Monday, September 13, 2010

I went to Portland post 1 or 2

The name of the club I worked at will not be mentioned as there was some serious shit going on.
I just got back from my first trip to portland and I cant find my damn glasses, please hold on for one second. Never mind I'm just going to write this blind.
I arrived in PDX later than I really wanted to on Friday, I checked into my friends place, dropped my bags talked about porn and jumped in the shower. I went down to my first club in PDX I was excruciatingly nervous, I went in knowing that it might not be my scene all the girls were really pretty with huge fucking boobs, mind you, I have huge boobs, but we are talking mongo tits, and if you know me at all you know that the bigger the tits the more freaked out I get. Anyway, I get there and realize I forgot my lock(fuck) so I put my things in the managers office. I'm getting ready I'm minding my own businesses, all the girls are looking for approval from the manager and from each other, I hate it when girls do this, I mean it happens in my club but not like that. Mine is more
"Does this look ok"
"Yeah it looks fine"
"Really, I don't think it looks good"
 "Then don't fucking wear it"
I tried to make small talk with the girls in this club and they talked right the fuck over me, I should have left right fucking then, but no I said I was going to stick it out. This is the way I work, I should get over it and start listening to my gut.
I get out on the floor, a friend of mine from pdx showed up to support it was really very sweet of him, he was my first lap-dance! YAY!
I keep getting off track. Anyway I go back out on the floor. No one fucking likes me, no one wants a dance, NO ONE SAYS NO TO RED GOD DAMNIT! I see two Indian men sitting by the back stage, I fucking hate indian men, they want shit that I don't fucking do. I sit down and start chatting to the one, he of course wants me sprawled all over him and telling him the dirty things i'm going to do to him and how hot I find him, all of this is of course how he must get excited to get a lap-dance, he won't get one before. So I'm not the girl that's going to be your ego boost unless I honestly like something about you then I'll tell you. I decide to give it a go. He buys one dance, thanks for the fucking 20 asshole, oh and now you want me to hang out with you all night, go fuck yourself.
I swear to god it was like this all fucking night.
BUT it gets better, I was giving a dance and the curtain to the champagne room was open a tiny bit, so I look in, curiosity killed the cat, and what do I see, some girl fucking some dude, and neither of them are pretty. I looked twice just to be sure I wasn't seeing things, I really wasn't seeing things.
Then it was finally the end of the night, I had the worst friday night ever in reference to money. As I am changing to leave i realize I'm missing a shoe, a real person shoe not a stripper shoe, my fave shoe. I'm so pissed, I still don't have my damn shoe. I had to wear fucking flip flops all weekend long. LAME. I will never go back to that club again.

1 comment:

  1. what is it with girls and boobs? i know lots of guys are way into that, specially at strip clubs. i get it! but, you ever thought that maybe the girls in the club were intimidated by you? they probably do this to every new girl that walks into their club. or perhaps they thought you didn't really loose your lock - some girls do this to get chummy with the manager. you got in late, had no lock, your boobs issue, whatever ... you were probably vulnerable as hell and right away the sharks jumped on that. go back there and kick some ass. don't let them win!
