Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hi my name is...

Hi my name is Red, or maybe it's Lexi (depending on when you met me and where)
What's your name? Really? That's my 27th favorite name. So tell me about you? Tell me what you do for fun. Tell me everything about you, Oh you want me to tell you about me? Be careful what you ask for.
I'm the hottest bitch In heels right here, I'm totally kidding,
I'm a dancer, wait I'm a showgirl, hold on third time is a charm, I'm a stripper, I work mostly at a club in downtown Seattle, if you have met me you know where I work. If you found this blog by accident, welcome to my work.
This is the intro post, I'm a little behind. I've been dancing for about four months, don't get me wrong I love my job, but it's not my passion, there are other things to life than turning men on and money. I'm losing focus, I started dancing as something to do to fill my time in between other clients in my other profession.
I was so curious what this side of the fence looked like, now I know, there are some funny stories, there are some scary stories, there are some tragic tails of deseption and lies. There is jealously there is hate, there is hope at the end of the night of the end of the tunnel.
My first night working, I met a man I'll call Philly not to be confused with the dancer, although Im quite sure she might come up later,
Philly was a law student from Philly, he rolled in after a long night of drinking. Philly was down on women and he was down on strip clubs. These are my favorite type of men, I always feel like I can change their mind. I sat down he started talking about how he hates places like this, I still wonder what he was doing alone there. I told him no one was forcing me to be there I was there on my own (it was my first damn night of course I was there because I wanted to be) somewhere along the way I convinced him to get a dance, we went to the back. Going to the back gives me a rush sometimes, it's like in my head I think, welcome to my house, I hope you play nice.
I sit him down in my favorite booth. We start talking about my hopes and dreams. All of a sudden he blurts out how Impressed he is that I'm not a total fucking idiot. I was so flattered, as stupid as it sounds, and trust me I don't need the ego boost, it's totally big enough.
If it weren't for Philly there would be more nights of doubt when dealing with assholes, trust me I deal with a lot of them in the figurative way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Red, Lexi,

    Just found your blog and I'm enjoying it so far. Come on and join us at our blog: You might enjoy it.
