Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Dating a stripper and or being friends with one

1st Off AdSense deined my application. I'm guessing it's because my blog is not family friendly enough...I'm to start the ol' email chain to try and figure out a way to monetize this thing. Anyway, the other night a major cat fight breaks out, like major, rain city, was holding her own, but this girl had like 20lbs on her it was crazy. Anyway, the club cleared out and I Was pissed as I was about to make a sale and I haven't been doing the best lately, although I should I'm RED. I also think my view of money may be warped. Speaking of I need to make a list of thing I can and will sell of mine to you my lovely readers so you can join the official red fan club. That and JaqTheStripper has Off Duty Stripper tee shirts that are super amazing. Okay, Okay, the story, there is one guy left in the club, I'm not holding out for a hail marry on this one....Anyway I introduce myself to this person and they immediately tell me that they are nervous. I crack my solid joke of you shouldn't be nervous you aren't in your underwear. He laughs. I giggle, that's what I'm suppose to do. Also I think I'm hilarious. So I ask this guy for a dance he says yes...oh man I might leave with 30 dollars is all I'm thinking since the night before that's what I left with. We do a dance yay. He says he wants to spend more time. I tell him about our vip. He decides on an hour. Thankfully R ran it and not Luis as I think he would have said no. There is no making that man happy, except maybe if I show up at 8pm every night which is what I'm going to do. I have a financial plan and damnnit i'm making it happen. Anyway this dude turns out to be Jewish....this is where it gets good. The night before I literally talked to a white supermeisit guy, and he asked he if I thought the holocaust was real....uh yeah body loser. He was lame I got up and left. This is when guy in chair says he was at a party and some dude wanted swastikas drawn on and he threatened to carve it on.... Ok the dating a stripper don't do it, we are high maintenance we sleep to much we never eat, we are terrible, We don't look super hot outside of the club just fyi. However we make great wing-men such great ones I should start a service. GO to a bar with a stripper find a girl there you like, you both chat her up stripper leaves and girl is with you. You explain that you are single and thats your friend. you get the girl co-sign that your a nice guy and next thing you know you're making out somewhere else. Totally fool proof

1 comment:

  1. Maybe with a domain itd be easier? Namechsap has them for 89cents. I'm launching a new stripping sex work blog soon would you want to do an interview or guest post?!
