Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Welcome to the danger zone...

You've all seen the hot crazy matrix correct? If you haven't I highly recommend watching it. It may just change your life. I feel like lately I've been bitching about how I haven't been making any  money and really the only person I can be mad at is myself because I'm not out there hustling my ass off to get it rolling it at one am doesn't help. HERE IS THE MOTHER FUCKING THING!

I'm  not the only girl not making money, no one is making any money because we have construction out in front of our building which is really fucking with everyones money. So when I say I am not making money I mean we the club as a whole are not making money. When I say I'm not making money I mean...I'm making money just not like I used to. If you have seen me you know that I mean it, I mean it, I'm pretty hot and awesome and funny, and nerdy, and really don't care that much about being pretty so it doesn't matter to me...or lets just say I don't bank on being pretty. 
Anyway the construction out front is killing us we had 25 people in the other day you can see it in the numbers the dancers out numbered the dudes and thats if they were all there at one time. If I was a man I would have hated that and felt like I was under so much pressure agh it would be awful. I'm getting to the point in the next paragraph...

So I know I'm always promoting to check my wishlist, venmo ( or boardgamesrule) me money, paypal (, western union, mail me a check, a briefcase of cash I can roll around in. What stripper doesn't want that and over the past few weeks I've been bitching about money but it's due to the construction outside, the fact the club flooded the other day, on the floor not just our locker room which has happened before, but we closed the club for the 1st time ever. The bathroom has flooded and seeped into the locker room on more than one occasion leaving us with no toliet since we only have one bathroom fro all the girls. The manager has totally checked out on us. His only good advice is get here earlier I know you would make money and he's right I would. So I shall...I digress I'm tired.
 Hence where the tweets #overheardinthemensroom came from. We desperately need a remodel. Se need to bring back theme nights and fun, and it needs to be not so rigid. Jud needs to not talk all of our money at the end of the nigh when it's slow. Which he did to me the other night. Really leaving me with $20 dollars I could get a job doing anything else and make better money than I am making now. Anyway the whole club is struggling and I thought it would be important to say that. Also I just mention it on periscope frequently because I think it's funny.

That's the other thing management has been wild lately. I showed up late and admittedly didn't make much and the manager took all of it, and then said if you get here before x time I'll be nice to you.
So the next night I get there at x time and get a few rooms and he then tries to take even more from me, So I had to remind him I had fulfilled his tasks so it wold be nice to compromise which to me seems generous I should have told him to fuck off really.  I didn't I compromised in the middle and reminded him he was being a hypocrite. Speaking of my rent is due tomorrow and construction or not I'm going to make it since I'm going it right when I wake up. So I'll be there around happy hour. Nothing not even myself is going to stop me from making this money. Because I know I can. So I shall, I really shall.

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