Sunday, July 17, 2016

Why I collect shitty people

Shitty people always come off so charming their problems aren't that bad. They aren't a suck
 on your life then you find out they are. Sometimes life beats you down so you take it. My best friend wrote me today that she is amazed and proud of me that I have this tenacity for rising above the ashes and really still finding joy she's right, I do it's a blessing and a curse. My dad taught me to never give up there is always another way, so as soon as some idiot walks into my life I tend to think I can fix them for help them and push away those around me who truly can help. Those people are hard to find they don't have big personalities they aren't trying to prove something they are just good people. It's the wolf in sheep's clothing one must worry about the ones with slick suits and slick hair promising the world and not caring how they lure you in. I keep shitty people around because I believe love will fix them, I'm very wrong I lost the love of my life and there have been days I would give anything to go to sleep and not wake up just because she isn't right next to me but I march on.

I'm done with the fakes, and the liars, and I'm caring it like it is from now on. Promise me 120k and get me 70k we have a problem, lie to my co-workers also a problem. Here is the thing, I'm unchanging, and I opened a locker yes because she would have as well. I'm not a liar, nor a thief, I'm upfront, and I've been taking a lot of abuse from you fucking bitches, you think I'm a pussy say it to my fucking face not every one around me. You want to jump on the bully train enjoy it when it turns into the train to hell. You all want to whisper shit...I'm going to talk, this game is over, you're in or your out.

oh and you who said you would always be there because you were "my friend" bullshit you know what you did.

I will succeed in life if I have to claw my way out of this little darlings dungeon, because the real bitch is back, and I aint scared of no ghost.