Saturday, September 8, 2018

marketing...and sales...and a bad memory

I'm told constantly I should be in sales or marketing and the truth is I should I fucking rock that shit. The thing is it's hard to sell someone in sales that you can sell a dream...but I can and I'm a master marketing agent. Truth be told I am I'm working on getting out of the industry...surprise...don't worry you have time. I'll keep you all very updated as to whats going on in my world and when I'm leaving. You've all got plenty of time to get to seattle and get dances. anyway lets have some stories...I can tell a marketer by their glasses shirt, and shoes, I had one come in tonight promise me he would pay me more money than anyone else, if I sat with him...oldest trick in the stripper book to try and get them to sit with you for no money. I have a three song minimum that's 15 minutes...that like $200 I could have made or made part of. Anyway...this guy goes on and on about how hot and cool I am and just wants to spend time and all the money he has...which turns out to be $20 he tipped me on stage...a word to the wise... if you can't sell it in 6 minutes bounce. Also tonight I made a fool of myself with a regular again. I can never remember his name. However I can always remember your life story when you get to a certain point in the conversation except...I've commented the same thing on this guys shoes 4 times in a row and never's the first time I felt like I was blushing and wanted a coat. I feel so bad when I don't remember people who take the time to remember me. so if you are reading this know you are now committed to memory.

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