Friday, November 19, 2010

There was a plane crash once. This is the point where we...

visit that spot and I scream like hell.
First off, fuck you, fuck all of you, you stupid ex's. I hope something terrible happens to you.
You little lying piece of shit, with your stupid everything must be big complex. The thing that created a monster out of me. NEVER NEVER NEVER will my tits ever be big enough for you. I should have thought of that as your dick isn't even big enough for you. FUCK YOU! I hate you. I resent you so fucking me for everything. I resent you for HER, I hate you for her. I really fucking do. I was so ok with it at the time, why? WHY! because I thought I would get the same treatment, that was the fucking deal you stupid fuck! You ruined this. You really did, and I fucking hate you for it. I thought I wanted to marry you. I should have known fucking better that you never actually saw me for me, and you never would, I was just a fuck doll. That's all I have ever been to you a piece of fucking arm candy. YOU GET SO PISSED ABOUT ME STRIPPING THEN YOU GO TO STRIP CLUBS. FUCK you I hate you. All I ever tried to be was a good girlfriend to you and it was never fucking enough. You want me to be more creative I am. I"m so creative I could die. You want me to rip each pubic hair out fucking done, don't ask me twice, you say jump and I do it. I FUCKING LOVED YOU SO MUCH AND YOU CRUSHED ME YOU FUCK HEAD! I should punch you right in the fucking face while you sleep. You were never cabaple of feeling about me like I did you. I did fucking everything you asked and it didn't fucking help. I hope you ruin your car. I hope your next girl fucks you in the ass. I hope she rapes you for every god damn penny you and and ever will have. I will never know what the fuck I did wrong. OH WAIT I KNOW I FUCKED SOMEONE!!! SO DID YOU! I want to burn this crash site down. I want to forget you so bad. I want you to disappear from my head for forever. That's not true. I want all the bad parts of you gone. I want to keep the good times, I want to remember why I loved you.
That's all, thanks!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lick my ass crack again and I'll fucking kill you

Why on earth would you even want to lick my ass crack, that's so fucking gross. It's sweaty and disgusting and really do you know where i've been no you don't, little do you know I didn't even really shower yesterday. Also it's a good way to get knocked the fuck out. Consider this your warning gentlemen, the next time you fucking lick me I'm going to hit you so hard in selfdefense for sexual assault.
Speaking of, I bet you didn't know that we as strippers have rights like that, the right to sue the shit out of you for not following the law and assaulting us, bet you don't want that on your record. The law is in place not only for our protection but yours as well.
On a less serious note, yesterday was Friday, the twins came back, and we had a pornstar in the house. It was quite the friday.

the pissing match

I just had a birthday, I'm getting older, everyone else is getting younger, and it's becoming apparent when I meet them.
My Grandfather died the otherday and I called out the day of his death, I'm truely a scary little being sometimes.
I'm so fucking territorial I want to just pee on peoples legs.
I came home the other day from my wisconsin deathtrip, I walked down to my first floor in the morning and I didn't want to surpise the girl that was down there so I yelled down HI! I was just running down there to grab my bags from the night before. She starts to walk up the stairs and hugs me. My first question is who the fuck are you. She then looks at me and says who are you and are you leaving as I pick up my bags. I think to myself, um this is Red's house and not in the club sort of way. This is my actual fucking house you bitch and just because M invited you here does not mean you get to forget who the fuck I am. I then very politely say no and that I am just grabbing my bags from the night before and that I actually live here.
I start cleaning up the kitchen from everyones little dinner party the night before something I don't mind at all, I really don't mind cleaning, but the fact that she left a glass sitting out bugged me. I asked her what she was going to do that day and she replied that she was going to the grocery store to buy sushi with her food stamps. UM...question what are you doing traveling the country with like zero cash. Two I am down to open my home and my heart to any and everyone unless you piss me off by not knowing who I am. I was just imagining horrible things about her at that point.
Then I come home from work tonight and I walk up to my second floor which is a concrete floor, she is sleeping on the bed and has somehow convinced the other surfer to sleep on the floor...There is a god damn inflatable matteres on the floor above that just for one of them to sleep on.
Anyway it just reminded me to much of being at work in my own home which happens to be why I will be working tomorrow night and then taking the remainder of my week off. It's eating me the fuck alive.

Sometimes it hits you like a sack of fucking shit

You're unhappy, you aren't really sure why. You look around and thinknto yourself in the talking heads voice, this is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. How dis I get here?
Why the fuck do I feel like I was hit with a Mac fucking truck right in the chest. Oh!!! Because I haven't looked in the mirror in months, I haven't focused on myself in countless days. Everyday has been for my two dearest friends and strangers that don't actually know me. On this little trip I have totally lost who I am. I mean I still know who I am I know that deep down I'm still the same person, I just need to wake up and find her and tell her she's had a nice vacation but It's time to come back.
My to do list is long, I'm getting a cold, my grandfather died, and I had the worst vacation in the history of vacations. I'm going to get everything done as fast as I can this week with hopes of bouncing the fuck out of here next week. Who takes vacations from vacations, I do I suppose.