Friday, August 2, 2013

I'm totally pouting, you should ignore this one.

My high school Principle once said to me...
"Red being pretty won't get you everywhere in life" I responded with I suppose you are right but it should get my foot in the door.

Little did I know it would get me literally no where.

Let me preface with I've had a long horrible day and this is me bitching about it. 

This all became very apparent to me as I was having drinks with a couple of friends moments before work. I stepped outside the bar to call a car so I could get to work. A line had formed at the door while i was in the bar and on the phone. My little female brain told me...You have paid for drinks already and this gentleman has already seen your id you can probably duck right back in with your friends and go back to what you were doing. BOY HOWDY WAS I WRONG! I get about half way across the bar when I'm met with someone grabbing my shoulder and shoving me back towards the door shouting at me to get to the back of the line, as I'm trying to stammer out, that I've paid for drinks and he's already seen my id. Doesn't matter get to the back of the line. I'm a little bit peeved at this point and the people in line are talking about me. The girls in front of me get in for free. I get there and the door guy is all "ID" I had him my id and tell him he's seen it and he was like "SO I HAVE" um quick question you let me in before, why the fuck would I leave to get a fake id and come back? Decided not to ask that question I was apparently hated enough at that point. I'm then told it's 7 dollars. No big deal. I open my wallet pull out a 5 and some change and start counting, I needed to off load some change. This dude looks at me and says I can tell you right now that, that is not 7 dollars. I'm thinking in my brain. I can count, and if I happen to be holding up your line maybe you shouldn't have been so fucking chatty with everyone else. So I do the wrong thing and hand him a hundred and ask him to break it...he doesn't have change. I settle for a 20. I walk back to the bar. I explain to my friends what happened. I finish my drink I grab my bag, I walk out the door 5 fucking minutes. I don't think that I fit in at this bar. Maybe it was the fact that I was wearing a nike tee-shirt? I don't know 

Earlier today in my writing class I was accused of being a trust fund kid. I wish I had a substantial trust fund...but I don't, I just work all the time. My fucking professor even got in on it. The thing is the last time I took an english class I dressed way down, like grundy punk kid down, I also don't know if I showered, I was going through a tough time you could say. Anyway back to today, so people are making fun of me for that. I'm equating this to pretty because people say your life is suppose to be easier. FUCK THAT NOISE IT IS NOT!

And another thing I'm tired of hearing no I don't want a dance you are too pretty. ISN'T THAT THE POINT? TO SEE WOMEN YOU DON'T THINK YOU COULD TALK TO IN REAL LIFE? 

I suppose none of this really has anything to do with being pretty. The door guy just wanted to make sure the band was paid as much as possible. Everyone in my are they suppose to know any better unless I wear my stripper clothes to class. Which I just might do. I think I am literally just crabby today because I'm overtired, out of time, and feeling a little lonely even though I'm around people 24/7 So you all can just excuse my oh whoa is me, I'm going to pout blog post over here. 

1 comment:

  1. Smile, Red.

    The people who accused you of being a trust-funder are idiots...why would it really matter if you were, regardless? As hard as you work it wouldn't make any difference.

    The fact that an English professor was getting in on the 'fun' is completely laughable. How he/she doesn't understand that the only reason they have a job is either because of trust fund kids or social programs (paid for by doctors, lawyers, engineers, people with finance degrees, etc.) really shows their ignorance.

    As far as idiots saying 'no' to your dances, if only they knew what they were missing...

    Chin up.

