Sunday, September 19, 2010

What the fuck do you mean the door doesn't lock?

Tonight in the monetary sense was a million times better than last night. I need to remember to focus and keep fucking moving.
On the other hand, my club is so jacked up right now, we took the lock, wait not the lock the whole inter workings of the door to the bathroom out. I was in the bathroom today, collecting my thoughts, something I like to do at work, take a second and re-vist my game plan. One of the girls just storms right in and screams that she has to pee,  i think she missed a little as she squatted over the seat and hit my leg. This actually creates a ton of rage in me. In my head I'm thinking, why can't I just have two god damn seconds to my fucking self away from the pounding techno and all these girls, I just want to close the door for one fucking second, see I took it from two seconds to one, I'm totally open to compromise. Actually I'm not even sure you can remove a look from a bathroom door. I have to remember to look up the laws on freelancing before tomorrow, so I may bring up relative legal points, to all those in the club who don't know what it's like to have an actual freelance job. Or an actual job for that matter, to actually work to get to a goal that you want.  Like why do I have to be everyones god damn cheerleader, follow the rules, pay my rent, and have to deal with the repercussions of everyone's bad choices. To this I raise my hand in the air and say "FUCK YOU MANAGEMENT!" This is also why I will be dragging my ass out of bed early tomorrow for a meeting, even though I am totally getting a cold. There I said it on the net. Don't get dances from me I"m getting sick.
In other news I'm pumped for a meeting at noon. I have things to say, people to say things to. Coffee to drink, I think I might bring a fruit plate, I think that's sort of the polite thing to do when you are about to raise a little hell, or at least thats what they do in the midwest.
SO... lapdance story of the day. It's my last dance it's well after three and this Indian dude wants to cut deals, for those in the know, I don't cut fucking deals for anyone, ever, period. ANyway, I convince him to test drive the car. We go back, I start doing my thing, he seems like he's into it. I'm thinking to myself, score, i'll walk out of here with some serious cash tonight, no I was wrong, he gets one dance. I in my always improving way ask him why he only purchased one. He said he was looking for more touching and that there is another girl in the club that will do those sorts of things, but he appreciated that I told him right away that I wouldn't do those things. He hands me a 20 an apologizes I ask why. He says he wants to tip me. Indian dudes all except for 1 are totally lame, I dislike them very much, they all want a prostitute and a deal on one as well. All I want to do is have them over pay and knock them the fuck out with my fist.

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