Friday, August 3, 2012

Lick my ass...get hit

As I sit here eating macaroni and cheese for the first time in about a month and watch Fraiser, I can't help but think...
What is the fixation with my ass I mean seriously and how hard is it to follow to rule of "DON'T LICK ME"

Anyway tonight was interesting. Lets start with...
The 19 year old, who had never been to a strip club before. He was visiting from, somewhere I can't remember otherwise known as texas. He was pretty into our dance, but regardless of that. He started talking to me about his relationship and how his girlfriend has gone though some really rough stuff and expects him to be there for her for the rest of her life. I love a good love story as much as anyone else. I would love to see some high school sweet hearts work out and it breaks my heart that he doesn't want to be with her, and that he is doing the ever typical 19 year old thing and is cheating on her, but yet he's too scared to actually dump her. He said that he feels she just won't get over him. I tried to convince him that the best way to have a girl get over you is to tell her the truth especially if you are cheating on her (I mean how would I know I've nnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvveeeerrrrr been cheated on) I wish I could tell her myself. Not that a 19 year old girl would take a stripper very seriously but I'm sure if anyone could convince someone that there are a million fish in the sea and she could have any of them.

Speaking of taking strippers seriously. Tonight I received one of the greatest compliments, a friend of mine who knows what I do said something like...I don't care that you are a stripper, in fact I think it's great, you are passionate about what you do. You are focused. In fact I don't think it says anything about who you are and is not a reason for people to disrespect you, nor do I think it's a scratch on your personality.

As for the ass licking. It is only a certain type of person who chooses to not follow the rules and they are always so surprised when my hand meets up with their face, as if I didn't warn them and I should feel bad...excuse me mother fucker two seconds ago you were treating me with less regard than you would treat a rug and I'm pretty sure there is something in there about karma. Karma just happened to show up early in the form of my hand and let you know that the universe was just a little bit unhappy with the way you were treating me. That being said I might not be a lady and you probably shouldn't treat me like one, but dammit I'm a woman and I demand just as much respect as any man.

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