Friday, December 11, 2015

before work musings

I need to go in early. I need to make money why? Because christmas is coming and I haven't bought anyone presents yet.
I apparently wrote this last year and the same holds true this year. Funny you think I would learn. I mean I have and I do but still.

I am the....

I get it I get it I get it. I'm different. Really. Fucking. Different. I know I've got 21 days to finish this year out super strong. To dig my heels in and really get a move on. I've got a really good start. I forgot why I started this blog and last week I was reminded why I did it. I started this blog to hopefully change some of the worlds views on us. Also there is a ton to talk about I just have to actually talk about it.

The past couple of days have been filled with people telling me I'm different and if I should know one  thing I should know that. I should know that I'm the standard by which they judge other dancers. I am the best dancer they have met. I'm the prettiest, the smartest, the funniest. There have been a lot of est's this week. It's been really great to be reminded, everyone that's been reminding me has also made it a point to let me know that it's okay to act like it sometimes or at least a little bit when needed. All of this is since last year was filled with a lot of the opposite and from people who's opinions don't really matter in the long or the short run.

Nothing crazy happened at work tonight. I ended up getting there incredibly late. I've got to start getting on the floor earlier I swear. I want to go in early tomorrow but I made plans with friends and I'm trying to be better at not canceling on people or being on time. I don't link what it is about strippers or stripping for a while but eventually you totally give up on time. In a very real way. There is no real reason. However every girl I know goes on her own time with everything.

I'm so fucking tired writing this.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Time waits for no man...

luckily I'm a woman, so I'm still slowing it a little bit, I mean that's what wrinkle reducer is for correct?

I move this week thank the stripper deities that I can get back to life being normal next week. Everything goes back to how it should. Seriously, I can't stand my +1 anymore, I'm over being polite to someone who clearly does not give a shit about anyone but themselves. I of course hope he lands on his feet but I'm incredibly mad at myself for being so kind. I mean "karma is a bitch, so make sure that bitch is beautiful" at the same time I think the universe handed me a very long lost off things to learn and a very short amount of time to learn check and check and check. Lessons learned, back to being the better version of myself, I know I say that every time. I've been working on more positive reinforcements lately since work has been blah.

Although it's hard for things like that to stick when every manager corp sends over gets fired right away. It seems like we are purgatory of sorts. I really wonder how long we are going to stick around considering all of Amazon going up around us, and all the retail space also going in around us. It doesn't seem like Starbucks, Amazon, and whatever other companies that obviously have the money to throw money at the city to get rid of us, would let us stay put. There is so much pressure on us from corporate right now. It's also hard. We finally got rid of a bunch of dead weight and now we are working on some more, they implement ideas without alerting us and it makes sense for those ideas to work, and also to do it during the slowest part of the year when it's hard regardless forcing us to focus. It's nice in a way, at the same time it's jarring but I suppose that's the point. Anyway, today I'm going to be the best version of myself. I am going to be a shark that smells blood in the water. I'm going to be the sexiest. I'm going to quit being so humble (it's obviously gotten me nowhere). I'm going to catch up on local current events.

 I'm going to stop talking to some people who cannot keep their mouths shut, not in a bad way, but as corporate has plans as do I...I just need something a little colder, a little more silent, a little more convincing, something that envelopes people, causes a little bit of shock, something a little chilling. What I really need is a little help from Winter.

This weekend that just happened totally sucked it was so crazy slow...however I was told on countless occasions that I'm the most attractive girl there so if I had sat down with whomever I was sitting with a few minutes earlier or if I could just come back a few minutes later and I understand buyers remorse so I'll give someone that reason...the come back later still gets me. You just said I'm the most attractive girl there so what are you waiting on exactly.

On to the annoying of the weekend which happens all the time and the entertaining and enlightening of the weekend.
I also learned while speaking with someone about burial rituals in different countries and with that I had a very long conversation about hair and its importance in various cultures and differences in genders...apparently hair is one of the hardest substances to destroy which is why it is commonly found in caskets. Also your hair doesn't continue to grow after you are dead, your skin actually shrinks around the follicle giving it the appearance of growth. I haven't fact checked this yet and I probably never will, just saying.

Back to sleep for a bit. Oh and I don't think I hit publish but in the next couple of months I'm really going to try to beat my self publish amount...and really move this thing over to Wordpress. Along with the universe giving me a laundry list of things to learn it has also given me a brand new timeline to work off of, and it's a little faster than I intended it to be, which is probably for the greater good. Looks like I'll be leaving my shadow here at the end of that timeline.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

From the moment I wake up before I put on my make-up

Or really the moment I'm laying in bed and almost asleep with no actual keyboard within reach is when I realize...I gotta get my shit together. I mean it's together but I need to really get it together. I was talking to my dad about this tonight. We were talking about losing your goals and how important they are. I'm still in this apartment I hate and it is what is killing my dreams. I know, I know, I know, stop fucking bitching and do something about I am. My alarm is set, I have a plan, and a goal for tomorrow. I used to have a goal each night when I went to work and I would bust my ass reaching if now I'm so nonchalant about it, and really it's time, the time that I continuously talk about that I'm so motivated for when I wrote these blogs has really come. Even if I have to paint it on my ceiling when really I should repaint this skyline of Boston and actually paint "at dawn we ride" so it can be one of the 1st things I see in the morning. I didn't make any resolutions for "my year" this year. I don't really do New Years I do new birth years. So I guess I'm starting them right now, and it's only one, follow through, not only with other people but with what I tell myself as get ready at home so I can hit the floor right away. Make money like I used too. I don't know what it is but I'm more aware of feeling awkward these's stupid, I'm gorgeous, and smart, and funny, and interesting, and worth it, and there is nowhere I don't belong. Call me pretentious for saying it but I'm fucking saying it. I know I've said it before but I'm saying it again. Part of me is really tired of being overly humble, of always stating the ways in which other people are great and not acknowledging the ways I'm great. I'm not putting myself down I'm just not paying myself any compliments. So again following through with a self compliment sandwich.
Follow through with my own schedule not the one wher I dick around and wait for whatever but the one where I actually plan and do things at an actual time...everyday like writing. Apparently November is big for blogging and there is is blogging challenge to write everyday. I know I'm a little late on the jump, but no reason I can't drop in right now and catch up. Writing for 30
Days is probably a really good idea for me, and would keep me focused at work, and school, and my interpersonal relationships since I'm going to have to find something to write about everyday.
I also need to follow through with responding to text/email...maybe November is the month I set my goals and complete them. I'm also going to acknowledge one goal I completed
This last year for every 3 I set. Maybe I should get some gold stars for myself while I'm at it.they are all mostly small personal goals so it shouldn't be that hard...right? RIGHT GUYS! Totally easy? Anyone? Is this thing even on?

Monday, November 2, 2015

Here's to...

the nights we don't sleep...
The secrets we keep...
The friends we make...
The insults and compliments that shower us...
The inside jokes...
The life we chose...
To the game that chose us...
To the money and the girls we married because they have been there on our best days and our worst.
To the love we have for this life that other look down on. It's hard to look down on someone in 8" heels.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

You've got to be...

You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together

 Des'ree You Gotta Be

Sometimes songs still have application, especially when you do this job, and you've got to have a sense of humor about everything. 

Tonight was one of those nights where it felt like many nights happened in the course of an evening. So there were a bunch of funny things that happened, a bunch of me avoiding the negativity of the evening. (I swear I could write endlessly about the different pieces in a night, the locker room, individual girls, my emotional connection to the evening, the management, conversations, customers, outside influences that affect my work mode...I should really write more...Back to the real writing here.) I get to get up early and bust out a day shift and make a costume tomorrow as well. Part of me really wants to turn off my phone as well since I know I'm going to upset people. But you have to put on your own mask before you can put on others.
Lately all of us are really going though it, our club is slowly fading...I'll be surprised if we survive the winter...thank you large corporation for again fucking with my life...One of the girls for sure I've seen her crying in the back lately and it's hard, you have to remember that although you're there and you're friends are there and we support each other we don't pay each others bills...same with people in our personal lives that although our job may seem easy it's not and that they need to respect the fact we are working, which is hard for a lot of people. (I'm trying so hard to smash this post out in 10 minutes)

Tonight this guy came in and sometimes you guys say the dumbest funniest don't every cheat on your spouse because you literally just admitted everything you were trying to lie about to me within 10 seconds.

So this kid comes in...he tells me he doesn't come to places like this, he's here for his friends, which admittedly he does have friends with him...he also had the advantage of being foreign so his story was a little easier to believe. Anyway he says then, that he's only been in a couple times. We chat for a little bit longer, then he says you know the dozen(ish) times he has been in, he usually just comes in and gets dances and leaves...perfect so why are you wasting my time right now. He obviously doesn't think that anyone with half a brain is going to sit down and talk to him, since he tried to dumb down his job description. GUYS HEADS UP SAYING YOU WORK IN IT MEANS NOTHING. So we continue to chat and I start talking about statistics. This kid then amazes me, he says he wasn't expecting anyone with half a brain to sit down and he has no fucking clue what the hell I'm talking about but it sounds really mind literally packed a little suitcase with old travel stickers on it, put on some galoshes, and vacated the premises...It of course couldn't get on a flight on it's own or catch a cab, so it came right back. I was trying so hard not to laugh at the fact that he went from never going to a "place like this" or going a few times, to enough times to have a routine down for while he was there, and a preference on girls. Also while we were talking, I said something about working out, and off handidly said something about needing to work out more since you can't really tell...this mother fucker said "Yeah you're right" what the fuck bro? 
Story two...same guy...As we were talking I asked what kind of girls he liked and he said girls that were in shape, and yes most of the girls I work with look amazing, but all of us could benefit from a little more gym time, which is what I said to him, then he looks at me and said I was wrong and that every girl seemed to be in really good shape. Again flabbergasted, I'm not in bad shape, and by comparison I'm in pretty decent shape, and this dude was just crushing my poor little ego, stomped on it. He did in the end get a dance so I guess the looking like I could work out more, and sounding like I knew something worked out for a few coins.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Girl you a bad bitch...

 So fucking act like it.

There is always tomorrow.

It only takes one.

Don't go to work mad.

You aren't here to make friends you are here to make money.

Set a goal. Everyday, every night, every week, every month, every year, have something you are working towards.

Talk to everyone.

Read...books, the news, the paper, the stranger, anything to make you more interesting.

Take care of yourself, don't eat shitty, stop fucking smoking, don't sleep all fucking day.

Market, market, market, make time for it, because no one else is going to.

Keep your space at work and at home clean you will be happier I promise.

Under promise and over deliver.

Do not lead people on. Whatever you do, in fact don't spare peoples feelings by being polite if they think it's something it's not just fucking tell them...or they will send you a bunch of emails about how they interpret your writing and what a shitty fucking person they happen to think you are.

Pretty Woman is not also aren't a maybe it is but it's not worth your sanity to try and find out.

Don't listen to the rumors.

Don't hang out in the locker room for very long, no one back there is giving you money so what the hell are you doing.

There is something interesting about every person you sit with.

If you make friends, like real, real, real, friends, do not forget about them ever, they happen to be shiny beacons in a place that feels like a sea of emotions trying to drag you down, hold on to the good that you find. Let go of the bad.

As a few tattoos say...Let it bigger than the choose your life, you choose to be alone, you choose your feathers...If you do something do it like a boss.

This place might be your escape, but remember you can't hide from everything.

This place might also be your family and remember that everyone's family is dysfunctional especially this one.

Sometimes I have to remind myself what the fuck I'm doing.

Bringing back the heel clap

I literally forgot how fucking good it feels to smash those fucking pieces of plastic into the fucking stage, it's like a mini orgasm every single time.

To quote drake  "floating all through the city like I used too" Sometimes I swear rap explains everything. Its like the stars aligned and I remembered it's my birthday this weekend, and all the fucks Ive been giving for the past who knows how long, I have given up and finally, finally, finally finished all the wish washy bullshit that's been my thaaanngg lately. That shit is done. I've gone back to running my nails down peoples necks and it feels so good, I'm not sure why I stopped.

This week word got loose to me that a girl who's name is a city in France decided to have sex with her best friends boyfriend. Everyone knows how I feel about that shit I don't fucking stand for... like for fucking really... So this girl we will call her Paris I suppose walks up to me and says

Paris "Hey have you talked to so and so lately?"
R "Of course I've talked to her..."
Paris "She really seems to be going through it with her own stuff"
R "No she's not going through her own shit...the shit she's going through is because you tucked her man"
Paris "That's not how the situation went down, you don't know"
R "So how about you tell me real quick"
Paris "Stammers something inaudible"
R "You know what you are a bitch for fucking him, you claim to be her friend, but if you cared about her as much as you say, or even if he cared about her, as much as you claim to love her like family you wouldn't have fucking done it. You fucking cried about your fucking boyfriend, going out with someone without confirming that he fucked her I don't ever want to hear you cry about that again  now we can talk about this after work, I'm about to lose my god damn temper?
Paris "Yeah, yeah, okay"

Fast forward through the evening, I'm back to crushing the game.

T gets a hold of me, to find out what happened and she talked to paris as paris didn't understand why I was so upset, when tiger reminded her of everyone who's hurt me, and that 90% of them cheated on me so...of course I'm going to be upset, especially when this situation basically happened to me a year ago. So yes all my aggression I've felt about that situation was going to come out at someone who was participating in a similar situation and hurting those around me.

It's so strange to sometimes have every slight detail of who I was over a year ago back, and this year I keep saying it's going to be different, I've been all talk and no action, all peanut and no jelly. So...I'm bringing the heel clap back...and yoga...someone please pay for my yoga that would make my life great. I'm back in school with a full load. I can't hide out anymore, or hide who I am, because as everyone in my life has ever said...I'm a bad bitch, so I better start fucking acting like it.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Truth

The truth about dancing is people come and go, people are going to leave because they feel a certain way, they want a certain thing, and they want you to provide it to them. They want you to make yourself available all the time. I have never heard from so many people so frequently how little they care about someone else. I say I have something going on "I don't care about that person"

At this point I'm looking at cost benefit analysis as are they, I can't be on time I can't make special time for them, I can't sit down to drinks, but when I should be at work, since it is my birthd month and I do want to get myself things I am apparently making people flee. Let me must enlighten all of you on what I deal with....

I'm running to get a rental bra. flip flops, and that means I'm going to be 20 min late....except my custy isn't responding so I go back to packing otherwise fuck it I would have left. Mind you he blew me off a couple other times that week, so how do I know you were really even at the airport.

Tonight, I have another person, who has taken to lecturing me about my response rate and making me feel bad for not making myself free. I'm fine on money but this month I could always have more. This isn't one of those people. He's a dinner guy, a dinner and tell red how she's fucked up again guy, which irks me and makes me not want to go to dinner, because I need to be at work attempting to make money. I now it's about the money but it' not about the money.

Then there are the 4 I lost last month. I'm just crushing right now. I feel like I need to work all the time to try and make up for it and try not to fucking cry. It's not their fault I'm annoying, I mean it is, they know who the fuck I am, it shouldn't be that hard to adjust.

Then there is the guy who said I destroyed him emotionally when I spent hours each night trying to calm him down. I'm so upset right now I can't sleep.

I'm going in for day shift. I have to make up for this shit.

I mean I know it gives me the chance to cultivate new regulars and get my old persona back...again, but god fucking damnit work with a bitch a little. Don't get mad at me for going to work if I need to. Don't be all like "game over if you can't make it" okay, I won't show up because you are going to tell me I fucked up and I'm not in the mood. Do I still want to work on an diff project with you of course but I want deadlines on it I work better that way.

I'm so fucking tired of being the only one that care about people it leaves me no fucking time to care for myself, and then I get destructive to my personal relationships and October doesn't help. For those that send flowers, thank you they made my shitty day.

To top it off our numbers at work are plummeting so I need to get my marketing team together, and get a staple guy. Anyone wants to help a hot chick flyer hit me up on instagram or twitter, for real. In the mean time I'll be blogging about being grouchy.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Things I don't talk about...and what I want for my birthday....

So...This week I shot a poster for work, crazy, I'm a little worried how it came out. It's not like a showgirl of the month thing, it's like a hey...this is going to be here for a while kind of thing, which is a little crazy...This is a terrible post about nothing.

I also hate writing this shit it makes me sound like a super greedy bitch, and just weird, about as weird as the other day when someone said "you're kind of famous" then really wanted to talk to me. I guess that's what I signed up for yay me. No seriously, I mean yay, but no to being a greedy bitch.

So everyone keeps asking me what I want for my birthday and to just put in on my amazon wishlist...which I'm not doing so you have to look here...You can send everything to my job...little darlings in downtown seattle. I'm sure you can google the address or leave me a note.

Okay things to get....
SOMEONE PLEASE PAY FOR MY YOGA CLASSES! I will be forever grateful, like seriously, I would love to have my hot yoga paid for. I guess I'm more into experiences.

Go really big and get me some plane tickets or does delta make a gift card? I would happily take that too.

If you want to get something I can actually touch I still love allsaints.

I legit need a new purse, well two purses really I need one that I can carry that's a little bigger than my clutch and the other one needs to carry my laptop.

Now watches, I already know that I'm late all the time, however shoes, shoes I could use, and if I ruin them while walking it wouldn't matter.

Everything hot victoria secret has. For some reason I still feel like I have nothing to wear to work.

Ohhhh a ton of leggings make by onzie, but only for yoga, not for actual wearing out. I hate when girls wear work out clothes and don't work out.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dating a stripper....again.

Apparently this is a very popular topic...I thought I would right this from our point of view however instead of how to date one. Mind you I'm super biased since I'm single and most of these reasons, are the ones I stay single, and I'm perfectly happy rolling solo.

1. Dating is hard, just in general dating is one of those things that takes a lot of work, and effort, and I mean even getting into a relationship, you have to go out and meet people and you have to sit there and think while they are trying to eat salad in a sexy way if you could potentially sleep with them...try picuturing someone eating salad in a sexy way, it doesn't work.
Now take your normal dating issues, throw some 8" heels and a shit ton of glitter on them and make them one billion times worse, that is what dating is like for us, harder than normal. It's dating on viagra really.

2. We see things in a very realistic manner, you aren't going to think we are beautiful forever, and eventually want to go elsewhere, the issue with this is we don't really care, we know that our job exists for that reason, the issue here is anyone we date is going to think that and then compare themselves to the men we dance with and ultimately they are going to think they come up short. They forget pretty often that we are coming home to them.

3. When I started dancing dating seemed feasible, and easy in a way, you go out you have some drinks you trick a guy into talking about how strippers are totally broken, then boom you drop it on them mid sip thats how you spend your time, this was a favorite date past time of mine for a while. Now the idea of telling someone after I've had enough people get up and leave is a little more daunting, not that I don't love my job, and I'm not proud of it because I am.

4. Which leads me to the next issue of who they are actually dating, I find most of the time they are dating who they perceive me/I/myself/ Red to be, who is this crazy stripper person, not someone who's hobbies including running and statistics, or they date me because I can pay for things. Most of the time people want to date the idea of who I am, the thing is I'm always me, my personality is my personality, but we(the strippers) don't always want to be on...unless you happen to be giving us money hand over fist, then we will giggle over a cocktail till the cows come home.

5. I find that this job has gotten me F'z'd on more than one occasion, and maybe it's as Seven says something about "loving like a thug" we don't have "normal" girl emotions we kind of deal with things like guys do. Maybe that makes us way easier to be friends with, or maybe it's because we have access to a ton of hot half naked girls, or maybe it's because dating a stripper is on of the hardest things you could ever do, and it's why I like being single.

6. Not only is being friend zoned a thing we have to worry about or they idea you choose, but the fact that we are more disposable than most girls, we look awesome on your arm, we make you look better than a popped collar (because you're the fucking man and everybody fucking knows it). However the majority of guys I talk to would much rather marry the average girl than the super hot girl the super hot girl is a risk. Now take the hot girl and give her a ton of options, and all the options are tripping over themselves for her. Which brings us back to reason 2. I guess these all are one big long reason.

7. Time, we have so many watches but can't tell time, unless it's time to work, then we are procrastinating like we don't want to go, till we actually want to go, then there isn't enough time in the world for us. Time is most of our downfall I swear.

I promise to follow this up someday with all the amazing reasons to date us, like we look awesome and make you look better than a popped collar. However right now I need to get ready to do some day time things...crazy I know.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Fucking fuck

I need to get fucking serious about this shit again and my blog just ate my funny post. I've been fucking off so much lately I've lost a little bit of focus I mean I've had fun, but I need to go to bed, get up and get the fuck after it, If I lose track of one thing I kind of lose track of them all.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hey it's my one year anniversary...

So today is the anniversary of my you all know it's been the most crazy fucked up year I've ever had, and you couldn't pay me enough money to redo it. My last few weeks have been pretty great, except the whole parent thing but whatever shit taylor swift says "
"In my mind, saying it's gonna be alright
Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off
Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off"

Little did you know I have an affinity for Taylor Swift...Like for serious. Sometimes you just have to listen to shitty pop to make yourself feel better. 
Last night I was sitting looking at the ocean thinking about everything that's happened and lessons I've learned I'm sure I've already talked about this but this year and the year before have taught me how to deal with chaos gracefully or seemingly gracefully, to just take things in stride, honestly being a stripper has had a ton to do with that, all though the past two years have been lackluster I made myself a promise last night and it was to let it go, to be over it for the most part. I don't feel like I gave myself a real chance to be mad about this whole thing but it's basically shit or get off the pot at this point. 

I need to quit slacking and feeling sorry for myself which I have been doing quite a bit. So...enough of that and even though tonight sucked at work, which a lot of that was my fault I can't be mad when I don't get on the floor till a decent day shift tomorrow before my friday plans it is. I'm just going to crush it...I'm going to crush it all weekend long. 

Speaking of tonight. It was one of those nights no one realized I was pretty at 1st till I stood up or turned or something. At one point I was talking to these three "gentlemen" in the front row. The 1st one barely listened to me till I really interjected myself into his conversation, then he passed me off to the gentleman sitting next to him, and for some reason I was really funny to myself tonight, before I could even get out the traditional "hey...what's your name?" I have the hand in my face no thank you coming at me, I hate that. So I chat up guy number one again, while guy number two tries to dismiss me, so all of a sudden out of nowhere I hit him with, look man I get that I'm not attractive and that's why you guys are trying to pass me off...they look shocked. They way they reacted I was trying so hard not to laugh all I could hit them with was " I'm just fucking with you" Guy number two stammers something for a moment then points to guy three "Go talk to him he's a sucker" I wanted so badly to say..."It would have been better to call me unattractive, because now your saying I'm unattractive and need to trick someone...awesome." I hate when guys play musical chairs with me it's so fucking insulting. Luckily guy 3 was from the state next to mine, and he got dances to be polite, because that's how we do it in the northern midwest. 

I'm really talking to the #StripperDeities about tomorrow being better.  My week ended up a little out of order since last minute I decided to skip town and ignore the world for the most part for a moment. I have a fancy thing tomorrow night I'm going to and it's strange, I love dressing up, I think it's the best. So many girls at work always comment on what I'm wearing sometimes I wonder if they are doing it just to be nice or if they mean it. Anyway...I have nothing to fucking wear. The one time I wish I could wear my underwear to an event as I'm out of ideas...Does anyone want to go dress shopping tomorrow? Bueller? Bueller? 

So back to it really quick let me get some final things off my chest...
Fuck you Smoker who lit my place up, I fucking hate you.
Fuck you Philly, you are as shitty of a friend, and as fake as they come, and you wasted so much money on your boobs they look terrible.
Fuck you interloper, I tried to help you and you stole from me, countless times and countless items.
Fuck you +1, I'm fucking tired of having someone in my house. 
Fuck you downstairs person, I can't even walk in my own home, I hate living here because of you. 
Fuck you bulliet, you were my best fucking friend.
Fuck you other fake friends, this one explains itself. 

My birthday is coming up next month, I'm planning a party which I need to get to the printer, and approved by this weekend, so I can flyer for a month. Anyone have any ideas as to what I should do? What do you want to see happen at the strip clubs in Seattle? 

Monday, September 7, 2015

The time my family found out...

I'm going to bookend the year from hell with today, and potentially the next couple of days, I think this whole experience caps off the year. Sort of well I don't know if anything else can happen...Shit I fucking hope not.

So it's been my assumption that my family has known for a while what I do. I thought it was kind of a don't ask don't tell policy...apparently I was wrong.

A couple weeks ago my dad text me about wanting to visit me, I kind of blew it off because I was busy, actually busy. Eventually he text me and said he was coming out here, univited...things I don't like my world being interupted. Never pop in on me I hate the pop in everyone who knows me knows I hate the pop in. We get into a massive text fight about this, about how I'm busy, I'm moving, I might be traveling. How I think it's a huge waste of money and time. I called him, he said he just needed to get out of town, I didn't believe him so I totally pushed the issue, it comes to pass that he's coming out here because he thinks I'm doing something illegal...face palm jeezus this is for real happening...okay. I tell him I'm not and that everything is fine. Doesn't believe me. I say I'm leaving town. He says "If you leave it proves all my fears are correct" One way to get me to do something challenge me. I'll show up. I will so show up. Don't tell me you are going to form an opinion about me without me being there.

I'm livid about this whole thing for a week. I'm super stressed about it. I can't sleep. I'm not in the mood to have company my place is a box for that is growing by the day.

Today arrives, he texts me at 6 something am and wants me to tell him what train to take and what stop. he had already agreed on meeting at the airport. The airport is totally a neutral spot. You come into the city it's my turf, and I'm more apt to be a bitch...I get to the airport early. I'm waiting, I'm super people watching. He arrives...we head to the bar.

We are sitting there having drinks. He asks about work, I tell him about the other stuff I do...which I actually do sometimes. He asks if I have any cash, no stripper wants to tell her dad that she's a stripper...ever. It's terrible. I've been living on my own for quite some time so that makes it worse. I don't really feel like I have a ton of responsibility to my family to tell them I'm a stripper. I say I'm bartending. Bartenders have cash on them...yeah and it's a story I've been going with for a while.

We are talking about something and he stops me and says...I know about your other job...Okay...Fuck, fuck, fuck, alright...I knew this was going to happen someday but really you could have skyped me no big deal. He says he's not mad just concerned...I can deal with that, yay liberal people from the midwest...I tell him there is nothing to worry about, I'm not doing anything, and I get the concern, the media doesn't make us out to be the best people in the world, and sterotypes exist for a reason, so I can't blame him. I swear it gets interesting here in a second.

He says there is not judgement he still loves me...fantastic, I was prepping myself for a we never want to see you again, I'm not sure if what follows is worse or not I'm still processing the whole thing, which I'm pretty upset about. He then tells me he's been reading my blog. HI DAD!. On the bright side, I don't have to really filter anything anymore. That being said I'm not filtering shit. Anyway, my mom, my mom is apparently judging the shit out of me, and doesn't believe that I've ever told them the truth about what I do or I have done, and that I've been doing this as long as I've lived out here. Which I haven't I didn't start until I was way into adulthood. I'm pretty pissed about this. Actually I'm out of my mind angry. This is followed by..."oh, and not to be a buzz kill, but your little sister obviously won't be coming out to visit you" my little sister is 16, I get that due to the dangers that go with my job and the overall perseption of it, I can't be trusted alone with what? okay whatever. I'm going over all of this in my head for a second as my dad tells me that his brother, and sister, my aunt, and uncle, also know what I do. I don't really think it's fair to tell anyone outside my tiny family circle. No offense you two, I just would have rather dealt with this as a family issue before making it a FAMILY issue. He goes on to say...that I can't expect everyone in my family to treat me the same, and it's going to take a little while for them to adjust... Following are my actual thoughts on the matter.

I appreciate the concern I get it, my job isn't normal and there are some interesting issues that come up with it, and as I said if I get myself into something I can get myself out, and that's the truth. I'm not saying I've never made a mistake, but I did stupid shit before I did this job. Moving on. 

I'm super pissed about my mom throwing judgement all over this. I should state it's my step-mom. I think of her as my mom, I value her opinion very much, more than most. So I really feel like she doesn't like me, she got really mad at me when I moved out here, bitched about me for a few years, until my uncle stood up for me at dinner. THANKS! So part of me feels like this is just something she can hold over my head for a long time. I can't expect her to understand however without talking to her, which I'm going to do face to face when I go home next...which I'm not sure when I'm going to do, I don't really feel welcome at the moment. I really felt like being out here I was sort of immune to the whole parents finding out thing, I think i've made it longer than anyone else however. I don't think she's going to accept anything I strippers pay attention, I'm either going to fuck this whole thing up so much or glide through it, take it as a beginning lesson in stripping. I'm also insanely mad that she thinks I've been lying to them for the entire time I've lived out here. You decide to be a stripper but it's never a lifetime goal to be a stripper. 

My Aunt sent me a text as well...about how she loves me and wants to chat. I appreciate all the love and concern it's great. She also read's my blog. Hey Lar. We are chatting tomorrow. Stay tuned. 

I was thinking about the spike in blog traffic I've had and how it might just be my family...guys stop reading your over inflating my ego I can't tell who's real and who's not. 

Back to the part about being looked at differently. I have some pretty strong opinions about that at the moment too. I've been doing this for a hot second. I've been home since i've done this. Previously they didn't know. I was treated like a normal person, and this is where normal and not normal pop up again which sucks, because I am still a person and I am pretty "normal" and even if i'm not "normal" I'm not a leper or something. You can't catch stripper, it's not an STD...glitter on the other hand that's a STD you can't get rid of. Why is it now I have to be different, and I can't be trusted, I'm exactly the same as the last time you saw me. The idea of that makes me not want to go home for a while. I know I chose my life-style but I don't run around acting like a stereotypical stripper, most of the time, and when I do I usually regret it. Also considering that I'm pretty sure my mom doesn't want me in their house it makes it seem a little sillier to spend a money on a trip their when I could be a lot of other places after being on a plane for 5 hours and then driving 2. Let's just say 7 hours in the air...tons-o-places. There also aren't any decent hotels within 20 minutes of my parents hours. 

I know I have my own life out here, and I know that my choices affect my relationship with my family but there are so many positive things that have come out of this that I can't ignore them. My best friend, whom I haven't seen in months and I probably wouldn't be friends if it weren't for this, as I wouldn't be as interesting. I wouldn't be writing...really at. I wouldn't have traveled, met a lot of people, learned about myself. I mean I know that I'm going to be fine, not because I know myself, but also because I have a pretty decent support system, and they don't really know that, because well I've been doing me for some time now. 

I don't know how this is going to end up but I really hope they can see it's not as bad as it seems, no one messed up along the way and now I do this. I decided to do this, it was very calculated. Is it unfair to say my sister can't come out here...yes, yes, it is, that's their choice. That is the only thing that makes me second guess what I do a tiny bit, then again I have nights like tonight where everything is great, I walk into work I tell P what happened I get an ear I can talk to that understands what it's like, and a hug and a reminder that I'm not alone. 

That was kind of them moral of the story tonight at work. Presley was shit housed again...I can't fucking stand that bitch getting wasted every night. She comes back in the locker room and Luis is sending her home because she fell down...again. She doesn't get why. T and I are talking to her I'm trying to explain it, you can't reason with a drunk person at all. I was really trying. Presley kept saying how attached she felt and how she felt like everyone was telling her what a fuck up she was, when really it was the other way around, that we care about her and don't want to watch her do this to herself. So in that I understand my dad's concern my job is scary sometimes, but I'm not presley and blaming my actions on others around me. At the end I just wanted her to see that she has our support and we may sound like bitches but it's really because more than anything I want that girl to quit drinking. 

 I still love what I do, I don't regret it at all...Was this year a pain in my ass absolutely. Am I glad it's over of course. Am I okay with my dad knowing yes. Am I okay with the way he went about it, not really. I really wish he would have talked to me before talking to everyone else. Lesson baby strippers, if it seems like they know test the waters a little bit and find out before it gets blown completely out of proportion, because it will, and that's how families quit talking to each other. 

Damn left over chinese is so good. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

fuck you brain

This headache is officially getting old. I'm super over having it, I'm on like day 4.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Something to talk about...

I only suffer from writers block when I don't want to talk about things...I was told today I should just write no matter what.

Mon, is back at work. She is the girl that connected the cheese and I...Before that however she came with me to a friends house to hang out in their hot tub. She left her swimsuit there and asked me to retrieve it. Before I had the chance to I lost their number as it's not in the phone I have now...So I've had no way to contact either of them, so I haven't asked them for the suit back, and I couldn't tell her I didn't have it. The 1st thing I said to her when she came back even before "hey, how are you" was "I owe you a new suit" she said something that really insulted me in that moment and is lingering still "Don't worry about it I bought a new one, and it was really expensive" okay I get that swimsuits are expensive, but I feel slightly responsible for hers, especially because we work together and this is where being a stripper sucks, by her saying it was expensive is basically saying I suck at my job and can't afford to pay for her suit, I don't feel like this happens in other areas of life...or people don't connect those two things...also it means The Cheese said some mean ass shit about me.

Recently I decided to go back to my old ways and I was a little bitchier back then, so far it's worked out pretty well, everything at work is going great, I'm happier, the only problem is I wrote a long email to someone very close to me inumerating the ways in which they have disappointed me over the past few years, and I expected them to respond appropriately except now they are trying to make up for that disappointment immediately, and I've gotten so accustom to not having them around that it's almost equally upsetting that they are telling me rather than asking me how they intend to's like le sigh, I'm an adult with a secret life, what don't you get about that, you can't just pop-in you don't know about my secret life.

That is one of the most stressful things about this job, keeping it a secret, and when that gets threatened it gets stressful, I suppose just having my normal day to day life disrupted is stressful too.

I hate hurting peoples feelings but sometimes I have to do it to protect mine. If I did everything everyone wanted me to do, I would go completely crazy. This job runs a number on your emotions, and sometimes I've got to remind myself that I've got to put on my own O2 mask before anyone else.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Talking about online dating....throwing out advice like you should dollars.

I swear I'm going to make it to work almost on time tonight.

So I logged into my online dating profile for the 1st time in a long, long, long, 3000 messages kind of long time. I thought I would go through them for fun, respond to assholes and tell them that just because I look a certain way I'm not a complete idiot... Don't judge a bitch by her bra size.

As I'm going through all this mail I'm reminded of why I hate dating why it's the worst thing that every happened to a person. Like the guy who camped out on my lawn sent me a message today oddly enough. It's crazy so many people judge me for what I do for a living but they are out of this world crazy, like really you are going to call someone 50 times, 50 times, you have to push a button 100 times, and you are going to call the police after you tell a grocery store clerk that I hit you, and tell the police that I'm a missing person... but being a stripper is insane and I'm crazy unstable.

Also what's up with the dudes that hit you up and are like "Yo bitch I just wanna tap that ass, you down my name is Brandon" Nah brah, I'm cool. Also what girl responds to that in a positive way. I'm going to start asking for Dick pics and posting them at work , maybe I can start a thing we all can join dating sites and post Dick pics we get. I think this could work.

I did ctrl+f to see if anyone recognized me... they have. I suppose that's the problem with going public with what I do. Speaking of I think it's jaq the stripper or ripper (her blog is awesome you should totally read it.) has these great tee's she's doing they are "off duty stripper" tee's I need to get one. I feel like too many people have the "Jesus loves strippers" tee. Sidebar. I'm using my surface to write this and it won't let me swear or write the word stripper. However "off duty stripper" and my Polaroid should make me super popular in my neighborhood... not that I want to be, but maybe I'll start a whole marketing campaign surrounding Polaroid pictures... that is not a bad idea...I need a stamp or a label maker. Probably a stamp. Maybe a whole wax seal... no a stamp would be better.

WHY IS MY FUCKING PORK BELLY TACO TAKING SO GOD DAMN LONG! It's keeping me from going to work and making me crabby. I always wonder how my age stacks up to others in a bar... in the whole online dating thing everyone seems to be 19-24 maybe it's just the site I use. Also what's up with dudes in Seattle not talking to people.


I love that while I was retrieving my taco that some guy walked up to read my screen... awesome but you won't talk to a girl. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS CITY. I'm moving back to Chicago. Just kidding. Seriously I'm not... or not right now. I just put the deposit down on my other place... and they moved my move date back... boo on them. That being said I need to look at some new furniture which I'm doing tomorrow, but buying new furniture, that's going to require some extra work nights... or telling you all the email to my pay-pal or putting it on my wish list and actually posting it like I keep saying I'm going to do. Just kidding extra work it is... so come see me, maybe you will get a Polaroid out of it... not a bad deal in my opinion lap-dances and a Polaroid.

Oh I take it back, someone talked to me because I had the I need a napkin face.... apparently better than resting bitch face, I'm totally going to use it more often. It's strange to be in this bar at night since I'm usually only here during the day with leftover hooker face on from the night before, tonight however I'm rocking the no-make-up look and a black jumpsuit maybe it's the fact I look slightly like a mechanic.

Alright taco Tuesday must come to a close and so should this rant it's off to the hoe mines. If you aren't busy you should swing by and grab a dance.

writers block...again.

I swear I'm working on it. Back to an hour a day.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

you know for senators and athletes...

Tonight was one of those nights I had it, I was hot, I was funny, I had it going that the way you say that?

So tonight I was at work surprise, surprise, I sat down with this gentleman who opened the conversation with "I want to ask you a question, but I don't know how to ask it politely" so I told him to just ask he mumbled a bit and got out I wanted to know how much...and I followed up with "it is to smash?" he looked astounded and said "no, I just wanted to know how much a girl weighed" this conversation went on for a bit, then he did something that took me by surprise so much I almost got up and walked away, which takes a lot these days he reached out and grabbed my stomach with two fingers...I have never felt so insecure so quickly ever. I went on to ask him what he did and he said an engineer but couldn't tell me what kind of I asked him if he was a drug dealer or a stripper since those are the two big ones no one wants to talk about. Then came the kicker I guess I rolled my eyes at him which is a pretty common thing I do these days, he asked me what was up with that and I said I was exasperated. He then asked me to spell exasperated, so I did and he thought I put a k in it. I said I didn't and said I would type it on my phone he wanted to bet something. I have great faith in my spelling when I want to so I guess I should have bet at least $100 on it instead I bet $1 because I don't gamble. Anyway I won a dollar tonight. I didn't believe he was from Ohio so I asked him what you say after "oh" and he of course answered with the correct thing.  I couldn't tell if I had offended him or not. I then thought he's probably an athlete based on how little I sank into him when I sat down. I felt like talking to him I was so witty actually all of tonight I was so witty. I wish I could keep that feeling going every night it makes everything so much easier. He ended up getting a dance was displeased with the rules yall gotta learn don't touch these with your hands means your hands and that I'm not just a walking talking vagina and boobs just saying there is 90% left of me. In the mean time we had some good laughs he realized I don't take the whole thing too seriously said I was pretty, blah, blah, blah.

Earlier in the evening I was walking the floor and noticed a guy in a white tee looking at me. Usually I don't walk up to people looking at me right away...I want to make them sweat, or work for it, or whatever. Anyway I broke one of my own rules and walked up. I introduced myself. I don't remember his name I just remember he was from Delaware. I sat down and he was immediately like "I'm good" I retorted with "I'm so glad you are good, now tell me more about you" "No...I meant I'm good I don't want a dance" "Okay... did I offer you one? I don't even know if I like you... and really you might change your mind, who knows" that shuts everyone up every time because it really makes them think... this stripper might not like me, this person is suppose to like me what the fucking, fuck, is going on here. Anyway, I sat down we chat...I started through the survey I was giving for a while which really turned people off to me. I asked him what type of girl he liked and he then said "Big blobs, skinny, shorter" I asked him what was wrong with me since he basically described me. So I asked "what's wrong with me?" he said "Nothing, you are basically my type of girl" "So... do you want at dance?" "Yeah, yeah I do" another one bites the dust, charmed to dance.

So another hilarious Friday night for the books. Somehow however I didn't talk to anyone tonight, by anyone I mean anyone I work with.

Friday, August 14, 2015

I don't get it...

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And that's how I feel today.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It's alright don't panic...I'm just moving

Finally after a year a year of waiting I can move again...nothing to light the fire under my ass like being sick...leaving for the weekend...and moving at the end of the month...Here goes me not making myself sick working to death again...I guess I'll enjoy my time by the pool this weekend pretending I'm directing that old penthouse film Caligula. I'm seriously enjoying my 1st glass of bubbles in like a month to celebrate right now...and listening to old modest mouse as loud as I want FUCK YOU DOWNSTAIRS NEIGHBOR! I guess we can officially call it a comeback.

Monday, August 10, 2015

more on being ill as fuck, and boring you all trying to pass some time.

I've watched the movie escort like 5 times this week. I emptied the last of my "fun" account into rentals, I hadn't been paying attention to that account so it wasn't as many movies as one would hope, however watching movies in Korean on YouTube has been interesting and helpful for a new language....
AND YOU LUCKY LUCKY DUCKS!!!!! you get mainlined into my brain tonight since I literally can think of nothing else to do right now than curl here on my floor and write... for some reason having my shower on helps me a ton but I'm betting my downstairs neighbor is hating me...I care so little right now it's kind of amazing. He can fuck himself.

 So "The Escort" Is filmed in LA I think. The girl is gorgeous like stunner like sleeper stunner though. It's about a guy who is a writer for a dyeing part of a magazine who is trying to get a new job and is out drinking one night meets a girl she happens to be a prostitute.... ding ding ding let hilarity ensue including but not limitited to how he is a guy who has seen pretty woman a few too many times. I loved it, not at 1st it's the main actors stab at directing and acting I think so parts of it feel a little forced on his end. He's cute not like stunner cute, not omg I'm skipping work for this guy. Unlike the Korean guy god this is going to sound sooooo racist #nointernettakebacks I am not one of those girls that's like 'omg  asian guy, I like dress like a teddy bear, go out with me!!!!!!! But....Lee Byung-hun damn, Ladies...if you haven't seen it. The scene with him going through secerety and getting handed a robe and the final car chase, I think it's like min 19:10 for the 1st just kidding I don't know it's 16:20 depends if it's the english, the english dub, or the korean version, totally kidding I know its during the character setup but that's about it...I might have drinks before work on a Thursday and consider not going in for him, but that's crazy talk we all know I don't skip work unless I'm apparently deathly ill. He's just dumb hot.

Anyway..."The Escort"  The very end they have some quote about love, and how little of true love she sees and when you find it you don't leave it blah blah look it up...Anyway in this movie this girl does it because at some point in her college career she made a ppt with the triple digits of guys she had been with and it went viral...a cautionary tale to our generation on how you can't take it back. Her name showed up with whore next to it in a bunch of searches so she thought "If I'm going to get called a whore, I'm getting paid like one."... and went high end straight away, I feel like I'm not making any sense right now since I'm trying to just type what I'm thinking about... anyway... back to addressing quotes the one about love and how little of it you see in the sex industry hit home a little bit. I mean we meet people, we create relationships with them, we become intrinsic to peoples lives because of the service we provide, and those people have lives outside of us and sometimes like #tweetsfromthemensroom you get to hear them overlap.

My interloper+1 now minus interloper so my +1 literally just dropped off a speaker to me so caring for my illness and my boredom however he did decide to dj it himself so I now have "little stupid ass bitch I don't a fuck about you or anything you do, I don't give a fuck about you" Which reminds me of Philly so much, so, so, so, so, much since that song came out when everything went down between us...Someone posted themselves, not Philly singing that song and driving around. Actually Philly found that video and was mad for me, I should have known then.

I have totally committed to the whitenoise of the shower and now fear that turning it off would distrub my downstairs neighbor...I am pretty sure I'm going to get an email or something tomorrow....I don't fucking care. I don't feel good. I get super sick like this once or twice a year he can deal. He's the worst. I hope he finds this blog on some referring site magically even though he's gay, and knows I'm talking about him, and knows how unreasonable he is. I mean my interloper walked loud but I have a complex I'm like a cat with socks on now when I walk through my house it's pretty funny.

I'm not sure why I'm still up at 4am after a week of being ill...probably forcing myself to catch-up on my sleep and just being up all day and not being able to sleep since I can't get comfortable. Being sick reminds you of how much shit we take for granted so often like being comfortable enough to sleep or think or watch a movie or do yoga.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I was just being totally fucking vain and reading all the comments, somehow MR. Smith yours were all in spam but I fixed it. Also I'll finally be replying...years later...totally lame I know, I know, I'll make it a point to reply more promptly.

House of...

cards... leaves... glass... lies... Maybe I'm going completely crazy from not leaving my house for a week, well except that one night I left in a robe to go to a redbox...mind you I hadn't brushed my hair, I looked like a crazy person. I've also been watching a lot of ShowTime... The Suicide Girls re-launch looks great, I was expecting something a little less approachable but whatever it's ShowTime. I'm surprised I don't get sick more often considering the close proximity I have to people... never mind earlier this year when I had a stomach bug followed by a heinous cold... guess what other deadly illness follows the same path...ebola....guess who was asked if they were in Africa as their doctor backs the fuck up and puts on a mask and gloves...EEEEEEE-mother fucking-bola. Anyway getting super ill Monday morning and it's amazing how a few days of stomach bug ruins any work I was planning on doing this week or writing so my apologies. I'm starting to feel a little better. I have every intention of heading back to work oh I'm shooting for tomorrow. Not that all of you clamored into my club this week and if you did my sincerest apologies for missing you. *someone* asked me to write a piece about some of the shit custy's pull that I elude to at times, there is always an explanation, and sometimes no matter how much money is on the line you forget your drivers license, and you just aren't going to be on time, and you know, and that you aren't going to be so insanely mad if what they promised never shows up. This story is so much better in pieces also pieces. However I think I've got to get the whole thing out just for me, so it might be an in transit tale... If I can stay awake through my flight. I also need to write a about the good things to and the ways people surprise you...because god damn people will surprise you like this last week right as I was getting sick and still able to leave the house like a fully functioning human...

Saturday, August 1, 2015

It's not about the money but really it's about the money

Tonight I apologized for taking money from someone, that I know and like...strange because I was at work, it's my job, which they pointed out. I said I felt like an asshole, they told me not to because it's my job and they get it... but somehow the circumstances as of late and a few emails I have had land in my inbox, made me apologize....which was dumb it's my job to accept money, if you offer it I'm probably going to accept it in no way do I look down on anyone, and I'm always really grateful for the gesture more than I let on at times.

It's funny how as a stripper that becomes my response is to apologize...sometimes I take this whole thing a little too seriously...Like right now I'm at a crux someone asked what I spent this last weekend so they can reimburse me for my trouble but it's not really about the money it was about the effort, and although it would be nice to have that money back at the same time it's the principle so I kind of don't want it back... Or I could be the person that I think that they think I am which may not be the person they think I am at all. I may have mis-read the whole thing, so much gets lost in tone. I know this has to be a common problem amongst strippers walking the line. Anyway the person that I think that they think that I am that I may be wrong about is just like every other stripper, I'm greedy, money driven, I don't care about other peoples feelings and or respect their time. It's true I'm always a fault, and I try to accommodate in the mean time. I say screw it and throw my inner argument about what is right and what is wrong to the wind and say thank you for considering the monetary trouble I went to...or do I say screw it, and get to work at a decent time tomorrow and the following day to make-up for my loses and tell them that I don't really care that much about the money, I'm more upset that they think I just don't give a flying, or walking, or waddling, swimming, inching, running man, roger rabbiting, sort of fuck.
Also like the cheese owed me money, and swore he was good for it...I think I'm to a point were I would rather just let money go if it means less stress, I'm a stripper, I can always make more...Also karma, not that you can buy karma but it's been a hella of a year, and maybe I shouldn't rattle the cage anymore.

That being said from this moment on, I am not feeling bad about accepting money, if you offer it im accepting please don't project your feelings about it on to me, I mean I'll be the bad guy all day long that's fine that's part of my job. EXECUTIVE DESISCIONS MADE ALL DAY LONG OVER HERE.

Also how do you tell a fellow stripper to stop exchanging counterfeit bills with everyone that it's tacky. Also that no one is buying your sweet and innocent bit, I've heard you on the phone in the bathroom and you aren't that nice so stop apologizing for everything...except exchanging money apologize for that, apparently a few girls haven't been able to deposit monies into their bank and that's not chill. I guess I say it just like that.

Friday, July 31, 2015

so I was asked out by an axe murder...

I only get writers block when I don't want to talk about something and it's usually something that's really bugging me. I had writers block for months till I decided to come back to this.
People get offended by what I write, it's not their version of the truth, or it's not how they would paint the picture. I'm not making anyone out to be the bad guy in my writing, that's never my intention. Somehow it happens though people think I'm making them intentionally look bad. I end up hurting someone's feelings, then I end up getting really upset, then I don't write because I worry. I who bravely asks men if she can put such little space between them she can feel their heart beat, or determine what they ate before they came in. She who can talk about religion in her underwear. I'm a bad fucking bitch, and I worry about hurting a few peoples feelings, when I forget, that I'm not real, anyway...sadly however this whole damn thing is from my point of view.
 This week I met a very nice Indian Man who reminded me I should probably write about how to and not to date strippers again.

This guy was handsome, had an English mixed with Indian accent it was cute. He was also well dressed interesting considering I'm accustom to nerdy Indian dudes wearing axe body crap and express shirts, so this was a nice change of pace. He also got my sense of humor so that's a big thing since apparently my sarcasm isn't the easiest to get at times...So we are chatting and he asks me out not after asking me if I think he's a psychopath or a serial killer. We have a chuckle about this since I have literally the worst taste in men and tend to think that if you gave me a line up of men I would choose the serial killer. So as we are joking about serial killers he decides it would be funny to illustrate the way in which (man this sounds crazy when I write it down and I'm beginning to regret it) I may find myself in a less then pristine death, sadly he's not a poison you slowly die in your sleep type of guy. Anyway, his idea of a date is hanging out down at the pier after work. This is the part he's not kidding about apparently he loves the pier, and the Ballard locks. He's a water guy.

I mention to him that although a good serial killer joke is funny here and there maybe not the best idea to very seriously invite someone to a deep body of water after dark...Especially a member of society that is typically not deemed to be the most productive member and someone that a serial killer may choose as a target but what do I know I'm just a stripper.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

promises promises

I promise to start talking about funny shit again rather than these self affirmations I'm not a stripper self help book. However I guess with the horn tooting comes the exuberance to talk to everyone again and with that comes the funny stories the guy who only wants dances from skinny girls who look mean who will spank him. He wears a button up, glasses, a tie, and windpants...he crakes me up.
OR middle aged Asian guy who only talks to your boobs.

Get a band-aid and an ice pack or stop being a little bitch part 2

In the conversation Winter and I had this weekend she reminded me how seriously I take my job sometimes and that can be a really bad thing. 1. I get to invested in the people I work with. 2. I get really invested in my clients and I take on all the emotions and stress of everyone around me.

This weekend Corbeau thought I blew him off that I pretty much said go fuck yourself even after I had been making plans for weeks. That's not what happened. As you all know I went for a very long run with no bra and the improper footwear which will make a person late. I told him to go do something else in the mean time since I was going to be late arriving. This crushed me when he wouldn't get back to me especially after all the speeches of how great I am and blah, blah, blah, and how I deserve better, where as he is dumping me in a group with some stupid strippers.

So...crushed, just felt the lowest...I felt like a stupid stripper...skirt stop the bus, I'm far from stupid and although yes I'm a stripper. I am not a stupid stripper, nor am I like the stereotypical stripper. I and I hate to toot my own way better than a lot of girls. Although every girl is totally different and also better than me in a lot of ways. For the sake of argument and based on what a lot of people tell me I'm different and I'm better. (To anyone from my club I don't mean this in a fuck all you bitches way). That being said I need to quit beating myself up for people projecting the fuck ups of other girls, I've got to let that shit go. If it makes them change their minds and totally ruins my weekend and I end up with a rental car and a hotel so be it, and even if part of it was from a friend of mine being wishy washy about going. Whatever...I'll stop talking about it now. This is the client investment I was talking about. I've got to quit and remember I sometimes serve the purpose of scapegoat, catalyst of self discovery, distraction, creator of all evil. The last one may hold a little more truth.
I need to bring back the shot gun approach, start banking on my looks and my sense of humor again and my interesting little brain. How can I expect any of you to buy a dance from me when I forget the good in me sometimes since I'm so busy trying to find the good in everyone else I'm rad as fuck. Sometimes in this job  I'm just spongeing up everyones emotions around me which is what I've been doing, I have once again forgotten that my job is suppose to be fun...I think it's hilarious I have these little epiphanies whilst writing at night, which subsequentely quell my anxiety I get every night on the way home thinking I haven't done enough...Which yet again ends today. Today as always I am changing the way I do things. I guess that starts with maybe sleeping...Then remembering I'm the baddest bitch up in this bitch and beating all you other bitches at a friendly game of who can make more money on paper.
I wish Dejavu would leave the dance sheet out so I knew if by how much I'm crushing the game.

Winter is my damn hero and she gave me some really good advice that I need to start using my resting bitch face more often and to my advantage. The stories of this weekend are slowly sliding out my fingers as the embaresenet of pulling such a rookie move wears off.

Any way moe on last night Mahal brought up a good point I talk all this shit about how I want guys to act a certain way at work but really if they did I would just have a bunch of whiners on my hands and I don't want that. I just want you all to be mildly mindful and okay with supporting the charity of me...I'm rambling so lessons learned. Funnier stories when I wake up.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You can either get and ice pack and a band aid or stop being a little bitch part 1

The story is too long and convoluted to really explain all of my feelings behind the whole thing. I guess at a later date you will all here about it after I wipe the embarrassment off my face for being such a dumb ass.

So lets start with this...

Imagine me red....running in a crop top jeans and sandals holding my boobs since I have no bra on to make it to a car rental place on time, to be late. To then find out that I forgot my drivers license to run again with no bra back to get my drivers license to grab it off my dinning room table to run back with no bra still in jeans sweating to make it to pick up my rental by just one minute. I can run damn fast. Also I've never had so many people yell at me out car windows I literally thought I was trailing hundreds behind me. If I had been wearing a skirt and tights I would have thought it had been tucked in.

Only to find out that I did everything in vain, that my whole weekend was ruined and I was me being blown off by a custy....I'm super upset by the whole thing I sincerely hope they didn't blow me off because something awful happened to them. I hope it was just some stupid custy shit that they eventually tell me what happened.

Something good is totally on the way...why because I fucking said so...I have not laughed as much as I did this weekend in a long time. It totally flipped my perspective on things which has been happening a lot lately.

I mean luckily I had a car so I could get most of my shit from the cheeses house....not without getting stuck in the sea fair parade route. Luckily police officers understand double parking when you are trying to get things back from a totally uncooperative person. Of course I get stuck in a parade I suppose I should have pulled a ferris bueller that would have been more appropriate.

I've got a little writers block again because again I don't feel like I can write about what I want to. I need to get over it again, that's always what it is, it's my fear of hurting peoples feelings but with that filter on this whole thing feels so fake and blah no one gives a shit about the fluff, ya'll want the good stuff, which I haven't delivered this week, maybe after a day on the water I'll be able to put my hands on straight again and get some writing out. Also I sort of moved the blog but it wouldn't open the other day so stand by. I swear I'm being productive.

Also even though I had the biggest blow off ever...I have been extra funny at work. I had a huge talk with winter and she basically said "You can either get an ice back and a Band-Aid, or stop being a little girl"

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I can't sleep...A reminder to my stiletto sisters that we are some bad bitches.

I keep thinking about work, and what I want, and how I can make things happen and also how proud I am and how funny things can be. This isn't a pity party over here I don't have a mini disco ball and a box of tissues.
Preface anytime anyone hit's me with "I want to but..." "I'd love to but..." "You're so pretty but..." I have to try not to laugh on the outside. Maybe the next time someone says something like that I'll try and finish their sentence. So please know since sometimes tone gets lost...I'm working on it. It's one of my "challenges" this is suppose to be kind of funny, and very "high fucking, five, fuck yeah...we are going streaking through Westlake Center"

1. I need a break. I need time away from work. I need to be an adult 1st and foremost but then I need to take some time for me and forget about this crazy night world. So soon, very, very, soon I hope.

2. I want to change the way the world sees strippers. I want people to know and believe when I say I'm working towards something be it school ( a million years of school). To know that we aren't all fuck-ups. I guess with the changes I'm making I'm hoping to start a dialogue about it. Fellow former strippers any stories, comments, anything...bueller...bueller.

3. I want people to see us as people and remember that saying no polietly is great. But don't give me the "no but" I think you are beautiful, I can't hand my apartment managers a million notes saying that everyone thought I was beautiful. I want people to remember that...WE ARE SO GOD DAMN BRAVE FOR WHAT WE DO. We do something a lot of people can't, we get up and take our clothes off for people we don't know. We do the impossible we ask people to accept us to be close to us, to let us get all up in their bubble and...what's even braver, we hear "no"....and we sit there in your lap as you tell us why you are saying no, sometimes you say no before I can find out one fun, interesting, cool fact about you, you say no because drum roll please... you have a girlfriend, you don't pay for it, youre just looking, you just got here, you don't like me, I'm too smart, come back later, in some time, I'm not in the mood, I wish I would have met you earlier, I'm broke, I'm here for my buddy. I'm about to leave (you don't you get a dance from toothless tami)...You know what we do, we look at you, run our fingers through your hair... and say...
"It's no big deal, maybe I'll come back later, thank you so much for the compliment, let me know if you need anything...k" and we do it all without flinching all without showing you any sign that a a normal girl would show you if she had the balls to walk up to you in a super skimpy ass outfit since you can't wear your underwear in public, and ask you if you want to have her shove boobs in your face, and run her smoking hot yoga body down yours, and donate to her charity known as school, or independent women not depending on a man and living alone, or the stereotype of single mothers, or any other way you want to spin what we do into our very own charity work that any woman would be proud of... and you say no. A normal girl who has a body
 like mine.
So a normal girl would probably cry, call you an asshole and tell you that you're a god damn idiot, that a million guys would be happy just to talk to her and a million guys would do whatever she asked, and she doesn't know why she even came over here to talk to you because you look like a total stupid nerd... I mean whatever I'm not a "Normal girl" I mean I wear underwear under my dresses to strip clubs and know your vagina should not resemble anything that swims.
You know what we are some brave, bad, bitches, because we don't do a god damn thing but tell you to have a good night, hope that in some way we made you feel better about yourself and that one of our colleagues will tickle your fancy, and go out our night. Our feelings don't get hurt until we hear "no" about 10 times or more then we start to take it a little personally, but even then you aren't going to see us crying on the floor to you begging you to like us. We might ask what's up and if there is something we could change...I mean Dejavu doesn't let us use their glasses we aren't good enough so we have these red and white cups. One night I had heard no one to many times and I asked a guy what I could change and he said I'm turning you down because there is something about you holding a paper cup, I don't know what it is but I don't want a dance from you because of it. CRAZY, but whatever man. Even then I can't tell him the company won't let us have glasses and probably for good reason someone would get shit faced and break one every night and then there would be broken glass all over the locker room the following items in italic are boring things about profit and shit I'm sure it's a liability thing for the club, but now their liability solution is a profit liability to me and subsequently a liability to them....blah blah blah boring shit. Anyway I was turned down because of a cup...and countless other reasons. A normal woman would have thrown her drink and you and said look at me you dumb fuck, are you fucking serious? You are? You look nothing like Tom Brady, Ryan Gosling, Or Channing Tatum, but whatever bro. A normal girl would be crazy, because normal girls are crazy. (Sidebar Stripclubs are great for that reason you can tell super hot chicks no, and not feel bad about it, since we are fucking tough as nails when it comes to that shit) A normal girl might even leave the club go home, cry, and wonder what's wrong with her. but we don't, we hope for the best, tell ourselves secretly while we smile, run our hand down your chest and say have a good night, that really you would have been a douche canoe that we totally avoided and the next guy will be better because hey...there is always tomorrow. That and there is nothing wrong with us, and that is one thing being told no a million times teaches you, there is nothing wrong with you, and the worst thing that's going to happen when you ask someone for a dance, or a date, or whatever is that they will say no. the nice thing about me hearing no (not that I'm encouraging more no's I'm just looking on the bright side so don't get any crazy idea's) is it gives me a chance to move on to the next, and really it's their lose if they don't want me all smashed up on em'.
 We are the strongest, bravest women in the world. Honestly I'm really fucking proud of myself for making the choice to do this. I feel really lucky sometimes when I sit down and remember that it's not normal to be confident, and it's really not normal to take rejection so well. So mad props, and big ups, kudos and shit to my fellow stiletto sisters. Bitch you bad.
Also because pole tricks hurt like a mother fucker and we try to keep our sexy faces on, or our totally emotionless faces since we are focusing on not making it look like we were punched in the boob...that's a hard one too. I have to be up in 5 hours for breakfast, and to start the ol' blog move...scary, and exciting.
Hopefully I get to see dear friend corbeau today for a hot second before he goes to deal with some bullshit, it's always nice to see a friendly face before a lame ass flight.
I've been really lucky lately batman, has totally provided me with ideas to write about, motivation to do so, encouragement and compliments, also letting me hide out, which has totally helped me clear my head of the other noise that happens all while in disguises that make me look like I'm going to Cochella, but whatever. I'm infinitely appreciative of quite a few people in my life for sticking out this past year with me, change is a coming.