Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vacation...champagne room anyone?

Holy crap am I happy to be heading back home. The Midwest is funny. It's like LA there was a point where I decided that I had, had enough. I learned a ton. Here is a list.

1. I'm awesome and I put up with a ton of shit.
2. I am so glad I don't live in the country anymore. Why you may ask?
     1. Keep ass fuckers live in the country.
      2. Unhelpful people live there
3. I was talking to a girlfriend of mine and we were rehashing a resent conquest, she happened to whip up an amazing thing to say to him in bed which was "did you d porn?" "no,why?" "because you fuck like you did porn" I guess I didn't learn that about myself but I had to find a way t work it in.
4. I am an incredible host. I put on a Bon fire and a 13 year olds birthday.
5. I cannot sleep on the bed at my parents house. I woke up everyday and could not move.
6. More than anything I realized that although I may not have a "real job" my time is precious and I cannot let my parents walk all over it again. I need to use my words and remind them that I am on vacation and I would like to rest.

Let's move on to more random thoughts. I'm working tonight. Snap back on it, rent, and tuition it's a doozy of a week.
The puppy, holy cow and I excited for the puppy to be at home with me, she is passed out on this flight, she is totally my dog she travels so well.
I apparently made the most random playlist ever one day.  No clue where what I'm listening to came from, it's random.

HoLY FUCK and a half I can't wait to get home. I swear to god I need to go to BC for a couple of days just to rest up, and feel like I had a vacation.
Why the hell do they give you these tiny ass straws in flights.
Why is it so damn cold?
I am so glad I didn't just start shouting gotye just now.
I had a ton of talks about effective marketing this week. I'm feeling really jazzed about the projects that I'm working on, they should end up being effective and exciting.

I am sincerely hoping I can make it though tonight. I am incredibly tired. On that note and a shameless plug...champagne rooms tonight anyone? I would love to just hang out tonight.

Hands down most random blog I've written in a while. I'll work on a new one when I get home. I cannot wait to see my girls tonight.

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