Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Give me that face again and I will totally let you know

Sadly I'm not talking about work for once. I'm really tired, maybe I should preface with that. I've been putting in work at both work and school. None of which really seem to be paying off at this exact moment which might also be inducing my horrible mood. Correction they are paying off but everything worth doing is worth doing right and sometimes the benefits are not seen immediately Before we get into the highlights of last night I need to get something off my chest. I work in the service industry and you have to do something pretty horrible like...pull your cell out and try to photograph my co-workers to get me really riled up these days. I have my opinions on things and they are as follows. I eat at a particular restaurant almost weekly and every time I show up I get some smug attitude and I feel horribly unwelcome, that being said I suppose it isn't weekly anymore. If I change my mind before you even get my order in your system about what I want to eat and you make an annoyed face at me I'm probably going to let you know, except that today, today I am too tired. Maybe I will just write them a letter voicing my concerns with their waitstaff. I mean I get it I look like Julia Roberts in pretty woman today(BUT I HAVE ALL THIS MONEY)...what can I say I woke up late and grabbed what was closest to me, which happened to be a black mini dress, beige suede boots (of the western nature) and a drapey thingy that I wear sometimes, and yes my hair is totally gross and disgusting, yes I'm not wearing make up. I really wanted to say to this woman who I'm sure is extremely nice "Listen, I saw that face, and it's not the first time someone here has shown disinterest in the fact that I am taking up a small portion of this restaurant, and I understand that should I choose to take myself elsewhere someone else will take my place and I'm sure your tips won't be affected, but please consider if I were to make that fucking little pissed off face at you every time you opened your mouth, or if you didn't hear me correctly, or if you tired to rush me though the line because you have people behind me (please reference the time my change was literally thrown at me because I had to be to class) , wouldn't you just want to punch me? Of course you would! So...stop it, it's unbecoming" Okay maybe I won't write a letter, maybe I'll just ask them the next time they do it if they are in fact annoyed with me and would like me to eat elsewhere because I will. None of this Seattle passive aggressive nonsense.
Okay enough bitching about my lunch experience.

Let's talk about other things like... marketing, and how I am really, really, working on marketing for my club. I could leave my club and go elsewhere but I feel like...if you build it they will come. I am going to put little darlings back on the map if I have to plaster the side of a building with my ass just to get some traffic, if i have to wake up early to do radio shows (not a bad idea, strippers in the morning what could be more fun) If I have to go to every happy hour in this city and hand out my personal work cards to get any and everyone in the damn door, which I'm doing this weekend so if you see me out and about do say hi!  I am waging a war on this city. Not really, but I am going to do my best to create a market, to generate a little bit of a stir. Basically I'm talking about a total brand overhaul. I think we/I need it. I think that it would be a great project and would prove that marketing dowse work when people work at it. Thank goodness for my creative background and the supportive people around me. At the same time I have to maintain a normal life. If I can Balance in 8inch heels I can balance my life.

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