Saturday, July 4, 2015

Summer, summer, summer time...I think I have titled a blog this before.

So today I was enjoying one of my favorite summertime activities...and observing a tinder date at the same time. I was talking to a good friend of mine a non-stripper (crazy I know I have non-stripper friends). Anyway we were talking about what I've been up to and the writing I've been doing lately. I text her the other day and she had deleted my text somehow a while ago so I said I was Red, because I am Red. She was out with another friend at the time and couldn't think of who "Red" was...she said "who's red" out loud and the friend she was with we will say V said..."you mean Red from The Mens Room? I love her"...So V thanks for listening to me on the mens room I really appreciate it, and yes you should come down and see me sometime.

Today was sprinkled with delightful little surprises, like embarrassing myself to no end when I should have kept my mouth shut.

Also...A delightful surprise of a really wonderful Indian gentleman, I am not even kidding right now. I was walking the floor tonight slowly like I always do, lining up in my head whom I'm going to prey on I mean approach next, and I catch an Indian man looking at me and really trying to get my attention. I did what I usually do which is ignore them/him for a moment. I finally walked up to him, and he was so sweet, didn't waste a ton of my time, he didn't try to renegotiate dance prices(that), he just agreed to get a dance. I laid out the rules like I always do. Low and behold this man who statistics would say would be a total jerk was so polite and nice it was great, it was the most pleasant surprise I've had in a while when it comes to talking to new Indian men. Faith renewed...right here all it takes is one good one, where as one bad kid can ruin it for the whole class when it comes to chewing gum or whatever in elementary school. As an adult and in my industry it's the exact opposite all it takes is one good one to erase all the bad.

Also just as an FYI so I can get it off my chest, and on the record.

Nev, last night was telling me about her relationship issues, and I was trying not to get into it, because I had overheard it like 5 times by then. Somehow and I thought she said this to drag me in, she said that her Mr. had threatened to "start talking to me" to get back at her. She asked me not to do that to her because it was just kill her. The thing is I would never, in one million years of a number of dollars do that ever. I would never helps someone cheat on their significant other. I would also never, even after they were broken up hook-up with anyone I work with's SO, or XSO, everything about it is so incredibly wrong with that it breaks like the highest rule of girl code.  Not that this fact matters he is so not my type or someone I would be attracted to. Personality is a huge thing for me and someone who threatens their lover with interactions with someone they find a threat is not someone I want anything to do with. Even if that wasn't a thing still not my type, I don't even have a type, but he's really not someone I would be into.

Side rant...
 I'm also really tired of this club, it feels like I should be doing better, like being hot would be worth something but it seems like it's not here...That being said I think I'm going to go back to traveling between here and PDX a little bit more. I feel like when I travel it reminds me of my worth since Dejavu has a tendency to brainwash us into thinking that we must work for them, and we must pay them a crazy amount every night, and that there is no where else to work, and that we aren't that attractive or smart...Yup I need a break. PDX I'm coming for you...If I can force myself to, DAMN YOU BRAINWASHING!

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