Monday, December 12, 2011


It's finals week. I'm in a straight panic about it. Im sure if you were to talk to me about it I wouldn't seem to stressed but I always stress about tests. I want a 4.0 and I know it's probably not going to happen this quarter. I've been really distracted with being ill and not ill as in reference to the beastie boys. As in actually ill.

Side note, I am sitting in a coffee shop listening to christmas carols.

Work has been well work like lately. It's been odd, it's been people saying no, and for no real reason. I think it's just the time of year. It is for this exact reason I do not spend every dollar I make and I make it a point to save. Just the other day I was reviewing one of the girls personal budgets. If I can say one thing to everyone out there. QUIT SMOKING IT WILL SAVE YOU COUNTLESS DOLLARS.

In other news I will be in Portland this weekend so don't come looking for me in Seattle.

I'm really hoping Portland is a little better than Seattle this weekend. I'm really having a hard time with this Seattle business. Not that it's really any of your business but it's been so unpredictable lately that I actually woke up and cried the other morning and considered moving. I feel that I must reiterate to you gentlemen that you happen to be in my FUCKING HOUSE so please be a gentleman because if you don't I will send one of you lucky men or women to the ER, I swear I really will, and it won't be pretty and it will hold up on my end in court because my dearies, if you break the law i'm just looking at self defense. So get it together lets all cheer up and quit being mean to each other.

1 comment:

  1. Saw you at Union Jack's tonight. Just wanted to say you're cool as shit. Hope things go good for you.
