Monday, February 16, 2015

Squartters, and how I only get 6 hours of sleep

For those of you who follow my twitter, I'm sure you know I rarely sleep, and I have a squatter. I took the night off last night because well I had a nice dinner and I was so exhausted I was hallucinating...dinner was awesome (my text conversation was not).
Anywho my squatter, whom annoys me on a regular basis, somehow tonight went out with some friends and as she was leaving the bar ended up getting jumped and maced...she then woke me up at 5am. I went to bed around 11:30 mind you actually sleeping at night helped me out a ton, I think I'm going to do it more often. However dealing with a crying squatter because she was maced and had $300 stolen out of her bag was then my problem. She's a sweetheart, she takes my dog out pretty often and I feel really bad for her, I really do getting maced sucks it hasn't happened to me in 10ish years (knock on wood) however I did get it on my hands tonight from dealing with her clothing, and that shit burns. (thank you police catalog for mace wipes and overnight shipping)
I can't be mad at someone for getting maced and waking me up, I can be annoyed by how many times she has been given fake money, lost money, had it stolen, lost her wallet, dropped it, left it at a bar...etc. Still getting maced sucks.
Moving on to what constitutes as harrassment. Tonight my friend told me I should write no matter what, I haven't been writing lately out of fear of offending people, I don't like hurting peoples feeling lately I mean I never have, however this outlook has turned me into a huge pussy lately who doesn't stand up for themselves and gets walked on by squatters. Anyway.... coming up once I figure out how to quote these things...but 1st more cake.


  1. Sounds like your squatter has a substance abuse problem.

  2. It's not mace, it's pepper spray. Mace is illegal because she would be complaining that her eyeballs were gone, along with your fingerprints. Mace is just a brand name these days in the civilian consumer world.

  3. Squat squat squat cumquat squat squat poop!!
