Friday, October 28, 2016

Your dating futures, thank you's, and marketing rambling.

So if you have been following along. I've gone back to trying to make my twitter more than hey here is a hot picture of me now come spend money on me. I cranked it up a notch took a dive into something that may very well haunt me for the rest of my life (fingers crossed it doesn't) I started using periscope. I should probably use my facebook more often and use facebook live, and youtube, and I should build a site where all of these things are available in one place along with this blog, and a market place. I keep talking about these shirts I'm making well where the fuck are they you ask. YOU WANT A RED THE STRIPPER TEE-SHIRT OR SWEATSHIRT DAMMIT

Well there are two samples the sweatshirt costs me 62.00 to produce and the tee costs me 42-50ish depending if you want front and back print. Anyway if you want the beta version hit me up and I'll hook you up. I promise not to mark-up the price too much not even 100% like most retail just a little so it's worth my time. 
Anyway back to marketing. The landscape is changing and everyone wants their information and they want it now, and especially when looking at the millennial whooooooo every marketer over the age of 40 is terrified of us because they can't figure out how to get us to spend money.... Let me let you in on a little secret. STOP ACTING SO FUCKING CONTRIVED IDIOT. Be willing to make mistakes, like, my grammar is horrid but does it stop me from tweeting no. Do I sound like a robot no.
This is the beauty of snapchat, periscope, live, (VP) don't worry I'm cooking up something good for you I just never use my snapchat. You are the president of it for life just fyi but anyway that's between you and me. Anyway, it's all right now, it's all authentic, I mean if you go back and look at my periscope you can see me cry at one point about my dog,  yes I'm still going on about my dog. 
People come in just to ask for my advice, I say make yourself stand out somehow even if it's something strange. I went from no face ever to all face all the time. I have been at periscope for about a month and have 7500 followers that's insane for those of you that actually know me know that I'm very chill and down to earth....
ON a different note thank you to everyone who has supported me on a bad night through venmo or paypal or just sent gifts to the club, it means the world to me, especially ones not on my list since it means you are just generally paying attention. The women in your lives are lucky, and if you don't have one you will someday and she's very lucky to have you, because i'm just a girl on a screen and you make me feel awesome, some girl is going to be very lucky to have someone who actually listens to them. 
So I'll be here plugging away at this for a while. I need to sit down and do chapters for my book like today. That's a totally different story for a totally different day that I may need a glass of wine to write. 
Hopefully this week I can make it to KISW rather than getting stuck in an airport crying in the tsa line, again check the scope on that one. So you can all here my very strange voice.

Thanks again for helping me along I really appreciate it. 


  1. Red is the worst person to work with, y'all got hustled.

  2. Can you recommend a site where I could get tolet paper made since it's the closest my face will ever come to your gentials. I've been broke and I'm not not going bake and it's not my fault your broken with mommy issues. Get a life. Don't like what I write don't read it. It's that easy toucan avoid me no one is forcing me down your throat unless you're s/o is reading while you choke on their micro dick. Also I paid a designer. If you can do better by all means I'm happy to hire you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. People gotta get their rocks off, and it's easy to insult people while hiding behind a screen. I would love to meet them in the club and see what kind of person they are, that makes them believe, that they are a literary mastermind. I'd also love to read their published works. I'd be even happier to read anything they write after 3 days of no sleep, 6 hours in a car, and while on an airplane. Some say illiterate miserable cunt, I say writing challenge.

  4. Now, what kind of revenge is trolling? It doesn't improve the quality of your life seeing as you clearly only spend your time reading this to search for things you know are going to piss you off and then anonymously spew venom in a cowardly attempt to emotionally damage her. What happened, happened. Move forward.

    Cool designs. Can't wait to see your next marketing moves. Maybe a plunger with your face on it to go along with the toilet paper to remind yourself you don't need this kind of shit in your life?

  5. My dear,
    I am a sleep deprived stripper, so sadly you get my ramblings. If you would like to edit them, please feel free. There are plenty of excuses, for many things including improper grammar.
    xoxo- your favorite miserable cunt
    p.s. thanks for taking the time to read, and leave a comment, it shows you care.
