary therapist I will only cost $1.66. It's calculations like this that make it hard for people to quick dancing. It's being addicted to the hustle.

It's just one of those days

It was a day, it happened, it was everything and nothing all at once.
I'm so distracted today. Everything was readable on my face at work, typically I can turn it off, I can be someone else, at the same time I am always myself, I don't see the point in faking a personality, it's to hard, I am who I am. I suppose the story that goes with this is about amateur night, which was tonight, usually I like it pretty well, it reminds me of my first day of work, which was so damn scary, I was so deer in the headlights. I also thought I was the hottest shit. Anyway, tonight was attack of the fat white girls who move to fast (like most amateurs) it's not the moving to fast that ruins it, it's the lack of thought that they put into there look, if you are coming in to basically audition I feel like you should maybe leave your ugly glasses at home (Sorry it's so rare that I do serious trash talking.) One of the girls I work with walked up to me in the back, and told me she could see it in my face, that all I was thinking was what the fuck, she then said I would hate to see that face when she was on stage. She's right, I have a terrible "this is stupid face" It was actually such a surreal moment when this one girl looked at me with her triangle hair and her bad oval glasses and bad satin victoria secret thong, that I had to leave the front row and go to the back. Typically I like being right up front for thursday nights, or I like sitting with the judges, I think it's super fun. Blah, Blah, Blah. Then this girl that I really loved having around was let go tonight, that was one of the many kickers of my night. She had a great attitude and she had good ideas, she worked well with others, it just sucks to see girls go.

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's aloha Friday! Actually

It's sunday.
I'm typing this on the iPad so bear with me, it. Ight get a little rough. Nothing really crazy happened tonight except for a super hot dude wanting to be choked
Coach came in, made my night, but he always does. One of my actual favorites that comes in.
It was a totally mellow night, no real drama, the super nice girls were in, which is why I love Sundays,way less pressure to compete. Although lately it hasn't felt like a competition, it's just felt good, like we are all working together.
On a side note, my ex text me today all pissed off that I we t to pdx to dance. Saying I'm making mistakes and hoping my ego doesn't run me into the ground. I was so upset, I don't have an ego, just a sense of entitlement. I hate that guy, he's such a bitch. Gggaaaaaahhhhhh. He al sot ruined my night. I have the worst time doing my job when I've had a bad day, which happens to be why I avoid most people before hand.
Blah blah blah, the sleep aid just landed.
Red out.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Porn Stars

Charmane Star is the porn star of the weekend. She was nominated for giving the best brain in 2009 I would post links to photos but I'm not sure if that's legal. Anyway, she is a super sweet girl, I said hi to her and welcomed her into our house tonight.
Although I'm not going to lie at one point I did feel bad for the girl, she was on her last stage of the night, and she was getting totally ignored by dudes in the front row, it was just silly, porn stars are silly, I would have felt terrible if I were her, like "Why the fuck am I at this club, I'm not making any money, all these girls suck!"
There is so much drama in the club right now it's amazing, I actually can't even comment on it.
Also I had two gentlemen give me the best compliments ever.
man "wow, you're fairly attractive"
me "Like kelly blue book sort of fair? I"m not excellent"
man "You are an adequate dancer"
me "Seriously I get fair, and adequate, what the fuck, do I need to say dances $20 obo?"

man "I never go to strip clubs, I hate them, I had lost all faith in them until right now, you are so fucking sexy and this is the best lap dance I have ever had. I've slept with a lot of girls and none of them have turned me on this much"

Thank you kind gentlemen for being just that.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What the fuck do you mean the door doesn't lock?

Tonight in the monetary sense was a million times better than last night. I need to remember to focus and keep fucking moving.
On the other hand, my club is so jacked up right now, we took the lock, wait not the lock the whole inter workings of the door to the bathroom out. I was in the bathroom today, collecting my thoughts, something I like to do at work, take a second and re-vist my game plan. One of the girls just storms right in and screams that she has to pee,  i think she missed a little as she squatted over the seat and hit my leg. This actually creates a ton of rage in me. In my head I'm thinking, why can't I just have two god damn seconds to my fucking self away from the pounding techno and all these girls, I just want to close the door for one fucking second, see I took it from two seconds to one, I'm totally open to compromise. Actually I'm not even sure you can remove a look from a bathroom door. I have to remember to look up the laws on freelancing before tomorrow, so I may bring up relative legal points, to all those in the club who don't know what it's like to have an actual freelance job. Or an actual job for that matter, to actually work to get to a goal that you want.  Like why do I have to be everyones god damn cheerleader, follow the rules, pay my rent, and have to deal with the repercussions of everyone's bad choices. To this I raise my hand in the air and say "FUCK YOU MANAGEMENT!" This is also why I will be dragging my ass out of bed early tomorrow for a meeting, even though I am totally getting a cold. There I said it on the net. Don't get dances from me I"m getting sick.
In other news I'm pumped for a meeting at noon. I have things to say, people to say things to. Coffee to drink, I think I might bring a fruit plate, I think that's sort of the polite thing to do when you are about to raise a little hell, or at least thats what they do in the midwest.
SO... lapdance story of the day. It's my last dance it's well after three and this Indian dude wants to cut deals, for those in the know, I don't cut fucking deals for anyone, ever, period. ANyway, I convince him to test drive the car. We go back, I start doing my thing, he seems like he's into it. I'm thinking to myself, score, i'll walk out of here with some serious cash tonight, no I was wrong, he gets one dance. I in my always improving way ask him why he only purchased one. He said he was looking for more touching and that there is another girl in the club that will do those sorts of things, but he appreciated that I told him right away that I wouldn't do those things. He hands me a 20 an apologizes I ask why. He says he wants to tip me. Indian dudes all except for 1 are totally lame, I dislike them very much, they all want a prostitute and a deal on one as well. All I want to do is have them over pay and knock them the fuck out with my fist.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some writers sheesh

A career in porn/escorting/stripping is a serious consideration. (Yes, your mother will find out.) <--- signs you are poor as published by 
there is the link if you felt like reading it. 
My answer to you, go fuck yourself. If you do this (stripping) because you are poor, you will probably do a terrible job at it, I know I can't go into work if i'm in the wrong head space, if i'm stressing about the money, I don't make any money. Gawker have you ever been to a strip club? Who do you give your money to? The girls that look like they are having a good time or the one's freaking out in the back of the room, just walking up to you and straight up asking if you want a dance. You guys are idiots. On that note I have submitted my comment to them. There take that you fucking hipsters, I hope you choke on your pbr.

It's fucking Monday, oh wait...

It's really everyone else's Thursday, it's my Monday, and I say to you! Bring your fucking shit storm! I got you!
Tonight started out terrible, I spent way to much time talking to one guy. One guy whom I thought would spend so much money and then, guess what! He didn't. SURPRISE! So hours of my night were wasted. I can hustle on a slow night and make it happen I just need to remember that I have to stick it out to the bitter fucking end, the last song, even if I look like hell. WHY! WHY! WHY! you ask, because it's like drunk dude rush hour, every guy wants a dance at 2am, they come pouring in from the bar and just want dances. Whats on stage? Doesn't fucking matter, they just want to go to the back. Anyway, regardless of tonight almost being a total waste of time, Oh and the fucking vending machine flipped my bag of chips into the row next to it so I didn't get them. IF you dance you must eat especially me. There is a fat kid living inside me somewhere. Anywho, waste of a night and no chips turned into a good night, that totally included cake! I love cake and I love regulars as well.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I went to Portland post 2 of 2

Ok, so my second night in portland went so much better than my first. I went to a club with a more alternative crowd. I'm talking about girls with 10" mohawks, which look really amazing by the way.
I walked into uj's and who is there G, G is a friend of mine that comes into the club, he drove all the way down to portland just to see me dance, and maybe to get a totally nude lap dance an inch from his face.
All the girls were nice, the club was rad, and by rad I mean no dance specials, I never felt like "Well there are 10 guys here I better hustle" It was busy everyone loved me (As they should god damnit!)
The only off thing about the night.
I was about to do my first stage and I was in the back giving a dance and the dj starts yelling my name, so I jump up on stage to do my show. Mind you I'm wearing bondage tape white contacts and a thong, and what song is he playing me? Ginuwine ridin my pony. I have never passed out the look of death to a dj till that night. On the bright side and a very small secret before I started dancing at a club I would practice to that song in the mirror.
The best compliment I have ever received was also that night. I was giving a man a dance and I asked why he looked at me funny, he looks up at me and smiles and says "You have fantastic muscle structure" So...thanks tattoo artist with a mustache you made my day.
Actually my whole second evening in pdx made my day, it proved to me that not every club is like the one I work at. Not every manager is going to push you to make the club as much money as you can (which makes sense in this state as they aren't making any money of off booze), that I can have a fanastic and easy night at work were it doesn't feel like work and I don't need to talk to some dude for an hour to have him spend 20 bucks. Sorry dudes, nothing hurts my feelings more than you blabbing my ear off with me half naked and then not putting up for that. IF you want to please do my job for a while and tell me if chicks wasting your time turns you on.
On that note, I need to get ready for work.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's fucking tuesday night

Thankfully it wasn't bad, it was just another night, a night of nothing. Nothing really memorable. I've gotten to the point were I feel like I can make more money or do it better or something. I'm not sure what I changed but I changed something.
Tonight some African American gentlemen wanted a few dances from me. I always find that weird, most of the time I feel like they don't like me. Lately I have been so fucking wrong.
Bah it's almost 6am I'm so fucking tired! I have an eye appt tomorrow, bet you didn't know I wear glasses. Yup I do, I'm not nearly as perfect as I appear.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I went to Portland post 1 or 2

The name of the club I worked at will not be mentioned as there was some serious shit going on.
I just got back from my first trip to portland and I cant find my damn glasses, please hold on for one second. Never mind I'm just going to write this blind.
I arrived in PDX later than I really wanted to on Friday, I checked into my friends place, dropped my bags talked about porn and jumped in the shower. I went down to my first club in PDX I was excruciatingly nervous, I went in knowing that it might not be my scene all the girls were really pretty with huge fucking boobs, mind you, I have huge boobs, but we are talking mongo tits, and if you know me at all you know that the bigger the tits the more freaked out I get. Anyway, I get there and realize I forgot my lock(fuck) so I put my things in the managers office. I'm getting ready I'm minding my own businesses, all the girls are looking for approval from the manager and from each other, I hate it when girls do this, I mean it happens in my club but not like that. Mine is more
"Does this look ok"
"Yeah it looks fine"
"Really, I don't think it looks good"
 "Then don't fucking wear it"
I tried to make small talk with the girls in this club and they talked right the fuck over me, I should have left right fucking then, but no I said I was going to stick it out. This is the way I work, I should get over it and start listening to my gut.
I get out on the floor, a friend of mine from pdx showed up to support it was really very sweet of him, he was my first lap-dance! YAY!
I keep getting off track. Anyway I go back out on the floor. No one fucking likes me, no one wants a dance, NO ONE SAYS NO TO RED GOD DAMNIT! I see two Indian men sitting by the back stage, I fucking hate indian men, they want shit that I don't fucking do. I sit down and start chatting to the one, he of course wants me sprawled all over him and telling him the dirty things i'm going to do to him and how hot I find him, all of this is of course how he must get excited to get a lap-dance, he won't get one before. So I'm not the girl that's going to be your ego boost unless I honestly like something about you then I'll tell you. I decide to give it a go. He buys one dance, thanks for the fucking 20 asshole, oh and now you want me to hang out with you all night, go fuck yourself.
I swear to god it was like this all fucking night.
BUT it gets better, I was giving a dance and the curtain to the champagne room was open a tiny bit, so I look in, curiosity killed the cat, and what do I see, some girl fucking some dude, and neither of them are pretty. I looked twice just to be sure I wasn't seeing things, I really wasn't seeing things.
Then it was finally the end of the night, I had the worst friday night ever in reference to money. As I am changing to leave i realize I'm missing a shoe, a real person shoe not a stripper shoe, my fave shoe. I'm so pissed, I still don't have my damn shoe. I had to wear fucking flip flops all weekend long. LAME. I will never go back to that club again.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sometime you get a box of fish

I am not currently referring to the smell of someones crotch. I am really saying sometimes a man comes in and renews your faith in men in general. A Man came in this weekend lets call him J just for fun. J was so pleasant, we spent basically my entire working evening together. Which makes work easy for me, he was so easy to talk to, so that is basically all we did. It was a fluke that he even found me interesting as he tipped me while I was on stage just out of politeness.
So J comes in Saturday night as well and brings an entourage. That is not the funny part. I am in the back using the restroom and all of a sudden a few people are yelling my name saying they need me on the floor asap. When I'm using the bathroom, I am typically not bothered, sometimes nature calls. Anyway the manager is waiting for me and tells me there is a box at the bar for me. I'm thinking who on earth would deliver something to me at work, that's a little odd. I walk out onto the floor with Carrie Anne she is saying if its food she wants some. I arrive at the bar it's a huge box of fish from the market. Whoa, who gives a girl fish as a gift, J does. It was amazing, hands down best work gift ever. So far it's been delish!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

a rant on a personal note.

Yesterday I really good friend of mine brought up a fantastic point, this may end up being a little off the topic of stripping, but it does bring up a few good points about me and my personality. Anyway I was lamenting about how much boob I had showing in a few photos, I rarely see photos of myself actually dressed so I am unaware that I have more boob than anyone else would leave the house showing in plain site. He asked me a very important question which happened to be stated mostly like the following. 

"Yeah Red, men objectify you, and women fucking fear you, you are on a pedestal, your like a god damn force, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. You are disturbing the force field, but really you are playing in the wrong one. Yeah what do you think that means, nope wrong. You need to get it together and show the world what you have"

So thank you everyman that comes in and participates in my little survey of who you are and what you do and how old you are, and why you said no, silly in know that I don't care why you said yes. I think you make it pretty clear by telling me how hot I am or that you want some very specific role playing. 

I also really appreciate the fact that you are funding all of my big fucking dreams of making it in a different industry. Even if you never knew anything about me, the real me I really appreciate it. 

To all the women that look at me and then look at their husbands to see if their husbands are looking at me. IF you haven't noticed I'm looking at you not your husband, and I'm judging you not him, so please calm down, your being really silly. I'm curious about you and what you have to say and what your relationship looks like to you, not what your husband thinks of me, that one is easy. Tits and ass she's got it going on. Thats what he's thinking of. So please stop with the look of distain, it's not flattering. 
Unless of you fear me for some business reason. In which case get the fuck out of my way, i'll have your job someday even if you push me to the side, I'll just wait it out till you go. 

everybody has a price

Fuck you! Yeah I'm talking to you you piece of shit. I appreciate the request but trust me you don't have enough cash on your person to fuck me. Yeah I said it and I fucking meant it. No 50 dollars is not going to be enough, but good Fucking try, oh do I know someone you can fuck.... Um yes I do in fact.... Yourself, why don't you go try, oh you don't think you can? Wait you want to fuck me In the ass? Cool...only if I get to Fuck you in the ass first. Sorry Charlie fair is fair, so bend over and take it like a fucking man. Hey fuck you!

Oh my God TWINS!

Oh my god, fucking twins! I love twins!
Not joking we have twins in our club, with huge fucking boobs. Super nice girls, y'all should come by and see them. I promise that they are totally great. If I ever get pictures I'll show you.
Oh and more on the boobs, if you took both of my boobs put them together they still would not equal the size of one of theirs, no joke, bring on the boob men, come down, let's see what we can do about those little fantasies.

Also I've had lapdances from them, they are super banging. It's way hot seeing double!
Speaking of boobs. There once was a man that came in, who liked short skirts, who promised to buy a dance if I wore one (yeah Fucking right) I go and throw a skirt on, I post a little perch on his lap, he starts talking about my boobs, only not in the way men typically talk about them. All of a sudden out of his mouth comes "what are those b cups?" I look at him like he's a fucking idiot as he obviously is. I reply with "...a actually they are f cups..." he looks me over again and then asks me if I'll go to a really nice dinner with him at outback steak house. Gentlemen fucking think before you open your fucking mouth to me. One I'm a snobby fucking bitch and if you think outback impresses me, well kudos to you for having the balls to say so, also insinuating that I am not privileged enough to eat there is not going to get you far. I really do wish you the best of luck, I'm sure Darwin will catch up to you soon, and we won't have anything to worry about.
Oh and this douchebag didn't get a dance, fucker, at the same time thank god, I didn't have to spend an extra three minutes with him.

Hi my name is...

Hi my name is Red, or maybe it's Lexi (depending on when you met me and where)
What's your name? Really? That's my 27th favorite name. So tell me about you? Tell me what you do for fun. Tell me everything about you, Oh you want me to tell you about me? Be careful what you ask for.
I'm the hottest bitch In heels right here, I'm totally kidding,
I'm a dancer, wait I'm a showgirl, hold on third time is a charm, I'm a stripper, I work mostly at a club in downtown Seattle, if you have met me you know where I work. If you found this blog by accident, welcome to my work.
This is the intro post, I'm a little behind. I've been dancing for about four months, don't get me wrong I love my job, but it's not my passion, there are other things to life than turning men on and money. I'm losing focus, I started dancing as something to do to fill my time in between other clients in my other profession.
I was so curious what this side of the fence looked like, now I know, there are some funny stories, there are some scary stories, there are some tragic tails of deseption and lies. There is jealously there is hate, there is hope at the end of the night of the end of the tunnel.
My first night working, I met a man I'll call Philly not to be confused with the dancer, although Im quite sure she might come up later,
Philly was a law student from Philly, he rolled in after a long night of drinking. Philly was down on women and he was down on strip clubs. These are my favorite type of men, I always feel like I can change their mind. I sat down he started talking about how he hates places like this, I still wonder what he was doing alone there. I told him no one was forcing me to be there I was there on my own (it was my first damn night of course I was there because I wanted to be) somewhere along the way I convinced him to get a dance, we went to the back. Going to the back gives me a rush sometimes, it's like in my head I think, welcome to my house, I hope you play nice.
I sit him down in my favorite booth. We start talking about my hopes and dreams. All of a sudden he blurts out how Impressed he is that I'm not a total fucking idiot. I was so flattered, as stupid as it sounds, and trust me I don't need the ego boost, it's totally big enough.
If it weren't for Philly there would be more nights of doubt when dealing with assholes, trust me I deal with a lot of them in the figurative way.