A stripper named red...all well most of the misadventures, mishapes, mistakes, of being a stripper. All the good things too. Usually funny. Mostly entertaining. Highly opinionated. Never on time.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
I always feel like somebody is watching me...
onstitutional rights* don't have no privacy....
One of my favorite 80's tunes and a cornerstone of my workouts mixes is kind of true in my life, I make most of it really public, which is very fine by me. At other times it's a little bleh. Right now I find myself in the crossfire of periscope, and adsense, I'm not a family friendly blog, and periscope will never tell me what community guidelines I've broken *rights infringement on constitutional rights* but whatever aint no big thing...Gotta stay positive, which is what I'm doing. Work is slow whats new. It's hilarious as always we had a discussion about vintage fur and the ethics of wearing fur. If it's vintage it's been dead for a long, long, long, time, rather than a brand new fresh fur, which am not against at all. Anyway, large pieces like jackets should always be vintage so you can argue both sides. Anyway the excitement behind the scene and another night in the strip club.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Luck, superstitions, getting what you want, and strippers
One of the scariest strippers I ever met (she worked in Portland, had her own booth and holy shit it was off with your head if you used it) some girl had put her shoes on the counter. She turned and very coldly said "Take your fucking shoes off the counter it's bad luck" Ask any stripper and they have a lucky outfit, lucky pair of underwear, lucky pair of shoes, and also equally unlucky outfits, shoes, and underwear. We also have a saying that I keep considering getting tattooed on me somewhere "There is always tomorrow" we live and die by this saying especially on bad nights. We have bills to pay just like everyone else only we don't have the stability of a paycheck so no matter how bad it gets we have to stay optimistic. Girls have the same superstition with their bags as their shoes. It took me forever to figure out the actual meaning of it, it didn't have to do with dirt, half of us bring our own rug to stand on. It has to do with respecting your money and not putting it on the level you walk, because then your money will always stay low. So by keeping it above where you put your dirty ass stripper feet it in theory keeps your money up.
If you follow me on twitter which you should (if you don't it is @RED_stripper) you know I'm always asking for a miracle. For my rent to be paid, for the chance to run into Giles or Courtney again. Guess who came a knocking on my door today just as I was reading an email about my rent...One Giles. Luckily I had a friend over helping me move furniture around (re-decorating on a budget, just move shit around). The door bell rang, and I thought it was a parcel I'm expecting from DC so in my excitement buzzed them (him) in. I should have known by the number of buzzes it was him, we always had a code, when he was sober, and good, and before he killed my dog, anyway i send (oh what should we call him...Thor) to check and see if there is a parcel downstairs, and he comes up and says, nope it's giles. I immediately freak out and say to call the police, only how am I going to explain this "Hi this man has broken into my house before, and admitted it was just to steal from me and I accidentally buzzed him in...can you arrest him?" No, police were called, Thor said giles was trying to write me some sort of note...I'm sure it was something to the effect of "I really need a place to stay I'm getting clean, blah, blah, blah, heard it before" much like the time he broke into my place knowing I was away on business so there would be no one here. I think his note that time apologized for intruding on my space and that he was only there for a little while, the funny thing about that note was I walked into my house to discover the lights on and him pop his head out of the kitchen. Later in an argument of some sort we had (I'm sure it was because something expensive had gone missing as it usually did with him around...He finally admitted that he had only come in because he knew I wouldn't be there and he had actually come by to see what I had that he could sell for drug money. The funny thing is at this point he had stolen mostly everything nice I owned, things with high sentimental value like a Prada wallet (My 1st mentor had given me). So there wasn't really anything left for him to steal at the time, that I wouldn't notice, I mean he did take two red and black Alexander McQueen scarves, thinking I would just think I was just continuously misplacing them. That now I finally am starting to get my things back a little bit by a little bit, I have a new wallet that I like just as much and means as much. He had taken all of my Marc Jacobs bags, and I had a few, and I've replaced them with different bags, ones that could even be considered more grown up than before. Also I spilled an entire bowl of clam chowder in one of those bags so someone is walking around with a really nice black bag that smells slightly of fish. Okay enough about the past and the horrible people I let into my life because I thought I could help them back to the story...
Thor then being a good friend did what any 6'3" 225 lb man (this is why i asked him to help me move furniture) would do, and chase him out of the building.He found him in the laundry room. Thor told him to leave, chased him out of the building, and down the street, saying I wanted nothing to do with him ever and that he's lucky I didn't kill him, since if given the chance I will cry every single day over my dog. I asked Thor how he looked, he said terrible he had sores all over his face, and looked very homeless. I suppose a good Samaritan would have let him shower...at the same time treat others as you would like to be treated, and I think if I was at that point in my life I would want my friends and family to turn me away, I would want any cushion from the bottom removed, so I could fall, and fall hard, and maybe then look around and pick myself up, realize life is unfair yes, but I don't have to be an asshole to people trying to help me, and just because my mother threw out all my designer things was no reason to steal and sell someone else's. I would find a way to get a job, even if it was the most demeaning of jobs (some of you might say what I do now is demeaning I think the exact opposite). However I would collect scrap metal, pour concrete, stand outside of lowes and get day labor jobs, till I could get a real job, then I would get my life together get an apartment, join NA or AA or NA and AA. So I guess I did exactly what I was suppose to do, I did not take pity or show pity where it was not due.
Someone the other day said, because I had found one of my dogs hairs while putting on my make-up that it was a sign from her to move on and get a new dog. I now think it was a warning, and it was her way of making me look at things from a different view, from hers, my little protector, my little (literal) bulldog.
So back to the luck part, I'm always asking for three things my rent paid, and to run into those two assholes. All three have happened in the matter of a week. I'm feeling very lucky, very blessed, very protected in a way. It's going to be so nice to work and be myself again, to work like I don't need it. It will give me the chance to really get back into the swing of being me, of not getting so butt-hurt when people turn me down.
Seriously guys, saying no is just fine, but when I ask you when the last time you saw someone as hot as myself happened to be and you respond with never. Why the fuck are you saying no to a dance? Also am I that odd looking that I'm seriously asking, leave me a message in the comments about it. Anyway saying no is fine, but remember we are human too so say no nicely, I mean do you like getting turned down at bars? Probably not. We don't like getting turned down 25 times in a row. However now that my three wishes have been granted. Lets hope for the fourth and that my parcel shows up. I can close the book on that chapter of my life. I can move on...What a crazy feeling. I suppose there is always tomorrow, but it's nice to know that tomorrow I get to start being me, being funny, and making money again, hell I can start tonight, you can say no as many times as you want because it doesn't phase me.
I'm feeling Sexy as fuck (thanks FP and DC for the hair) I still need to go to Vidal Sasson and use that gift card. I've decided to buy either a flat iron or a hair dryer, and new shampoo and conditioner. Or maybe just Shampoo and Conditioner since both my flatiron actually both of them work fine and my hair dryer has a retractable cord so it fits in small spaces and the cord doesn't get tangled. ANYWHO my hair is fresh as fuck, my body is looking slamming as usual...just need to get my squats in today. I'm feeling Snarky, and Funny, to me they are very different things. I'm feeling like the machine I previously was, the one that made more money than anyone else, that ran circles around the club. I'm very excited to be back in the saddle...I think I've said that about as many times as I've said there is always tomorrow...So I suppose at this moment it would be right to say "There is always today" Tonight I'll tell you the story of a friend of mine going to a strip club for the 1st time and how entertaining it was to me. So...here is to tonight.
Little Darlings,
things to do on the weekend,
tits and ass,
trash talk,
women's rights,
workout video
Dating a stripper and or being friends with one
1st Off AdSense deined my application. I'm guessing it's because my blog is not family friendly enough...I'm to start the ol' email chain to try and figure out a way to monetize this thing.
Anyway, the other night a major cat fight breaks out, like major, rain city, was holding her own, but this girl had like 20lbs on her it was crazy.
Anyway, the club cleared out and I Was pissed as I was about to make a sale and I haven't been doing the best lately, although I should I'm RED. I also think my view of money may be warped. Speaking of I need to make a list of thing I can and will sell of mine to you my lovely readers so you can join the official red fan club. That and JaqTheStripper has Off Duty Stripper tee shirts that are super amazing.
Okay, Okay, the story, there is one guy left in the club, I'm not holding out for a hail marry on this one....Anyway I introduce myself to this person and they immediately tell me that they are nervous. I crack my solid joke of you shouldn't be nervous you aren't in your underwear. He laughs. I giggle, that's what I'm suppose to do. Also I think I'm hilarious.
So I ask this guy for a dance he says yes...oh man I might leave with 30 dollars is all I'm thinking since the night before that's what I left with. We do a dance yay. He says he wants to spend more time. I tell him about our vip. He decides on an hour. Thankfully R ran it and not Luis as I think he would have said no. There is no making that man happy, except maybe if I show up at 8pm every night which is what I'm going to do. I have a financial plan and damnnit i'm making it happen. Anyway this dude turns out to be Jewish....this is where it gets good. The night before I literally talked to a white supermeisit guy, and he asked he if I thought the holocaust was real....uh yeah body loser. He was lame I got up and left. This is when guy in chair says he was at a party and some dude wanted swastikas drawn on and he threatened to carve it on....
Ok the dating a stripper don't do it, we are high maintenance we sleep to much we never eat, we are terrible, We don't look super hot outside of the club just fyi. However we make great wing-men such great ones I should start a service. GO to a bar with a stripper find a girl there you like, you both chat her up stripper leaves and girl is with you. You explain that you are single and thats your friend. you get the girl co-sign that your a nice guy and next thing you know you're making out somewhere else. Totally fool proof
Monday, February 20, 2017
The Good, The bad, and the sexy....
Even though our club is a shit hole which kismet magically thinks I can quit and my bills will still be paid, tell me where you've got that unicorn tied up. Considering that we subject ourselves to this night after night, and it, well it gets old listening to strippers complain. I'm trying to get my persicope back up so look for #red_stripper if you ever want to find me or if you feel like venmo-ing me some money my name is boardgames rule or therealestred1@gmail.com
So here is the thing even though the club is a pit. It still has me. Sorry to say boys I'm still the hottest thing north or la and I'm working a lot lately so you're going to have to try hard to miss me. Unless I'm in portland then I'll give you a heads up for sure. Anyway the club is a pit...
Hoever that doesn't keep seriously some of the hottest, coolest, most family like girls I know out of the club at time I think they try, but they fail. They forget that without us there is no club so even though it's in shambles and we still go in every night hoping for a miracle. Hell I'm hoping for a miracle every day the rest of the week since you know short month rent is due...the usual.
But guys don't let the construction discourage you there is still this
and I'll be there to help you through think and thin...except thin pants they freak me out.
So here is the thing even though the club is a pit. It still has me. Sorry to say boys I'm still the hottest thing north or la and I'm working a lot lately so you're going to have to try hard to miss me. Unless I'm in portland then I'll give you a heads up for sure. Anyway the club is a pit...
Hoever that doesn't keep seriously some of the hottest, coolest, most family like girls I know out of the club at time I think they try, but they fail. They forget that without us there is no club so even though it's in shambles and we still go in every night hoping for a miracle. Hell I'm hoping for a miracle every day the rest of the week since you know short month rent is due...the usual.
But guys don't let the construction discourage you there is still this

and I'll be there to help you through think and thin...except thin pants they freak me out.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Girls in the bathroom
So the bathroom is a popular place in the strip club many a photoshoot, selfi shoot happen there. Today there were four of us in the bathroom and I looked at our half cut off door, with no closing thingy. Thats right there is no privacy in the strip club. Luis is outside talking to one of the girls and I over here him say something about all the girls in the bathroom, and I rollllllllllllll my eye at what comes out of his mouth. A girl asks what he doing and he says he's just waiting to catch us...Mind you yes, girls do nefarious things in the bathroom, but your had some of your best girls in there why would we jeopardize my job like that. So we open the door and all walk out. I'm of course still on a rampage from running into courtney last night and run up to him with a group photo and was like this is what you were trying to catch us doing selfies...seriously. The bathroom doesn't even work. The back counter is gone. That the only other counter space besides our front counter to get ready, is the bathroom, or to get 5 minutes of alone time or selfie time is in the bathroom that's all we were doing.
So last night they broke the water main if you are following my twitter and my Instagram, you will find that even though we had no water we were still open. We have no women's toilet and we are still open. Honestly there are so many health code violations, I don't know how or why we are open. I'm glad we are or it would be more trips to portland...wait that doesn't sound bad at all. I'm just surprised they are even charging us rent, and I understand they need to to fix it and need money to do so but there are other clubs making money, we own a ton on the west coast, we are raking in the dough (well the club is) there is no reason for anything to be in such major disarray because it truly isn't. Also who's brining the health department. Better yet who's bribing me to not tell the health department? Real question?
So last night they broke the water main if you are following my twitter and my Instagram, you will find that even though we had no water we were still open. We have no women's toilet and we are still open. Honestly there are so many health code violations, I don't know how or why we are open. I'm glad we are or it would be more trips to portland...wait that doesn't sound bad at all. I'm just surprised they are even charging us rent, and I understand they need to to fix it and need money to do so but there are other clubs making money, we own a ton on the west coast, we are raking in the dough (well the club is) there is no reason for anything to be in such major disarray because it truly isn't. Also who's brining the health department. Better yet who's bribing me to not tell the health department? Real question?
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Karma is a bitch and god damn I'm beautiful
This started as a text to a friend in a different country so it's going to get jumbled for those of you critics out there and don't worry I see you.
Today at the grocery store... I saw the woman who brought a tornado a literal god damn devestating someone call some sort of government aid service tornado into my life a dope addict, an irresponsible mother someone who cares about no one other than herself. She Who with the help of her then partner also a dope head (What can I say I have a soft spot and think I can save people...I can't) stole with around 100k of things like electronics and designer clothing, jewelry, money, whatever she could get her heroine covered hands on. Slowly piece by piece, while I was gone on business trying to change my life around (not realizing my boss was trying to seduce me, you think there is some good in people and there really isn't at times, and you just have to go with that, at the same time there is, there are people like false portal and dc, and j, who just want to see me suceed). Ruined my life, almost literally. I was lucky enough to walk to the edge of the cliff peer over and decide not to dive into the abyss and see if there was a bottom, the cliff was bottom enough. She was a hooker, had tricks over to my house while I was gone and had sex with them in my bed, never telling me, and never paying rent on time, why because she was a cheap ass hooker...So for a good cheap time call...8675309....jenny I got your number...I would never give out her number like that as much as I love watching chaos I of course want her to be a better mother to her son. OH lest we forget she scratched bitch into my hallway wall on her way out. Because living rent free and stealing my stuff for money and drugs makes me a huge bitch when I kick you out when I find a knife in my bed. I digresss
I walked up to her and told her...nay chased that bitch down was getting ready to swing with whatever I had near me which happened to be a case of wine, thinking do I want to go to jail for attempted murder tonight. IS this how I spend my valentines day. I mean my hair and make-up look amazing this mug shot should look better than lindsey lohans...Anyway I walked up and told her I should beat the shit out of her. She said for what. I said for all the horrid things you did to me. She called me crazy. I thought about hitting her with a wine bottle because it was close and easy to swing like I said before, could have smashed her jaw into fragments right then and there. I decided I didn't want to go to jail and it wouldn't be worth it. She would get off I would get punished there would be no true justice so what on earth would be the point.... I said no, I want to beat the shit out of you for not seeing your son in 3-4 years. She again called me crazy. I screamed not as crazy as you bitch...call your parents tell them you aren't dead. Walked back up the steps bought my whiskey shaking so much I almost forgot to pay the clerk.
I think everything happens for a reason. I did my hair last week so it looks fresh as fuck. I insisted on doing my makeup before before I went to get tomatoes and whiskey (whooooooo Valentine's Day). I said a prayer for protection before I left the house. I was also going through my clutch and realized I didn't have my knife, strange for me, I always have it nowadays, decided I didn't need it. I stopped by work for a moment to say hi, and find out they broke a water main, but dammit we are still open, we are more reliable than the postal service. I was suppose to make another stop and didn't. I was suppose to get the queen of hearts tattooed on my finger and didn't, I just went to the grocery store on a dark and oddly rainy, not misty, not drizzly, but rainy seattle night.
My last couple of years if you have been keeping up have been the worst, apartment fire, lose of my dog (which I could cry about everyday if I was allowed to, literally everyday and I would sleep on the floor where her bed was just to smell her if it didn't make me crazy) two dopeheads I tried to help, end up stealing my life from me. Or what little life I had after the fire with no remorse, just stories of how unfair their life had been how their mothers had gotten rid of their clothes once so they know how hard it is to lose a collection like that but yet pilfered though it. used everything of mine when I wasn't around.
Somehow I made the right split second choice did not harm anyone physically but said just enough with my words for her to know everything she did to hurt me and her family, and went about my life. I told her to call her mom and let her know that she wasn't dead.
So she knows I exist, and next time I won't be nearly as nice, next time words will be had, screaming will start, and she can throw the 1st punch, because everything after that is self defense, and yes bitch, I am crazy, crazy enough to let you live with me crazy enough to let you steal from me, crazy enough to wait till next time, to wait for you to slip up because I know your situation and I know you can't help yourself, so I wish you the best, but night falls on us all and for some of us its a warm blanket and a space to move freely about it, and for others it's hard to see what's coming next.
Fate is a funny, funny, funny, thing. I could have been doing a million other things tonight but somehow fate put her back in my path, made me grow, made me realize that like philly, whom if I beat the shit out of gets plastic surgery which she loves and I get charged so she can stay ugly. That she will always be an addict and a liar, and I hope she gets help, but I've moved past caring about her and what her life is, she looked a mess, she smelled, probably of an untreated std. I hope she finds light in the world. I hope she finds a way. Tonight made me realize shes not worth my time, or my energy or my thoughts, and that my heels will always be higher and I will always be closer to the heavens. Truly I rarely pray, and to pray for protection is strange and I didn't know what I needed protection from but apparently my past.
Thats what it is the fucking past so again...moving on, making money, and being the baddest bitch up in this bitch.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
well Tonight was interesting...
I fully thought tonight was going to suck like every Saturday night in the past few months. I was wrong so wrong, I haven't been so wrong in a while. I danced for my 1st person who's transitioning we had a great time and talked a ton. I also sold two rooms and got there early. so lets see if I can do it again tomorrow. Since I'm feeling like I'm back, and it feels good to be me again, and it feels good to be making money again. I didn't hang in the locker room. I was nice but not too nice. it all worked out great. I am really hoping I can do it again tomorrow. For the rest of the month so I can take some time off. So I can save up some money again since that is what this is about so I can get a puppy and go back to school moving on from my transition dance.
My uber ride home was amazing the driver dates a dancer in vancouver we exchanged information. I asked what she was like he said shes's a beast. so she sounds like my kind of girl. So Hopefully made a new friend their.
Did my periscope. If you come into the club because you read my blog or watch my casts or read my twitter let them know I need to know what the conversion rate is. so I can prove that what I'm doing is actually working.
Thanks guys as always
My uber ride home was amazing the driver dates a dancer in vancouver we exchanged information. I asked what she was like he said shes's a beast. so she sounds like my kind of girl. So Hopefully made a new friend their.
Did my periscope. If you come into the club because you read my blog or watch my casts or read my twitter let them know I need to know what the conversion rate is. so I can prove that what I'm doing is actually working.
Thanks guys as always
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