Monday, January 21, 2013

So what you are telling me is that I can't fly off the handle?

Last night I had to work with my least favorite manager again...
I really am trying to just stay out of the way. I really don't like him. Anyway...
Again he screwed me out of some money. He claimed that I had done two, three for forties.( For anyone who is not familiar a three for forty is a dance special we run a few times a night, it's three songs for forty dollars. I hate them, not only am I giving a discount dance the house collects an extra $10 from me for each one I happen to do. So really it's $30. It never fails some fucking douchnozzle always wants extras during this time. First off I don't do extras, secondly fuck you, I don't ask you for free shit...fucktard.) Which is a bold faced lie, especially if you look at the time in which the 2nd was punched into the computer, which happened to be right smack dab in the middle of me dancing for someone else, in which no dance specials were taking place. (Mind you I don't mind paying for things that I actually owe on) I told him he was wrong, and he just looked at me and said "you know we go back there and check" basically calling me a liar. Let me just say...I don't lie. I don't have a reason to, and I know they go back and check I've been doing this long enough. He starts to babble on about how I'm wrong, I lose my temper and tell him to shut-up (which I shouldn't have done, but my patience was wearing so thin with each syllable he uttered. He of course said "Don't tell me to shut-up" I then said "Fine, you know what, I'm sorry that was rude, hand me back what I just gave you and I'll recount to make sure you don't have any small bills" I handed him the amount he asked for, and he didn't say thank you. I FUCKING HATE THAT! There is no reason not to say thank you. I thank everyone that tips me on stage or buys a dance from me, even if it's just one. A sincere Thank You for 1. Coming in to work. 2. Always paying out. 3. Not causing drama with other girls. 4. BEING THE GOD DAMN CHEERLEADER! I pay his paycheck, without me/us he doesn't get paid and vice versa, but he doesn't need to be a dick.
I left fuming, literally shaking I was so mad. I dislike him so much I almost could't sleep last night. Mind you my dog is still not feeling well so I would like to get in sleep where I can, knowing full well I need to wake up every few hours and clean up her liquid poop...TMI?

I wake up this morning, still upset. I start considering my options.
1. Talk to the person that does dancer relations and bitch about how much he sucks.
2. Move clubs.
3. Change my schedule, which would suck because right now it's pretty ideal when it comes to school.
4. Scream my fucking head off at the slim ball every single time I work? Sounds fun but a little exhausting.
5. Ask our GM for his number so I can set up a meeting. DING DING DING.

So even though I'm a stripper and I would love more than anything to freak right the fuck out everyday on him. It seems best to go through the proper channels, so I don't come off as a crazy fucking bitch. Why? because I like my job. I like my girls, I like the other managers. Mostly because they don't come off as slimy and are willing to work with you and for you if you need something. They don't hang out in the dressing room, they don't walk around acting like slappy the clown. Most of all they don't fuck with my money.
So I have set up a meeting with him. In which we are going to talk about "How to work better together". Honestly if things don't improve I'm moving clubs, that says a lot about this person because I put up with a lot of shit, something about him just makes me want to stab myself.

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