Friday, November 8, 2013

That time of year...Or a story from before I was a stripper.

In Seattle Strippers must have business licenses. We are independent contractors. It's the time of year when they (the clubs) start to remind us to renew our papers. Every year it reminds me of when I first started dancing. When you first enter into this industry there is a bunch of buracracy you must get though.

I was walking though downtown listening to daft punk getting pumped up to get everything done. I was so scared, it was spring, and I had no fucking clue what I was getting myself into. I don't remember what I wore that day, although I'm sure I could look I know I have a photo from that day. I arrived at the department of licensing downtown and went to the desk to find out where I needed to go. I was informed that I was to go to some crazy high floor and take the high speed elevator. There are tons of different kinds of people in this building, I remember wondering what all of them did or if they could tell that I was on my way to becoming a stripper.

I walked into the office, filled out my paper work and was informed that I needed to head back downstairs and across the street to the police department. I was so confused by this. Here in Seattle they take your fingerprints, maybe for our safety but most likely because crime follows this business.

I remember standing in line being so nervous I thought I was going to puke. This amazing thing happened while I was getting my finger prints taken. I was joking around with the officers taking my prints and all of a sudden before I even put down one finger one turns to me and says "Are you sure you want to do this? You are just so nice, you don't seem like the rest of them" for some reason I found so much comfort in that. This happened so many times that day when I feel like I'm failing like today I really like looking back on that moment and thinking that I'm just a little different than the other girls.


  1. You seem to have a lower opinion of "the other girls". I would think you would believe in judging the person not the job. The job doesn't make the person. The personality usually already exists.

  2. That is absolutely incorrect. There are a few girls I don't think incredibly highly of and I understand that this job does not breed personalities, it does attract them at times. If the job made the person I would not be the person I am. Also the "other girls" some of them are my best friends...Let me tell you a quick story. I hate my birthday with a burning passion. I have been broken up with in other countries on my birthday, it has been forgotten. I have baked my own birthday cake so many times I don't remember the last time one was baked for me. I don't get presents. One year when I was working a 9-5 my alleged well payed upstanding citizens, and best friends, racked up a $500 bar bill and left me with it. I so didn't have the money.
    This year however "the other girls" made me a cake, brought me small presents, wished me a happy birthday countless times, and changed my opinion on my birthday. "The other girls" are some of the best women I have ever met in my life. Just sayin...;)

  3. I seem to recall that you did get a present this year.
