Thursday, October 18, 2012

I want...

I want birthday cake.
I want fresh stripper shoes.
I want endless amounts of black underwear.
I want lots of water.
I want more red lipstick.
I want great people around me, all the time.
I want a really good year.
I want a great bottle of wine.
I want the girls at work to quit with the cray.
I want people to not run into me because they refuse to pay attention.
I want to go running.
I want to bring my dog everywhere.
I want better handwriting.
I want everyone to play nice with one another.
I want cookies.
I want chinese food and a night on the couch.
I want my laundry to do itself.
I want smart people around me.
I want to not be confused by the tone of text messages.
I want to be successful in my own eyes.

Most of the things I want right now, right this second are completely attainable. It's just a matter of wether or not I go though with them.
Isn't that funny how life works, we "want" so many things, but we don't need much.

I need to apply myself.
I need water.
I need air.
I need 30 seconds of sanity at work.
I need to be smarter.
I little.

1 comment:

  1. Nice list.

    Here's to hoping that you get all of your wants.

    As far as needing to apply yourself and needing to be seem like you have more ambition than most and you'd be scary intelligent if you got smarter.

    Be well, lady.

