Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Things I don't remember, like how the hell did I get here

There are things I don't remember like...all my malevolent intentions...Thank you modest mouse side project of ugly cassanova for being the soundtrack to my evening.
Somehow this month is going by so insanely fast and I can't slow it down, but I really need to. I don't have enough time in the day to finish all my projects, or spend time with the people I want to spend time with, or make a gabagillion dollars, that I needed to make like 3 days ago. Le sigh, and there is always tomorrow...every strippers mantra, we live and die by tomorrow. However that's not what we are here for today.

Today I remembered and it's going to sound funny, that people come to the strip club to have fun. I know strange that I could forget that but when things become so routine you sort of forget why you do them or what your purpose in doing them is. I had sort of put myself in a rut of just going with the flow, forgetting that although these men may seem like the same men from the nights before they are different. I try to remind myself that everyone has something interesting about them, I forget, I get sidetracked thinking about my own stuff...till tonight, tonight was hilarious, tonight was a great reminder of individuals.
There was a group of african american gentlemen who came in, typically they don't like me I don't fit whatever I'm suppose to fit, but for some reason these guys, thought I was the baddest bitch, and they were vocal about it. It was so nice to hear that, and although I hear it pretty often that I'm super pretty or whatever, sometimes it's so nice to hear it from people you don't usually hear it from.

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