Friday, July 31, 2015

so I was asked out by an axe murder...

I only get writers block when I don't want to talk about something and it's usually something that's really bugging me. I had writers block for months till I decided to come back to this.
People get offended by what I write, it's not their version of the truth, or it's not how they would paint the picture. I'm not making anyone out to be the bad guy in my writing, that's never my intention. Somehow it happens though people think I'm making them intentionally look bad. I end up hurting someone's feelings, then I end up getting really upset, then I don't write because I worry. I who bravely asks men if she can put such little space between them she can feel their heart beat, or determine what they ate before they came in. She who can talk about religion in her underwear. I'm a bad fucking bitch, and I worry about hurting a few peoples feelings, when I forget, that I'm not real, anyway...sadly however this whole damn thing is from my point of view.
 This week I met a very nice Indian Man who reminded me I should probably write about how to and not to date strippers again.

This guy was handsome, had an English mixed with Indian accent it was cute. He was also well dressed interesting considering I'm accustom to nerdy Indian dudes wearing axe body crap and express shirts, so this was a nice change of pace. He also got my sense of humor so that's a big thing since apparently my sarcasm isn't the easiest to get at times...So we are chatting and he asks me out not after asking me if I think he's a psychopath or a serial killer. We have a chuckle about this since I have literally the worst taste in men and tend to think that if you gave me a line up of men I would choose the serial killer. So as we are joking about serial killers he decides it would be funny to illustrate the way in which (man this sounds crazy when I write it down and I'm beginning to regret it) I may find myself in a less then pristine death, sadly he's not a poison you slowly die in your sleep type of guy. Anyway, his idea of a date is hanging out down at the pier after work. This is the part he's not kidding about apparently he loves the pier, and the Ballard locks. He's a water guy.

I mention to him that although a good serial killer joke is funny here and there maybe not the best idea to very seriously invite someone to a deep body of water after dark...Especially a member of society that is typically not deemed to be the most productive member and someone that a serial killer may choose as a target but what do I know I'm just a stripper.

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