Friday, June 29, 2012

The stripper deities have spoken

They said to me. They said Red, if you build it they will come, because this empty strip club nonsense is not working. There was a girl I worked with once named Philly, Philly is famous for her ass, and for saying the same thing during every house dance "A team up front" I suppose that is what we are getting back to. This is about being the best. We we're the best club in the city. We still have some of the best girls working for us. We just don't currently have the support that we need so...go team red. All that being said you may see a few of us out at happy hours at the nicer places in town because going to ball games doesn't really do much. Unless we had a basketball team and could sit court side. Part of me has dreams of granduer of making this a massive marketing campaign making us extremely well known around town and of course changing the way Seattle views strippers and not seeing us as horrible people. Maybe selfishly I would like to change the views of a select few around me and have them realize that regardless of my job I'm just a normal person doing normal things. Normalcy sure does come up often after that last dude crushed me a little bit. That's all please look forward to me writing very specific dancer profiles in the immediate future because I'm just you are all very interested about what goes on behind the scenes.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Can't sleep

Apparently it's been 4 months since I have posted anything. I know this because it was brought to my attention not once but twice this week. Well kids what can I say I was going through a very tumultuous time in which I wanted so badly to fly under the radar so I did, guess what it's not my style. we are months later and a much better person for it, also I didn't hurt anyone in those months so score one for me and controlling the temper. Let's just give the run down. I ran a half marathon in a decent time last weekend, I drove to LA and back the weekend prior. I feel that the club is becoming more of a family again. Queen we will rock you is totally stuck in my head. Apparently I still have what do you call it oh yeah...swag, and I'm about to find my ovaries and put myself back into hyper drive mode. School started for the summer, I have so much reading, bright side I am going to buy a book light and start reading at work...multitasking at its finest. I have basically quit drinking from training for running so that great I feel a little clearer headed even though I wasn't drinking that much to begin with. I have cut out most of the negative things in my life, and come to realize there was a whole bunch of shit that was blamed on me which was not my fault. I'm going back to using my planner everyday to stay on task. I've been really enjoying the sun so much that someone told me today I'm starting to look tan (fuck yes) I actually love being tan I just feel so much better with all the vitamin d I can get. I'm beginning ti realize who my true friends are. I'm working on building friendships better ones anyway. I desperately need to clean my house. Its not horrible by any stretch of the imagination but it's a little on the disorganized side for me. What else happened I worked in LA I will never do that again it was horrible well maybe I will but I will work other places. I'm considering taking my branding and marketing to whole new level so get ready for some craziness. Also the girls at work and I are talking about doing some self promo work. So follow the twitter RED_stripper for the shenanigans that ensue. On a highly personal level I am finally done with the fucking douche loser of all losers I was dating who was a serious mind fuck and had me thinking for one second I would walk away from something I love (wor) to have him perpetually lie to me, and be angry with me everyday, talk about feeling like a failure, in the non-victim way it was my fault I let it happen, apparently I needed something so horribly toxic to really rediscover my strengths and know the good in myself. That being said as I always do a little Internet bashing that dude sucked and if I happen to find myself 3 drinks in I hope to the highest of powers that I don't run into him and logic flys out of my brain and I lose my shit every time and I might just attempt to kick his pretty little face in. Not really but I will yell a lot...again. On a more positive note I will be working this weekend and since I'm red and I'm back on black I hope to see a few familiar faces. That being said have great morning enjoy the day and I'll see you soon