Friday, September 30, 2016

Being pretty and smart finally paid off

The last few nights I have left work in such a horrible mood, the worst, I haven't been making any money. Come to find out I'm scheduled at 7. Okay everyone announcement I'll be on the floor make up and all by 9. If you need or want me earlier than that please email and wait for a response. Then we can go from there.

So tonight I had some guy telling me how hot I am and I'm telling myself just don't be weird, and he's laughing and we are having a good time and I tell him the rules, now the rules aren't there just for me they are there for you too, they are there so I don't try and pull your nose hairs out or punch you in the face for biting by boob or licking my ass crack, they are they are there for the safety of all involved because truly once I get started I might not hear it over the muffled sound of your voice. So do we all understand why I have rules. Anyway this guy is having a good time he's laughing and right before the dance starts he stands up and says I don't think I can do this. The way you've laid everything out is upsetting to me.

So what you are telling me is I should just surprise you with the prices. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow. I'll see how well it goes.

Anyway as I'm getting frustrated throughout the evening hearing no after no, after no, and getting frustrated and heading to the back to cry, since I won't cry in the locker room it's not my thing. I made a couple of calls to cheer me up which helped. I do have to remember I'm a bad bitch, the baddest bitch, and as much as hoe's be plotting I don't give a fuck.

Anyway, I finally happened upon a gentleman who was impressed with my knowledge of accounting and my creative skill and thought I was off the chain hot, like willing to admit that I am without a doubt a 10 and I really needed nothing more than to hear that tonight from someone new that the reason people say no to me is because they happen to be intimidated which I'll say is fair at this point.

Anyway, this guy huge ego boost bought dances, and rooms, and really could not stop telling me how great I was. I am truly hoping I can carry this through till tomorrow.

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