Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prostitute smostitute, I do it because I love him.

Before everyone goes into a panic I really need to say this is not about me. This is actually about a girlfriend of mine who has unfortunately become tangled up with the wrong guy.

Recently I was cruising backpage for my own amusement because I know that I will "run into" someone I know and I can have a little chuckle to myself about it. No harm no foul, I'm totally okay with being an escort if that's the choice you make. Or I thought I was, until I ran into a photo of someone I really care about, an actual friend of mine. As I'm sitting in bed, something similar to being the hulk happens, no I don't turn big and red and smash things but I do lose a few social graces and feel that I can do whatever I want when I'm red. So red came out, and I sent my girlfriend a text saying "Hey what's up with this ad on back page" Thinking she would have the decency to tell me the truth. I was a little wrong. She replied with "what? lol" At which point I felt is was necessary to send her a screen shot. I FUCKING HATE BEING LIED TO. After that she goes on to say it was a mistake. I gave her the benefit of the doubt...until this weekend.

At which point a friend of ours asked me to talk to her. Apparently this all came about becuase she met a "Success Specialist" also known as a pimp. Who she is apparently in love with. FUCK ME RUNNING I could have sworn she was smarter than that.

I need to talk to her about this I just don't know how yet.

Monday, February 18, 2013

"Do you have a husband?" "No" "Good, you don't deserve one"

Dear Hazel,
First off I would like to apologize on behalf of your friends, it was highly insensitive of them to bring you into my house. Before we get into the bulk of this letter perhaps it would be best to just remind myself and you, what exactly you said to me. "This is a sin, and you really need to learn about fashion" "Excuse me?" "THIS IS A SIN, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?!" "I love my job, I chose it, it didn't choose me." "I hope you have plans beyond this" " I do, I study accounting" "Do you have a husband?" "No" "Good, you don't deserve one,  no man should be with a woman that does this"
Hazel, rarely do people get under my skin. Rarely do people so ignorant to the world cross my path, but you, you my dear are a peach, bless your heart. If you are unfamiliar with the southern phrases I suggest you look a few these up.
First and foremost, I do know about fashion, as we discussed, I've worked in it for what feels like forever.
In some senses you're right, you can't make a hoe a housewife, but apparently you are failing at being a wife as well, good luck with your divorce. This letter isn't about pointing out your flaws, it's about making points. 
I understand you are religious by thinking this is a sin...a dear friend of mine sent me a few text this morning to remind me that when push comes to shove, your god may judge me by my sins, but you Hazel, by condoning my actions does not mean you are exempt from your gods judgement, there will be a day when he judges you too. While we are on the subject of religion let me kindly remind you that Mary M in the bible was a prostitute, mind you I'm not a prostitute, there are things I can't do, things I won't do. Mary M, she may not have been in the boys only last supper club but that didn't mean he didn't care about her any less or because of her profession she was any less worthy of being loved. I believe if I remember correctly from my childhood that was the whole point of her story.
Hazel, I know I shouldn't have let your comment get underneath my skin the way it did, maybe I'm getting old and my skin is thinning (um? no.). It really did, maybe it's due to the fact that I have been told in my life that you can't make a hoe a housewife.I've been broken up with every time because of my job. It's never what I do it's the time it takes for me to do what I do, that I do my job during prime going out time, that my job makes me tired, that I don't have time fore anyone. Hazel I hope you understand that not only do I not have a husband, but I also don't have a boyfriend. I'm sure this all sounds very lonely to you, so please listen when I tell you what I do have. I have a dog, that is always happy to see me. I have friends that help me though the worst days, and laugh with me on the best days. I have a beautiful home, the opportunity for education, an amazing view, and very non-judgemental parents. Most of all I have a job that affords me the flexibility that I need to succeed. 
Hazel although you may not think I'm worth marrying. I do. I think I'm worth being with. I think that regardless of all the bad that goes with this job, not all of that bad goes with me. I typically don't toot my own horn, but for you hazel I feel like I must. I'm smart, I'm funny, I'm gorgeous, I'm capable of put up with ignorant people like yourself.
A friends once said "Red, you don't need a man to buy you diamonds" She was right, I don't, and I also don't need the judgement of a lonely woman to tell me if I'm actually worthy of being loved by a man, because DAMMIT I AM. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Strippers don't let other strippers drive home drunk

Last night one of our girls was a little too wasty pants to drive. I some how got wind of it. Well it was not a rumor really, she needed to use the bathroom after me and I could just tell. I told her she couldn't drive home. We argued about it for a little while. She said she didn't want to inconvenience me with driving up north. I told her a bigger inconvenience would be fitting a funeral into my schedule or visiting her in jail and that there was no fucking way I was about to let her drive.

There are few things I get really fucking riled out up about, drunk driving is one of them. My childhood best friend lost her brother to a drunk driver while he was on the way to the hospital to find out if she was having a boy or a girl, he never was able to meet her daughter. One of my best Seattle friends was killed by a drunk driver in Portland, mind you he was straight edge. It was the reason I took the train down there the first time. I think about it every single time, there is always a moment where I lean my head back and hold back a couple of tears every time I go. One of our doormen (who has moved to LA) lost his infant son to a drunk driver. He and his girlfriend had a flat tire, they got out of the car to check it out, stepped a few feet away to call tripe A, a drunk driver smashed into his car with his son in it.  My ex-boyfriend (long after we broke up) left the keys to his apartment in his apartment door. He also left the  gucci wallet I bought him as a christmas on the car seat, his car was stolen and totaled. I mean...that's his story anyway. I still think he was drunk and totaled it himself and didn't want to take responsibility for it because he is generally irresponsible. He basically opened up his home, which he shares with his brother, and his brother's girlfriend for robbery. His Brother and Girlfriend are friends of mine, I hate that he put them in jeopardy of anything due to is behavior Actually he used to drive home drunk all the time. There were nights we would get into screaming fights before he passed out an I would take his keys to make sure he was parked legally and that he hadn't hit anything.

Anyway I fucking hate drunk drivers I refuse to let people drive drunk if I can help it...I throw Gab in my town car, and I get in her car, so I can follower her and my driver up to Northgate. We stop at the bank because she had told my driver she was going to pay for my trip up and back. She was so drunk she couldn't use the atm. (my palm meets my forehead at this moment) She gets in the car with to give directions to get her home. We are driving along. She starts crying saying how much it means to her that I did this, that she is totally going to pay me back.  She starts talking about her family and can't finish a sentence. She just keeps crying, we almost miss her street. I was so glad to pull into her drive way knowing she got home safe. She was in absolutely no shape to drive.

Honestly I would rathe lose an hour of sleep then know that I let someone get behind the wheel, and have a greater chance of killing themselves or someone else. It's never worth it. A $20-$50-$100 cab ride is so much cheaper than...a funeral, lawyer, hospital, insurance increase, new car, or most importantly the fucking guilt that goes with ruining your life and someone who was probably trying to get home.

On a lighter note...
I jump in my town car to head home. My driver is actually a really good friend of mine, like we hang out sometimes, when I have extra time which is not very often. Anyway we start heading back to the city. I thank him for driving because he was suppose to head down to Georgetown. We are gabbing as we go about Gab and he is telling me that the entire way she would not shut up. How she kept talking about how hot I was how I had such great boobs, how I dance super seductively, how I am basically the shit. She also said to M that I'm super hot and I don't know it. I don't know how to finish this story without sounding totally conceited...so I guess I will just tell it like it happened. By this time we are parked in front of my place. I say to M that she was drunk but that it was a really nice thing to say. He turns and looks at me and says "Red, it's totally true, you have no fucking idea what you look like, and thank god because you would be horrible otherwise" he went on to say that really beautiful women are a huge disappointment because they have horrible personalities and are typically not that nice. He said he appreciated that I don't use my powers for evil. Anyway it was a nice way to end my night.

This isn't the first time someone has said something like this to me. One of my best girlfriends has a saying "If one person tells you, you have a tell, you should tell them to fuck off. If 20 people tell you, that you have a tail, it's time to turn around and check". I'm not sure how to check that so I suppose I'll just continue to reply with thank you and keep being myself.