Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You can either get and ice pack and a band aid or stop being a little bitch part 1

The story is too long and convoluted to really explain all of my feelings behind the whole thing. I guess at a later date you will all here about it after I wipe the embarrassment off my face for being such a dumb ass.

So lets start with this...

Imagine me red....running in a crop top jeans and sandals holding my boobs since I have no bra on to make it to a car rental place on time, to be late. To then find out that I forgot my drivers license to run again with no bra back to get my drivers license to grab it off my dinning room table to run back with no bra still in jeans sweating to make it to pick up my rental by just one minute. I can run damn fast. Also I've never had so many people yell at me out car windows I literally thought I was trailing hundreds behind me. If I had been wearing a skirt and tights I would have thought it had been tucked in.

Only to find out that I did everything in vain, that my whole weekend was ruined and I was me being blown off by a custy....I'm super upset by the whole thing I sincerely hope they didn't blow me off because something awful happened to them. I hope it was just some stupid custy shit that they eventually tell me what happened.

Something good is totally on the way...why because I fucking said so...I have not laughed as much as I did this weekend in a long time. It totally flipped my perspective on things which has been happening a lot lately.

I mean luckily I had a car so I could get most of my shit from the cheeses house....not without getting stuck in the sea fair parade route. Luckily police officers understand double parking when you are trying to get things back from a totally uncooperative person. Of course I get stuck in a parade I suppose I should have pulled a ferris bueller that would have been more appropriate.

I've got a little writers block again because again I don't feel like I can write about what I want to. I need to get over it again, that's always what it is, it's my fear of hurting peoples feelings but with that filter on this whole thing feels so fake and blah no one gives a shit about the fluff, ya'll want the good stuff, which I haven't delivered this week, maybe after a day on the water I'll be able to put my hands on straight again and get some writing out. Also I sort of moved the blog but it wouldn't open the other day so stand by. I swear I'm being productive.

Also even though I had the biggest blow off ever...I have been extra funny at work. I had a huge talk with winter and she basically said "You can either get an ice back and a Band-Aid, or stop being a little girl"

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