Sunday, October 24, 2010

The things I need to do tomorrow when I get home

1. Accounting crap, I hate this stuff but I really need to do it.
2. Revamp the look...again. I think I'm just going to go all out on the whole high-end prostitute look. What better way to spend my day back then at victoria secret, oh wait I hate those girls. I did pull some looks from their site that I rather liked I think that should help, or at least save me the time of talking to them for forever about how their bras don't fit me and have them try to slam my boobs into a dd, everyone likes the spill right? So in theory it shouldn't really matter.
3. Go through my closet, there are things in there I am never going to wear or ever going to use in my other job. Or there are things that just straight up need to be replaced with nicer things, I really don't need a crappy acrylic sweater collection.
4. Plan RED'S super extravagant christmas spectacular.
5. Finish the fucking club email list, that is only getting me free rent days, and management up my ass about when it's going to be done. So I guess that should be number one followed by accounting crap.
6. I need to go through my dance bag and give most of that stuff away. I really don't see the use for nylon stripper crap. I mean sure some guys like it a whole bunch, but I like to think of my cliental as a little more sophisticated than that. Also, I'm 22 I suppose I could dress like a grown woman. Inside and outside of work.
7. Get the other part of my life going again. It's super fun taking my clothes off and all but really, this isn't going to last forever, and I have to put myself back through school, and start some funds for my little sisters.
Blah, blah, blah, life plan, life plan, life plan.

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