Wednesday, January 9, 2013

back end...

I check the stats on my blog every now and again to see whats hot besides me. I really want to know who the heck is googling "licking a strippers asshole" everyday. Can you message me and tell me why? Maybe that post was memorable and it's just something you want to read. Mind you I don't want you to quit reading my blog I just think it's hilarious. In other news I am still (from a few months ago) thinking about getting a new computer. It occurred to me today as I was lugging this brick, a couple of note books, and a text book, up a few flights of stairs, whilst throwing down on a heavy lean to my left, to compensate for the weight on my right, that I absolutely fucking hate carrying this shit around. That I just might need to consider a macbook air.

This quarter has been odd, interesting, so far. I finally managed to weasel my way into my classes and for the first time in a long time I have actually intentionally been wearing make-up to school, sometimes it's unintentional since it's still on from the night before. This quarter it's like I finally have the whole "Get ready to look like a normal living person" thing down." I have even quit wearing my flannels out of habit unless I'm working the whole grunge thing... Ahem WHOA! I'm blending like a normal person. Now if I could only find the appropriate bag. I constantly change bags for school. I seriously cannot find the holy grail of bags.

What does all this have to do with my job?

For once I am not stressing about work, school, and the balance that goes in-between, it's like it's all sort of working. Why? because for once in my whole life I am not over extending myself. I'm applying the whole hermit idea. I'm just sort of going through my day at the moment getting back into the groove before I add on extras like running with friends, lunches, dinners, drinks, late night chats, shopping for friends, anything that I really do is being put off to the side for the moment, except one thing. I've gone back to reading before bed. Not anything good and informative that I need to think about but dumb like so dumb the book I'm reading is "The Hipster Handbook".

I really hope I can keep this up for the remainder of the quarter.


  1. Good to hear that everything is going smoothly. Red without over-extension probably makes for an even more awesome Red.

    Read 'the graveyard book' by Neil Bauman, if you get a chance--fun read, good for relaxing times.


    Have fun, lady.

    1. Ahem, 'Neil Gaiman' is the author...I hate auto-correct.
