Saturday, July 16, 2016

THE past The Present... and sex tips for tall people

Lately I've been just feeling myself at work. I've been on fucking fire, I feel un fucking stoppable. I feel like I've got my fucking groove back. Meaning I best get my ass into work real quick. Last night one of my old home girls from the hill came in. She's always super fun when she comes in...however she had K^2 with her. We sat down and had an actual talk about why he didn't like me 5 years ago. Really it came down to J did not like what I did and I was a crazy jealous bitch. Which is mostly no longer true, my crazy is contained to when it's appropriate, like cutting lockers, swearing at drivers, and beating the shit out of the willing. Speaking of I'm dieing to have a little fun so if anyone is down let me know.

Anyway K^2 came in and my home girl was trying to hook us up or so it seemed. The problem is we hate each other. He's never liked me I'll always come off crazy. I feel like I'm getting slowly pushed out of all my comfort zones so fuck it Im moving to LA.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be sorry to see you go to LA. It's kind of a cesspool.

    Otherwise, I think the title of this post is a bit misleading.
