Monday, August 12, 2013

Dear VU...Fuck yourselves

Preface thats a hard thing to say because I know all of you so personally, I've been to your family dinners. WE HAVE HUNG OUT BEFORE but you are figuratively fucking me in the ass. So excuse me.

Some open letters to my company and a few patrons tonight.

Dear Vu,

I don't know if you have looked lately but I would like to remind you that I make you at least $2,240 that's the minimum. per month. It's more in the ballpark of 3000 That's at least the salary of a few people. I know I am one of the girls in my club that makes you the most money. I know that our club makes less money than others in the area...Regardless 2000+ dollars is nothing to scof at. I understand that you provide me with a space to work but I would like to talk about that space right now and your employees

Please explain to me why myself and my fellow dancers must deal with a toilet literally overflowing with feces onto our locker room floor for over a week. That is a health hazard, there is absolutely no reason for us to have to deal with that. Also while we are on the topic of bathrooms. Why must we have paper towels 10ft from the sink, again a safety hazard of dripping water all over the floor. You require us to wear heels please make it safe. Why do we constantly run out of toilet paper? Soap? Hand sanitizer? Why are the locker room floors never clean?

Lets talk staff. YOUR CONDESCENDING FUCKING STAFF! J I'm super sorry but THE WAY YOU TALK ON THE MIKE MAKES ME WANT CAUSE YOU SO MUCH HARM! which sucks because as soon as you are out of the booth your are a sweet heart. I FUCKING HATE THE WAY YOU SAY OOOOH DANCER NAME OOOH DANCER NAME YOUR UP NEXT. I HAVE NEVER MISSED A FUCKING STAGE AND I AM IN NO WAY HERE FOR YOU TO TALK DOWN TOO AT FUCKING ALL. Honestly girls talk about it, this is affecting your tips. Please just be you and be cool. Your waitress that dian to bring strippers drinks like we are the scum of the earth. Your managers that literally laugh in my face when the night isn't going well. Your security not walking me to my car. YOUR GOD DAMN FLOOR MANAGER WHO LITERALLY RUNS INTO ME EVERY FUCKING NIGHT I WORK LIKE I DON'T EXIST who does not stick up for us. Who claims we rip off customers.

As for bad nights...I literally do everything I can to get customers in. I'm on twitter, instagram, blogging, email. I promote more than anyone else and I get nothing, not even a thank-you from you. I am the team player. What more do you want me to do besides roofie people and steal their bank accounts? Which I would never do proof from all the smart phones and wallets left in booths I have also thanklessly returned.

VU...tell me, when did the most important part of your business become the part you treat the worst? The people that keep you fed, clothed, and sheltered, the people that do a job most of you couldn't because it is so emotionally and mentally and physically taxing are now not even worth a pot to piss in.

I am asking you to please remember that we are the reason you are in business.

I'm reaching the end of caring about other people and this company and busting my ass, losing sleep, and now money WHEN LITERALLY NO ONE GIVES A GOD FUCKING DAMN SHIT ABOUT ME. I could disappear off the face of the earth and the vu would not care.

Please reconsider how you run your business before you run it into the ground.


  1. I know work is super frustrating right now... a friendly reminder that it's only temporary and the best of life is yet to happen

  2. When I went to work at the company I work at now, I already had experience in the industry, and was familiar with all the exciting federal regulations and requirements.

    When I went to work for this company, I really thought I was an asset to the company, and that as being a asset, it would be appreciated.

    After a few years, I realized that they consider me to just be a commodity to the company, and that they don't give two shits about me, or the work I do to make things right, or in compliance with our customers rules and federal regulations. They don't seem to realize that people with my skill set are not a dime a dozen.

    They won't do anything to build a sense of community or foster any sort of idea of team work. They also seem to actually try and make it feel like it's the work force versus management, and only one side can win. They can't see that it's not us versus them, but it's all for one, and one for all. For example, years ago, they had a secret meeting on the weekend, and decided that to get us to be more productive, they were going to intentionally get us angry. After all, angry people are more productive! It's even better when you have someone who is angry and is also driving around in a 150,000 pound piece of equipment. Of course, they could not and would not grasp that maybe having us work smarter would increase our productivity, but then they would have had to actually paid attention to what they were doing in directing the work force.

    After a recent meeting with my unprofessional management, I went up to see someone in human resources at our corporate headquarters. Turns out, that for a global business, we don't have a human resources department. I spoke to the companies head attorney, who was to take up the issue with the head of our side of the business. Haven't heard back.

    I wish the economy was doing better and that there were more opportunities to take my former work ethic elsewhere.

    Regarding the issues you have with the facility, I think you might have to investigate work place regulations with WISHA and L&I. From my experiences with L&I, you might have to do all the foot work yourself. I don't know about WISHA. Yes, WISHA is a part of L&I, but L&I considers it to be completely different.

    This might be useful, but I wonder if they would try and claim that the dancers don't count as employees?

    Best regards Red!
