Wednesday, August 10, 2011


As you know I went to PDX last weekend. It was a whirlwind of a trip, more on the personal level than anything else. I went down I did my thing I rocked the hustle, because I'm a hustler baby. My hustle was a normal NW hustle nothing special it didn't rain money from the sky like it does in Chicago. Just some good old fashion NW style, or should I say Union Jacks style, it was so nice to not have to wear a dress. Even though I bought a new dress while I was there, and a pair of shoes, because holy cow the shoes I wear now make my feet hurt so bad I don't think I can work. It sounds silly but if my feet hurt it makes me so tired. I'm sure it's because I would rather army crawl on the floor then walk around in those fucking monsters all night. Although they are very pretty I just can't do it. So new shoes for me. WITH NO SALES TAX! YAY!
Speaking of Chicago, this will be my last week here (So much for buying new dresses). I will be back in the NW permenantly as much as I love it here and as much as I want to stay I think the NW is calling me back for right now.
I need to refocus...again...Focus on school and finally finishing something. I'm sure school and being home and going back to traveling back and forth will create all kinds of fodder for this little blog. I also think having something stable and more sane than Chicago will help. I think it will be nice to be back among women that actually give a shit, rather than the fucking bimbos I work with here. Also even though there are dead bodies from previous relationships all over Seattle, at least there isn't a vampire like woman watching my every move unlike here. DID YOU HEAR ME VAMPY LADY! I'M WATCHING YOU WATCHING ME WATCHING YOU! Not really I'm a little no narcissistic to watch anyone but myself.
So it's back to Seattle I go. I can't wait to see all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Why do the "Dead Bodies", and "Vampire" tags rate capitalization? Wait... I think I just answered my own question.
