Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gender Bender

The locker room is probably the most interesting place in the strip club not because we are having pillow fights, and eating bon bons. It's were we have our best conversations and our bloodiest fights.
More on the fight later.

This weekend a few of us were giving advice to a new stripper on dating. She is so new it's sort of funny. By funny I mean when she talks I want to squish her head since she is either adorable or annoying the shit out of me. Anyway the general consensus from most of us is...Never ever say how much money you make or don't make, and don't ever pay for everything, split things of course but don't just outright pay for everything.

All of us have done it at some point which of course is why we advise against it. Which brings me to the real point of this post...How did we get to this point? This point in history where we are so independent that we play both parts of the man and the woman? We buy our own gifts and those of our lovers. We are so "girl power" we forget that we don't always have to pick up the check, because it has been so engrained in us that we must prove ourselves, not just because of our gender, but because of our job.

So...Where have all the good ones gone?


  1. Hi Red, we are mostly married, but some among us are too shy to ask you out. And of those who would, many would be scared to ask a dancer out. Odds are against you. But please understand this, all you who dance made life more tolerable for we who hate phony dating meat markets, and had to wait until we found ms right to date someone. Thanks for blogging !

  2. Hey Red, I came across your blog about five days ago, and I can't put you down! Anyway, I agree with you, where the fuck have all the good men gone? I got my R.N. about a year ago, but I'm still waitressing because the money is so effin good and (oh my God, yes I'm about to say this) I really do enjoy it. Now, I hear shit from everyone about not "getting a real job", especially from my boyfriend, who makes about $120,000 a gear. So to prove that I can hang with the big dogs, monetary wise, I find myself splitting everything with him. I, too, want to know what happened to the days when the dude paid for the dates. So if you come across the real men, let me know, cause they ain't in Philly.
