Monday, August 10, 2015

more on being ill as fuck, and boring you all trying to pass some time.

I've watched the movie escort like 5 times this week. I emptied the last of my "fun" account into rentals, I hadn't been paying attention to that account so it wasn't as many movies as one would hope, however watching movies in Korean on YouTube has been interesting and helpful for a new language....
AND YOU LUCKY LUCKY DUCKS!!!!! you get mainlined into my brain tonight since I literally can think of nothing else to do right now than curl here on my floor and write... for some reason having my shower on helps me a ton but I'm betting my downstairs neighbor is hating me...I care so little right now it's kind of amazing. He can fuck himself.

 So "The Escort" Is filmed in LA I think. The girl is gorgeous like stunner like sleeper stunner though. It's about a guy who is a writer for a dyeing part of a magazine who is trying to get a new job and is out drinking one night meets a girl she happens to be a prostitute.... ding ding ding let hilarity ensue including but not limitited to how he is a guy who has seen pretty woman a few too many times. I loved it, not at 1st it's the main actors stab at directing and acting I think so parts of it feel a little forced on his end. He's cute not like stunner cute, not omg I'm skipping work for this guy. Unlike the Korean guy god this is going to sound sooooo racist #nointernettakebacks I am not one of those girls that's like 'omg  asian guy, I like dress like a teddy bear, go out with me!!!!!!! But....Lee Byung-hun damn, Ladies...if you haven't seen it. The scene with him going through secerety and getting handed a robe and the final car chase, I think it's like min 19:10 for the 1st just kidding I don't know it's 16:20 depends if it's the english, the english dub, or the korean version, totally kidding I know its during the character setup but that's about it...I might have drinks before work on a Thursday and consider not going in for him, but that's crazy talk we all know I don't skip work unless I'm apparently deathly ill. He's just dumb hot.

Anyway..."The Escort"  The very end they have some quote about love, and how little of true love she sees and when you find it you don't leave it blah blah look it up...Anyway in this movie this girl does it because at some point in her college career she made a ppt with the triple digits of guys she had been with and it went viral...a cautionary tale to our generation on how you can't take it back. Her name showed up with whore next to it in a bunch of searches so she thought "If I'm going to get called a whore, I'm getting paid like one."... and went high end straight away, I feel like I'm not making any sense right now since I'm trying to just type what I'm thinking about... anyway... back to addressing quotes the one about love and how little of it you see in the sex industry hit home a little bit. I mean we meet people, we create relationships with them, we become intrinsic to peoples lives because of the service we provide, and those people have lives outside of us and sometimes like #tweetsfromthemensroom you get to hear them overlap.

My interloper+1 now minus interloper so my +1 literally just dropped off a speaker to me so caring for my illness and my boredom however he did decide to dj it himself so I now have "little stupid ass bitch I don't a fuck about you or anything you do, I don't give a fuck about you" Which reminds me of Philly so much, so, so, so, so, much since that song came out when everything went down between us...Someone posted themselves, not Philly singing that song and driving around. Actually Philly found that video and was mad for me, I should have known then.

I have totally committed to the whitenoise of the shower and now fear that turning it off would distrub my downstairs neighbor...I am pretty sure I'm going to get an email or something tomorrow....I don't fucking care. I don't feel good. I get super sick like this once or twice a year he can deal. He's the worst. I hope he finds this blog on some referring site magically even though he's gay, and knows I'm talking about him, and knows how unreasonable he is. I mean my interloper walked loud but I have a complex I'm like a cat with socks on now when I walk through my house it's pretty funny.

I'm not sure why I'm still up at 4am after a week of being ill...probably forcing myself to catch-up on my sleep and just being up all day and not being able to sleep since I can't get comfortable. Being sick reminds you of how much shit we take for granted so often like being comfortable enough to sleep or think or watch a movie or do yoga.

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