Monday, June 22, 2015

The hosptial is my new hang out

So I took the night off last night. (Batman, you were right only I was summoned to the hospital) I took it off to hang out with a person who's view on me taking the night off is "You shouldn't take the night off to hang out with me you should take the night off for you because you want to hang out with me, or you will end up resenting me" Well kiddo your right  I will end up resenting you, but for a a few other reasons, like you always turn things around on me to be my fault, you don't belive in me, you don't think writing is a good idea, you smoked in an apartment I was excited about getting and totally killed my chances of getting it, you and another "friend" of mine. So taking the night off is one of the low list items, I will also resent you especially when you get mad at me when I show up to the er, first you want me to leave, then you want me to stay, then you want me to leave so I go home and you get mad and say you should have called someone else because I don't care about you. People these days. I could have been at work having a normal sunday night.
So I said I was going to write a book and I've been tasked with writing for an hour a day, about anything and publishing it here to matter what. I've got the writing part down lately it's just the publishing. I'm still worried about offending people. The thing is I don't use anyones names so what does it matter who or what I write about i've got to quit being so scared of shit this year. I mean I guess anyone would be a little leary after my year. I guess I'm going to have to go back and post what I've been writing about these past few days.
A man in a searsucker suit just sat down next to me. I wonder if people know I'm a stripper based on what I look like during the day. I wonder if the make-up still perfectly applied from the night before gives it away, even though I didn't work last night. I had every intention of going to a goth night...So I threw on the ol hooker face, and as I was getting ready that's when I got the text of "I was assualted" So this friend of mine likes to talk a lot of shit to people and mildly thinks of the consequences. I've seen him almost get hit in the face before...mind you he does do this shit for some of the right reasons, I just think he takes it too far...I've seen him take it a little farther than he should and when he does it's kind of entertaining he changes his gate to have a little more bounce and he drags his toes and hunches his shoulders it's like his poker tell. He loves to provocte people and he knows/knew it would backfire eventually, so last night he apparently asked two girls not to throw a cup of ice on the ground, they called him some names apparently, and then magically a man came out from around a corner, asked him what happened and as he was looking away bro smashed him in the face. Split his lip open and dropped him, so the cheese that's what we will call him the cheese thinks he had brass knuckles or a roll of quarters or something. I think it was probably just a ring. Anyway I'm not sure how this can escalate so quickly without provocation. Anywho he's currently locked out of his house and was last night as well and was mad I didn't invite him over, which I personally thought was a bad idea I had just yelled at my roommate to get the fuck out of my room, and I was calling the crisis hotline to try and figure out what to do with her, so heaven forbid that don't invite you over when it's the middle of me trying to make sure someone elses mental health is safe. I'm sure a bunch of you are really worried right now. Don't be. I'm totally fine trust me I wouldn't be writing this about them if I wasn't safe. I swear I'm going to bring this back to stripping any minute now.
 He thinks I have a tell as well. We were fighting one day he thought I had lied to him and he said something about discovering that I'm a prostitute and I almost started laughing and I had a hard time not screaming at him in public so instead I said I didn't care, and he totally freaked out saying "that's all i need to hear is that you don't care, I don't know why I'm sitting here wasting my time" This is also why I think he didn't just magically get hit in the facel
 I lump this person in with all the other crazies in my life right now. I don't know what it is or why it is that I attract them but for some reason I do and it makes me second guess anyone in my life. I blame it on stripping I guess, but not really I think that stripping dancing is more of a reminder that everything is temporary and not everything needs to be super serious. That being said. I'm going to spell check this later and take a nap. I think my hour is up. and my drink is almost gone. I'll be blogging everyday from a different location, and eating a drinking different things, I made a promise to be more social lately so I'm going to try and kill two birds with one stone.
So... I'm going to get rid of some extraneous weight in my life, maybe you should too.


  1. Nice priorities. Hanging out with someone who instigates fights, gets kicked out of his house and gets himself beat up. Someday you'll see the value of someone who puts in a lot of time and effort. I hope it isn't too late when you realize it.

  2. Hey Anon,
    I should clarify he didn't get kicked out of his house, he left his keys. He does get in altercations typically for the right reasons he has the best intentions at heart it's just sometimes he doesn't see them all the way through to how they could harm him. I mean I've seen him stick up for three women being treated poorly by their boss while out at a bar, the man he confronted thought that he deserved to call the server a bitch and be generally demeaning to women because he was/is a tech exec, and the cheese reminded him that it doesn't really matter. The cheese also does put a lot of time and effort into all of his relationships he could never be accused of dismissing the opportunity to talk about feelings, and he will stay up late just to talk, in fact I'm sure he wishes I would/will find someone who puts in a lot of time and effort and that I actually appreciate it at that time.

    1. maybe it would be better to acknowledge that people have positive traits also instead of only dwelling on their failings. So many of your posts are simply cutting people down. The Indians who grope, the guys who treat you badly, Philly. It used to be fun to read your blog, now it is only crying about how everybody treats you unfairly. I'm reminded of how when a person points a finger there are three fingers pointed back at herself.

    2. I do acknowledge them. I mean In reading the post about discussion between Versailles and I the other night I was saying how people close to us, are the ones we love the most, and at times the ones that drive us crazy, so even in the middle of being annoyed at her I pointed out that I moved her make-up bag so nothing would happen to it. We talked it out later which I pointed out. There are a lot of good things that happen and maybe they are only funny to me, I mean how many people are you close to that you can be expressing at and say you did something for them and genuinely mean it, but you are unfortunately expressing and can't really stop, and then have it be okay shortly after. Maybe I didn't explain that part, I was pretty tired while writing it, and I felt like it was implied. I'm sorry that it's no longer entertaining to you, sadly not all parts of my life are hilarious, and I've unfortunately had one of those days...for the past few months.
      However you do make a good point, perhaps it would be best to spin it in a more comical fashion. I will also try to give more detail to the emotions being expressed at the time, and peoples positive attributes Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it.

    3. I think I accidentally deleted your last comment. I might be all of the things you suggested. I'm sure having the year I have had comes out in my work at times.
      Yes, there are a lot of good things that happen. Yes, I do talk about the shitty things often. This is an outlet for me at times...and sometimes the dudes that hand me a dollar for grabbing my boob after I say no, are funny to me. Maybe I'll start prefacing things, because I'm sure to some people that may seem like a traumatic experience, and I have these horrible things happen all the time, but sometimes it's just a job hazard, and the ways in which these things happen are funny...anyway thanks for the feedback I appreciate it.
