Friday, January 4, 2019

Honestly...on honest about honestly not writing

Whew dusting off the keyboard over here. Really and truly...I couldn't find my charger, then my computer needed an update. All this for one tiny post in the new year from your favorite Seattle Stripper. So much has happened in the past what half a year since I've written anything. I did another podcast but not for the Migscast. Although I love those guys and would love to see them again. This one even has a video of me so if you want to hear me being far to shrill look it up. I suppose everyone hates the sound of their own voice so whatever. I told myself in the new year I was going to make myself write. I feel like most of my posts at this point are about that. I never do it. This time I am. I need to start winding down after work a little differently. I mean I've watched everything on netfilx at this point so it's time to actually be productive, do more writing and more reading. Lately with books I have this problem if I really like them. I don't really want them to finish so I stop reading them when I get too close to the end. I mean really how much more ridiculous could I get. That being said any good book recommendations I'll take them. Oh one big major change in my life that affects all of you. I've moved clubs so if you are in Seattle on the weekend come by Deja vu Showgirls in the Market. I love this club. It's got a way better vibe, it's got way less drama than little darlings. Management is actually sane, and fair. Also I finally paid off my backrent at ld's and as soon as I did jr. had the balls to say to me "enjoy it for the day you have it, because we will charge you more don't worry" why would you say that. All the more reason for me to end my contract there right now. Like my forever contract. Really I should head back to Portland also things I say every time I write. Although I don't know if that's even a possibility since my ex bestfriend has made that her home and I really don't feel like dealing with allllll that right now because she is not the nicest person and shes easily pissed off. However looking at her social media it looks like shes doing well down there so I should probably head down and see whats going on. Last time I spoke to her it was still cracking down there. So I guess Feb is when I'm going to try and head down and see what I can do. Although since my bike was stolen (should anyone want to buy me a very small frame of the either 2007 or 2008 bianchi eros donna in acid green, not bianchi green acid although they also made it in pink, I would totally accept pink, I wouldn't be mad at all) ( yes that happened too someone stole my bike out of our "secure" bike parking, and my apartment manager told me I never should have parked it down there when I asked her when I first moved in if it was safe and she said it was secure and refused to do anything about it) it makes getting around Portland a little bit harder, although maybe that will be my goal for the month, save up money for rent (obviously), hotel in Portland, and a new to me but old to everyone else bicycle. Seems strippery enough right... Anyway that's enough boring you for now. I have to get ready since I promised myself I would go in early tonight since the last few nights have been lackluster. Also if you want to hear jokes from your fave and most attractive, but not to into themselves stripper tonight or the rest of the know where to find me.


  1. Many thanks Red dusting off your keyboard to start blogging/writing again.

    Wondering why I don't see more comments from your friends and admires here.

    Warm Healing Hugs!


  2. I hope you start writing again.
    I'm finding your thoughts very interesting.

    Hope all is well.

