Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Maybe if I acknowledge everything it will go away.

Okay i'm venting I'm sure you've all heard it all ready but I need to get it to go away in the next few days. In the past 8 months...

1. I allowed many relationships with people close to me to rule my life.
2. I allowed a few people to destroy my ego or to destroy part of who I am which is why I haven't been writing lately. I haven't felt safe to write...but I'm done I'm done being scared of everything, and I'm done not being myself. I feel like a lot of my posts say this but this time I'm not kidding.
3. The my apartment which was my pride and joy and so much of who I am and what I worked for was destroyed and I was forced to move posthaste. Which was way more expensive than I thought it would be. THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HELPED AND CHIPPED IN IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AND IT HELPED MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW.
4. I got really sick and lost a lot of weight so much so that people comment on it...so I'm joining a gym.
5. A family member needed some monetary help so being the nice person I am I helped them out...I didn't realize they would take the rest of my savings.
6. I lost my best-friend to someone not worth losing a best friend too...she know thinks that I'm a terrible human being when really we all make mistakes, and the ones I know about her I will take with me to my grave. I text her after the destruction of my place saying that no matter where our friendship stood if she needed help I would be there and she replied with "I was done with you before all of this happened"
7. I let someone make me believe that I'm not good enough, that I'm not enough of a friend/person, and that I should continue to take there emotional beatdowns to the point I sort of gave up on myself for a while. I forgot who I was.

More on that. I really did forget who I was, I was sleeping all day, I was not talking to anyone about how I felt what was going on, any threats they dished out, I quit looking in the mirror on my days off. If I did all I could see was how ugly I was how horrible I was, which translated into my work. I have been meek I haven't even believed that I was attractive. I couldn't sell a dance to save my life. Mind you I'm not without flaw in some ways I hurt this person their are two sides to every story but holy fucking shit am I glad that I lived though that. That I can get up and see that I'm a valuable person and the day is worth waking up for.


  1. Next time you look in the mirror, look through my eyes...see the light that I see, see yourself as I see you, a beautiful, confident, classy woman.

    Most of all, relax and have some fun.


  2. remember the meaning of your name

  3. Red, you can write, you are aware, and you mind your business. Therefore, YOU BE PROUD of yourself. I just stumbled on this blog today. I hope you write more. I'll catch up on your old posts.

  4. Hi Red,
    You know your priorities, and you are intelligent and creative. Therefore, you should keep your head up and be proud. I stumbled onto this blog recently. Hope to read more from you. Keep it up.
