Monday, September 6, 2010

Sometime you get a box of fish

I am not currently referring to the smell of someones crotch. I am really saying sometimes a man comes in and renews your faith in men in general. A Man came in this weekend lets call him J just for fun. J was so pleasant, we spent basically my entire working evening together. Which makes work easy for me, he was so easy to talk to, so that is basically all we did. It was a fluke that he even found me interesting as he tipped me while I was on stage just out of politeness.
So J comes in Saturday night as well and brings an entourage. That is not the funny part. I am in the back using the restroom and all of a sudden a few people are yelling my name saying they need me on the floor asap. When I'm using the bathroom, I am typically not bothered, sometimes nature calls. Anyway the manager is waiting for me and tells me there is a box at the bar for me. I'm thinking who on earth would deliver something to me at work, that's a little odd. I walk out onto the floor with Carrie Anne she is saying if its food she wants some. I arrive at the bar it's a huge box of fish from the market. Whoa, who gives a girl fish as a gift, J does. It was amazing, hands down best work gift ever. So far it's been delish!

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