Monday, November 12, 2012

The weekend I wasn't "me"

Okay, okay, I was still me, but at this point I think I have seeped into my own personality and it's getting a little harder to seperate. I had better get acustom to it really quick as it appears more family time is in my future. Le Sigh, thus is the life I chose. It takes a fast mode of transportation to lead a double life, I suppose it's a good thing I fly. Drinking and driving->bad. Drinking and flying -> much better as long as I'm not flying.
Oh what I did this weekend. I ran my second half marathon this year. Thats right kids, 2 down 1 to go. Then I get to train for either Chi or DC. It might end up being chi, I'm missing Scores. I know it's stupid but I miss not knowing anyone and just working. I suppose that is the advantage to my club going down the tubes. I don't want to talk to anyone. Not talking means I'm just hustling.
I have completely lost my train of thought.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the half-marathon, hope you ran well and had fun.

