Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Like a Bullet...

Sometimes I wonder how Bullet got her name. This last couple of weeks drove it home on how and why. She's kind of like a person trying to shoot a pistol with one hand. She wavers a bit and all you can think is "Oh god, I hope I'm not in the line of fire" I have felt like I always have been one of the first she has aimed for, maybe that's because we were best friends. I specifically remember one trip down to portland when we were in the car talking about being friends and she said "I can't think of anything that could come between us" I should have known right then everything was going to explode.

Every time I even consider going to portland I think of her and how well we worked together and how much fun we had. I also think of how my grade suffered from sleeping in, and drinking boxed wine, and eating shitty chinese food. I look at where I am now and where I was then. Maybe I was more fun then, maybe I was just plain wreckless. Right then I had nothing to lose, my family lives thousands of miles away and no one was counting on me so I think at that time I did not give a fuck about what I did. Then I think about now. I have my dog, I have one small thing in the world depending on me and that makes me a responsible adult. I just gave myself new fitness goals. So I can't be eating crappy Chinese food and drinking a gallon of wine.

Anywho...I'm heading back to Portland soon, only this time I won't be traveling with a loose pistol. I can honestly say at this point even though I miss her and I miss how much fun we had, I am so glad we are no longer friends.

Friday, May 3, 2013

GVS strikes local strip club....

For those of you unfamiliar with GVS it is a horrible illness known in it's entirety as Golden Vagina Syndrome, it typically inhabits the bodies of newer strippers. One of the girls in my locker area is currently suffering from it.

I walked into work last night and it was crowded in my area, I couldn't turn my big butt around without running it into someone else. There is this younger stripper in the back having a conversation with one of my fave girls about fighting, and how she doesn't talk shit. Let me also interject that she's wasted, she puts down at least a 750ml bottle of Vodka every night she works She is continually saying how she doesn't say anything that she just leans back and smiles, before she picks up the heaviest thing she can find to swing at someone...First off this is dumb, you are currently talking shit, and there are a bunch of bitches back here who would happily prove you wrong.

S (another fave of mine) is talking about how crowed it is and that people need to move and get on the floor so there is space to get ready. GVSS (golden vagina syndrome suffer) is also talking about how it's crowed, but she's not getting ready she's just milling about, S tells her to get out since she doesn't have a purpose for being back there. She also drops that she might drop kick her if she doesn't. I chime in with "If you don't need to be back here Get The Fuck Out" She decides to come back at me with "Bitch don't tell me what to do" I'm caught a little off guard, I was merely chiming in, and yes I wasn't being very nice, I'll admit it, she annoys me. At the same time she can be so sweet when she's not drunk, nicest girl, she's caring, funny, and all sorts of other things, but when she's wasted and around other newish strippers with egos she's fucking awful. I retorted with, "you're the one that said you couldn't breathe so fix it. She starts talking to the girls around her all while she's within arms reach of me saying "I wish a N*g* (you get the idea) would" Other girls are trying to calm her down, it's not working so I open my mouth again and I'm like "Hey I was joking, calm down" She pipes back with "Don't fucking tell me to calm down, never ever tell me to calm down, I will fuck you up" At this point I'm waiting for this drunk bitch to punch me. I'm thinking there is about to be a locker room fight, because this bitch keeps running her mouth every night. She leaves to smoke.

L comes down and says that GVSS is upstairs saying everyone is being bitchy and to tell her if I'm talking shit. I turn to L and say please tell her I'm talking shit, that she needs to quit drinking so much and running her mouth. I don't think it ever got back to her. We started talking about how great she is when she isn't drunk, as I mentioned before she's awesome.

She comes back down, L says "I hate drunk people they totally annoy me" GVSS "Says oh I'm sorry I hope I'm not annoying you" L "I didn't even notice" L then turns to me and says "Red wouldn't it be awesome if we could actually fight people and not get fired for it" I smirk and say "Yup it would be pretty rad" Sometimes it would be nice to just get it out rather than squawking at each other. Or for the girls that talk a big game to actually bring it to the table. This statement quieted the whole shit talking forum that was happening.

GVS is a dangerous thing, it can turn a whole club against you. This girl is really working on making some enemies with all her drinking and acting like she's the top bitch. She's also one of those girls that talks about how much she weighs or doesn't weigh. She's cute don't get me wrong. She has big boobs, shes Puerto Rican, she's pretty. One night she was all like blah, blah, blah, I weigh 120 blah, blah, blah. The thing is I look lighter than her, I might just be lighter than her but I'm also super muscular, to the point people comment on what good shape I'm in, not in an overly done way yet. I work out. I run, I try to stay active, I feel pretty fit. This girl follows that statement with I'm an athlete, my whole family consists of athletes I'm just too lazy to work out. UMM WHAT THE FUCK! YOU ARE NOT AN ATHLETE UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY WORK OUT, JUST FYI. Statements like that obviously annoy me. There are those of us that work hard to look a certain way and I don't need anyone negating the work that I do. I so want the best for this girl, I really want her to quit being delusional, before someone slaps some sense into her.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Narcolepsy? No I think I'm just really tired.

Last night I dropped by work to look at the new Showgirl of the Month poster, as per request of the showgirl, who is an amazing girl named Claire, you should all come down and see her, she is one of  the funniest kindest girls I know.
Anyway while I was there I was talking to Skylar in the locker room about how school was going and if she had midterms coming up. We ended up on the topic of what time we both go. I go at a more reasonable time than ever in the morning. I have previously had class start at 8am. There are many a day that goes by when I haven't even pulled myself out of bed by 8am. She goes at a really reasonable time that allows her to get a normal amount of sleep and maintain a pretty normal life. As we are chatting all of a sudden she blurts out "When do you sleep?" Something about that totally stuck with me. When the hell do I sleep, I mean I know when I sleep, I sleep for a few hours, then I grab 10-30 minute naps throughout the day. I exist solely on naps, caffeine and the afternoon bag of skittles. I know I have talked about this at great length before, but I swear I cannot fucking wait for the day I look back on this and realize how much I really did. Honestly right now I don't think about it till someone says something. Right now it feels like I'm just not doing enough.
I never see my friends, I'm always tired, and I'm always scrambling to do something. All of this goes on while other people live extremely busy lives as well but don't seem to have the same level of panic that I have.  All this being said I need to slap on my face and head out for the day.
Here's not not having a narcoleptic episode in class. Fingers crossed.