Thursday, August 23, 2012

Then it happened...

I woke up this morning, and my first thought was "Why is my best friend calling me soooo early..." Followed by "I'm so glad I'm not dead, and I get to wake up to this view everyday." Let me clarify, there was no reason to think that I might be dead, except for well, no really I can't think of any reason I would be dead this morning. Anyway we have a policy were we all check in with each other if we haven't heard from each other in a couple of days. So I guess I've been MIA for a minute.

I went back to sleep for a second, to be woken up by another phone call, and my first thought was "MAN, that view, it just doesn't get old!" This phone call equally as pleasant as the first. It was a friend of mine who looked at some work I had done a little while back and wanted to call me to tell me how great it was. They want to say appreciated what I was trying to accomplish in life, that they respected my priorities.  Also if I was great at what I did before they could not see a reason why I would not succeed at what I'm trying to accomplish right now.

Then I finally decided, maybe after these really great phone calls, that it was the time to ruin my own day as I didn't feel like I should be so pumped so early. It was then I checked my grades.  I swear I almost cried, tears welled up in my eyes. Not because my grades were bad. They were acceptable, they weren't perfect, but they were pretty close. Considering that I never feel like I can study enough, they were close, and maybe had I studied just a little harder they would have been perfect. Or I can quit being so hard on myself and accept that they were pretty close to perfect, and no one would really say they were not good enough. It was right then I appreciated all the social time I had blown off over the summer, all the times I could have been drinking at the beach, that I chose to stay home and study on my roof, that I could have slacked off so much had more fun, all the times I was totally harsh with people and stuck to my guns on saying no, that it finally paid off.

The reason for the tears stems from last night. I am told so many times, that I'm great, that I am an awesome catch. Last night one of the girls right before I left was just going on and on about how if she was a man, she would do everything in her power to snatch me up and never let me go. For some reason as she's going on and on about how motivated I am,  about how smart I appear to be, how gorgeous I am, how normal I am, how if her son brought home a girl like me it would be a proud day in her life, etc...I was totally preoccupied with the thought that I didn't think I had done well in my classes, that I have another half marathon to train for, the laundry I have to do, that I totally brushed off the things she said.

I have heard it from all angles lately, that I'm pretty awesome. One of my best friends has a saying, "If one person tells you, you have a tail, tell them to fuck off, if 20 people tell you, you have a tail maybe you should check". I have been so preoccupied with school, and work, and my family, and side projects, that I have totally forgotten about my tail.

Now back to our normally scheduled programing.


  1. Just wanted to confirm, you do indeed have a tail.

  2. you're pretty awesome no matter what
