Monday, July 6, 2015

Interloper Insanity

This is the icing on the cake of my year...I mean it can get worse it can get way worse, so now it's just funny.

On the 4th of july this my interloper was suppose to pay me rent for the month that had happened (june) as that is how her rent structure is set up. (I'm writing this in 15 minutes so I can hopefully sleep, charcuterie sent me an email and pushes my buttons). She came home and sat outside the door and happened to hear +1 and myself venting our frustrations and voicing our concern for her general well being. She bursts in the door and proclaims "FUCK YOU GUYS, BULLSHIT YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT ME BEHIND MY BACK, FUCK YOU RED" I fully admit to talking about her behind her back. She starts yelling about how she's leaving and not fucking paying since I'm not staying...I remind her that's not how it works. I get her to calm down a bit and sit down and try to get her not to make any rash decisions. I leave her alone for a minute.

So I come back in her room and her back is turned to me so I leave her be for a bit...Then it dawns on me that she's probably up to no good and what do you know she is, she's doing something I very specifically asked her not to do in my fucking house....This is when all hell breaks loose.

Interloper is pacing my flat, fireworks are starting to go off and my dog starts to freak out. She starts crying and runs into her room. I ask her what's wrong she hits me with a "FUCK YOU RED I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOURE SUCH A BITCH, WHY DOES +1 KEEP GOING OUTSIDE? YOU CALLED THE COPS I'M GETTING ARESSTED AREN'T I!" I tell her she's not she hasn't done anything to get arrested for. I walk away...Thinking I can start getting ready for work, I should have thought like a child it would have been more productive.

I hear yelling and Interloper runs into the bathroom and trys to close the door screaming she's going to slit her wrists. I smash my way into the bathroom and see a knife in her left hand I get my arm through her arm and hand up on the back of her neck and start bending her hand like they teach you in judo and  tell her to drop...she finally does, and storms off to her room...remember she's high on drugs at this point. So I follow her to her room and tell her she has a few options she can calm down, or I can call the police, she promises to calm down, then goes back to thinking the police have arrived and wants to know why there are so many people outside...It's the 4th imagine trying to explain a holiday to someone who's paranoid and hallucinating, it's pretty fucking hard. (Sidebar, my college roommates sister tried to stab herself with a kitchen knife over her boyfriend, and I've wrestled knives away from a few people at this point in my life.). We get her calmed down enough and I head to work.

I come home, she's sitting in her room pouting I ask her what's up. She stands up to check the window for creepy crawlies and cops, and as she stands up I see she's been sitting with a knife (face palm). I start telling her she needs to work on her life, she freaks out and says she's leaving, I demand her keys and she whips them at me grabs a wad of cash out of he bag (rent) and storms out with nothing. She runs to the neighbors house whom she's friends with...fine go I give zero fucks.

Fast forward to today, she needs her stuff I say she can come get it if she pays rent, she says it's in her's not I looked. So I hand her her purse and she says she needs her other stuff for work and I tell her no. She pushes her way into my apartment and I start doing the thing where I yell and clap my hands because I don't want to slap her for being such an immature inconsiderate bitch with zero respect for anyone. So instead I scream at her to take her shit and std covered crap out of my house. ( I say shit covered because I was looking for something of hers in the trash and thank god I put on gloves because she had taken some of her turds and put them in there HUMAN FUCKING SHIT IN MY GARBAGE SO MOTHER FUCKING GROSS). She screams "FINE FUCK YOU" then I ask her where she is going and get in her way and say no, and she says "I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T FUCKING MOVE I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE" I think of how I can't miss work over a broken nose or a missing tooth and I get out of the way. She drags her shit in the stairwell. I give her a minute. Then I you should be helpful she can't carry all that.

So I head to the stairs and while she's shleping her shit out and down the stairs, grab her suitcase and take it down the elevator. She comes out the door and starts talking shit when she realizes that my apt manager is right there...So I help her take her stuff right down the way. Mind you shortly before this as she was trudging her shit out, I yelled at her that she was totally ungrateful, irresponsible with no forethought or consideration for others and that if I see her on the street I won't give her any change.

I feel like this great weight has  been lifted from my life. I mean I still have to get rent and the money I loaned her out of her...hahaha or I just sue her for it, I mean I doubt I will get it but perhaps I can help her reach her bottom a little faster so she starts to seek out help. She's never had to deal with consequences when it comes to her actions.

Thoughout the past week I found out how many times she has called me a raging bitch, taking my food without asking, waltzed into my room to help herself to whatever. She also almost pawned some of my stuff because she thought I wouldn't notice. AND,AND,AND TO TOP IT THE FUCK OFF SHE'S BEEN MEAN TO MY DOG ACCORDING TO +1 whom I believe. I will not stand for anyone being mean to my pickoopie, that's the only thing I care about in the whole world

At the same time I feel like a horrible friend for letting her slide this far down a dark hole, but people are going to do what people want to do no matter what.
At the same time I can't let myself fail because of someone else needs me to go with them. I can't have someone in my house that does drugs and doesn't see a reason to quit.

She does have some redeeming qualities, she listens something. Okay neckcramping and getting strange half dreams going so time to get some real sleep and not a nap. 

This girl, doesn't have a ged, doesn't know what one is. 
She's obsessed with Kimkardasian. She never cleans anything I have started to clean up the make-up smears that cover my apartment.

Long story short she's super cray, does not care about care about anyone but herself and that's questionable. She's getting a whole chapter later on the crazy shit she did.

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