Thursday, July 4, 2013

Rarely do I panic, but when I do it looks something like this...

I don't panic often, but right now.
Please excuse me sometimes it just feels better to get everything down on "paper" so I can later create an actual plan from this brainstorm as to how I'm going to be the best I can be.
I'm a firm believer in money comes money goes and it will be there when you need it if you bust your ass for it. The thing is, the club I'm working at right now is our company's equivalent to the island of lost toys. I don't know what the fuck happened well I do. We had a manager that didn't care how we made money as long as we made it, which makes it hard for the likes of someone like me who is never in the mood to have a strangers fingers in her vagina. Do I know where your hands have been hell fucking no. Actually let me do a quick internet search for stories about people having sex with stomas, and gonorrhea bubbles bursting in peoples mouths to give you a small idea as to why I have an incredible fear of shit like peoples hands. Actually no you all can google those stories yourself...but why would you do that when you can read it here ps NSFWS (Not safe for weak stomachs) Look at all that time I saved you. Oh back to panicking.

Also I never complain about money but for real shit is getting real in my club, and I'm about to be a frugal ass stripper which I of course am all ready but I'm really about to cut all spending.
No eating out ever, not even at school. I don't care how fucking hungry I am, I won't do it anymore.
No drinking because booze are expensive and I'm one of those crazy women that doesn't let people buy her drinks.
No new clothes, scratch that no used clothes as well, so no new "to me" clothes, work clothes included. Here is to hoping my shoes don't break.

I have never had this happen before. A summer like this happen it is worse than the winter. I'm not sure how that is even possible but apparently it is. It's insane. LITERALLY INSANE.
I seriously feel like I should work doubles every day that I don't have school to try and make-up for money that just isn't happening.
  (This is what actual panic looks like, it's me going nuts and scrambling to make everything work, not even putting together real thoughts) For anyone who has been upset with me lately for not getting back to them in a prompt manner I apologize I've been really busy trying to succeed at a normal level lately and nothing is really working out. So I sincerely apologize bear with me. 
 In a first world problem sort of way. I desperately need a hair day, because my hair is a mess right now. Anyone wants to chip in for my hair message me I'm sure we can figure it out. A note on my hair it's not as high maintenance as most. I don't have extensions so by comparison it's cheap. I never get my nails done so I don't have that expense. I have all the make-up I could ever want for like a year. I am not going to buy any make-up for a year and see how far I can get on what I have, with the exception of my new favorite lipgloss with is $3.50 less than my previous favorite lipgloss.

I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong with this whole making money thing. IF anyone wants to brainstorm some ideas and send them my way again...please message me It would be greatly appreciated.

Also on a note about monetizing the blogger google just released that any "adult content links" on an adult content blog will either be removed, or the blog itself will be removed, I don't remember how they worded. So it's going to take me a second to figure this whole thing out.

A final note. The sun is coming up which is my que to skedaddle on to bed before I turn into dust or whatever happens when strippers see dawn.


  1. I hate thinking of you panicking over money.

    I don't have any great ideas, but always, always let me know if I can help.

  2. First off, although we met a short time ago and have spoke two times, both times were super enjoyable which is why I gave you my contact lookup and randomly on a Saturday night did a search for you on the twittersphere while standing outside of Temple Billards. With that being said, thanks to social media we get to see 140 character blurbs of what's going on in each others world. But you have a link to a public blog so beings you made really awesome impressions on me, I choose to read it. (Oak...that cracked me up...but hey, they are like oak trees...) Which I just did while taking a break from French lessons (on the 4th of 'Merican of me...). So don't take any of this as strange. You're cool as hell which you know. So I now have an interest in reading up on your happenings.

    So with that out of the way, I read the above blog entry.

    I have a family hookup with the hair thing. Without getting into too far of the details here, the extended family member is one of the best hairdressers in the city, no lie. He would just need details on what you would actually need done, since you have a lot of hair and go for intense color.. So if you're looking for help ..there you go, I can offer it.
    Why would I? Because I'm like that. Once you're in my world, whatever capacity that is, if I can use my many resources to help someone I will. It's why we have contacts, family, friends, and people we know that offer services. More so, I grew up broke. I have dealt with money issues numerous numerous times and even today while I'm doing ok, you never know when something will come up and send your word into a bit of chaos. I read the blog entry and complete felt every bit of panic and frustration because I have been there myself, slamming the keys or scribbling the pen trying to make sense of it all and vent to some degree to figure it all out asking "goddamn, light at the end of the tunnel please!!!".

    So there you have it. Someone decent has offered help. is my email if you wish to discuss further. Totally get you're super busy with school and work and trying to keep your sanity during this rough patch. But even though I'm a new person you met, as a grown-ass man and a good person, sitting by when I could offer help to some degree would be what most others would do. And I'm not like that. And I don't expect anything in return except to see you return to your super positive self, and continue kicking ass as you do. So if you wish, get back to me.
    - D
